This website is pulling together data that is going to be difficult for anyone to ignore... https://bird-group.org/

An excerpt from the following:


Conclusions: Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified..

Ivermectin is now proven the most effective drug to fight against covid thanks to India. Although we already knew that.

Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug. Is the world dominated by parasites? Why are humans the only mammals on the planet that do not have an anti-parasitic regimen?

This is a bit of a deep dive, but it really makes you think. Take some time to get through it, all the threads are tied together at the end.


I would like to have some Ivermectin sitting around for preventative measures but the only place I find it online is on Amazon (in the form of a paste and advertised for animals) and sketchy generic “buy drugs online” sites.

Also, how long does it take before it expires? A year, 5?

Amazing discussion about Ivermectin by Weinstein and Heying. ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by PurpleTea ago by PurpleTea


At 50:07 they unleash evidence that concludes if ivermectin (or any other combination of drugs) was a clear viable treatment for covid-19 (despite the tremendous backlash from media and celebrity medical experts) the FDA clearly states that no drug (or vax) can be (or should be) "emergency released" if there are reliable and safe treatments already. Malpractice perhaps?

It's worth listening to before YouTube takes it down.

If someone can save it to Bitchute. I'm unable too.









Couldn't believe it, people actually believe this nonsense.

Local small business owner asked me shortly into a conversation whether I've been vaccinated yet (assuming that I would be if I wasn't yet), I said "no", they asked "oh, not yet?", I said "not going to". They go on to ask why not, and after we discussed a few points, we get talking about Ivermectin. They said they heard about it, but looked it up online and seen that "it was a hoax" (that's Google for you).

So, they got the vaccine. They even acknowledged that we don't know if the vaccine is safe, and had this "oh well" attitude about it. Mind boggled.

Gave them this link: https://ivmmeta.com/ . Not sure it'll make much of a difference with them, after many conversations, I'm aware they follow the MSM narratives. At least before they seemed upset and frustrated with the COVID nonsense (it has hurt their business greatly, for example), but now it has become apparent they'll do whatever the MSM says to do (at least for now).


This only took 5 days.

First, you fill out the from by clicking on "contact a physician" here: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/covid-19/how-do-i-get-covid-19-medication

Read every word of their forms. You don't have to be that descriptive. It's quick.

You will notice that the brith date cut-off is 1950. This is their error, so ignore it if you are older that 1950. Anyone of any age can get it. This is what they told me. Don't worry.

After filling out the form, 7 hours later I got 2 warning text messages saying they were going to call me. I missed the call, but they left a message. I immediately called back, identified myself, and they placed my order with a pharmacist in another state. All of this is done over the phone. They don't send it to your local pharmacist unlsss you want them too. I just opted for home delivery. They are very friendly.

Then, the very next day in the afternoon, I got the call from the pharmacist in another state and they made it official by asking again and taking payment over the phone. That was on Monday and today, Friday it came in the mail (UPS).

For a $90 consultation fee at the start, and $212 for the drugs, I received 30 Hydroxy and 25 Ivermectin. The directions on how and when to take them, if you need them, comes with the package.

Now, the only odd thing was this. I asked for 6 months of Hydroxy and a week of Azithromycin. What I received above is what I received. My recommendation, is to be very specific over the phone with how much you get and how much you want, so that the right amount shows up. The hydroxy prescription, is to take one per day for 5 days, then take 1 per week. This is the 30 total amount.

That's it. Simple. Now, I'll just keep it, just in case, and in a month or two—order more to have on hand. Why not?

Go for it. Good luck. Don't take the experimental jabs, and don't have kids do it either.

Ivermectin FTW again! (www.thedesertreview.com)
posted ago by _thorn_ ago by _thorn_

The handwriting is already on the wall; they were not able to sucker all people into taking the vacc. Also, the new BS about vacc'd people being able to infect the unvacc'd, will suppost big pharma selling their new covid protection pills. Big Pharma... does their vast wealth funnel to the smuggling of children worldwide.


The handwriting is already on the wall; they were not able to sucker all people into taking the vacc. Also, the new BS about vacc'd people being able to infect the unvacc'd, will suppost big pharma selling their new covid protection pills.


After reading all the posts here about the wonders of Ivermectin, I decided to start taking it. I found a bottle from my local Tractor Supply, but didn't realize it was injectable until I got home.

The bottle says 1 ml per 110 pounds. This is the exact formula I came up with for the liquid form.

Can I take this in water like the liquid form? Thank you in advance for your responses. :-)

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