
The Plausible Connection between Vaccines and SIDS

Children's Health Defense Team

June 26, 2018

In January 2018, media outlets reported the embarrassing news that children born in the United States are 76% more likely to die before their first birthday than infants born in 19 other wealthy countries. This clear-cut finding emerged from a cross-national study published in Health Affairs by medical researchers at Johns Hopkins and two other leading U.S. teaching hospitals. Even though the U.S. spends more on children’s health care per capita than the other nations, the authors’ unadorned conclusion was that the U.S. is “the most dangerous of wealthy nations for a child to be born into.”

One of the top five causes of infant deaths in the U.S. is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which, by definition, is an unexpected and unexplainable death that occurs in a “seemingly normal, healthy infant under one year of age.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) views SIDS (along with “accidental suffocation in a sleeping environment” and “other deaths from unknown causes”) as manifestations of the broader phenomenon of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). CDC attributes three-fourths (75%) of the 3,700 annual SUID deaths (a conservative estimate) to SIDS and “unknown causes.”

Many of those vaccines are administered in bundles at well-baby visits around two and four months—exactly when nine out of ten SIDS deaths occur. The pronounced bifurcation that characterizes infant mortality in the U.S. versus the other 19 countries began in the 1980s. It would make sense to ask whether something happened at that time that could explain why American children began having a tougher time making it past their first birthday than children in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Iceland or Japan, yet the Health Affairs authors propose only that differences in income, education and the social safety net are to blame.

There is no reason to believe that those factors dramatically worsened in the 1980s. However, there is another “elephant in the room” explanation that the Health Affairs authors studiously ignore: in the 1980s, there was a major uptick in vaccination, including a strong push to enact and enforce vaccine mandates in schools and, toward the close of the decade, a significant jump in the total number of vaccines required.

Without even counting the vaccines now routinely administered prenatally, American infants receive more vaccines in their first year than infants anywhere in the world and far more than in the 1980s. Many of those vaccines are administered in bundles at well-baby visits around two and four months—exactly when nine out of ten SIDS deaths occur.

Evidence of a SIDS-vaccine relationship

In 2017, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled that there was “preponderant evidence” supporting a claim that vaccines “caused or substantially contributed” to a 2011 SIDS death. The court, which has a notoriously high burden of proof, also ruled that the death could not be attributed to non-vaccine-related factors.

When the same authors also conducted a cross-national study to compare vaccine schedules and infant mortality rates across 34 countries, they reported “a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.”

A variety of epidemiologic and neuropathologic studies provide scientific context for the Court’s landmark SIDS determination. For example, a VAERS study by independent investigators scrutinized 1,881 reported infant deaths following receipt of one to eight vaccines and found that the deaths represented almost 5% of all adverse events reported for infants from 1990 through 2010. The authors then considered the childhood vaccine schedule over the 20-year period and determined that there was “a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses administered and the percentage of…deaths” as well as hospitalizations. When the same authors also conducted a cross-national study to compare vaccine schedules and infant mortality rates across 34 countries, they reported “a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.”

…12% of the SIDS deaths occurred within one to seven days of the infant receiving a hexavalent vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type B, poliovirus and hepatitis B…

Case reports offer an even more concrete form of evidence linking vaccines to at least some SIDS fatalities. A study in Italy published in 2014 described histological examination of the autonomic nervous system in over 100 SIDS victims for whom detailed clinical and environmental information was available. After finding that 12% of the SIDS deaths occurred within one to seven days of the infant receiving a hexavalent vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type B, poliovirus and hepatitis B, the authors concluded that “vaccine components could have a direct role in sparking off a lethal outcome in vulnerable babies.” A case report from 2008, also by Italian researchers, described a three-month-old infant who died within 24 hours of receiving a hexavalent vaccine. Drawing on clinical data, postmortem findings and immunohistochemical and laboratory analyses, the investigators concluded that “acute respiratory failure likely due to post hexavalent immunization-related shock was the cause of death.”

…researchers found that half (51%) of all the adverse events reported for hepatitis B-containing vaccines were for children under two years of age, and SIDS was the most commonly reported cause of death.

“No concerning patterns”?

Unfortunately, researchers at the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—the two agencies charged with protecting children’s health and conducting vaccine surveillance through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)—seem unconcerned about infant deaths that are temporally associated with vaccination. Three recent examples illustrate the agencies’ relaxed perspective:

In a 2015 publication in Lancet Infectious Diseases, CDC and FDA researchers analyzed 783 deaths reported to VAERS from 2000 through 2012 following receipt of an individual or combination vaccine containing an inactivated poliovirus (IPV) component. The majority of reports involved children under age seven who received multiple simultaneous vaccines, and nearly all of the reported deaths (96%) were in children less than 12 months of age. For most (52%) of the deceased infants, SIDS was the reported cause of death. However, because the post-IPV SIDS reports “were consistent with reporting patterns for other vaccines,” the investigators found no cause for alarm. A CDC analysis in 2017 looked at over 20,000 VAERS reports (2005–2015) pertaining to hepatitis B-containing vaccines—administered to American babies from birth. The researchers found that half (51%) of all the adverse events reported for hepatitis B-containing vaccines were for children under two years of age, and SIDS was the most commonly reported cause of death. Nonetheless, the review “did not reveal new or unexpected safety concerns.” A third study by CDC researchers covering the time period from 1997 through 2013 characterized “main causes of death” among reports submitted to VAERS. Almost seven in ten deaths (68.4%) were in children, 57% of whom were male. Death certificates or autopsy reports, available for about 85% of child deaths, showed that SIDS was the top cause of death (44%), with asphyxia (6%) occupying second place. Although the CDC authors reported (for the child death reports) that “79.4% received >1 vaccine on the same day,” they noted “no concerning pattern.” …hours after receiving the vaccine, they began wailing loudly, …had convulsions and serious trouble breathing and died shortly afterwards.

The two U.S. agencies and many of their international counterparts appear to be more interested in promoting across-the-board vaccination than in trying to find the cause of post-vaccination infant deaths. In numerous settings, officials take advantage of classification loopholes to mask the role of vaccines. In India, for example, a national committee charged with investigating 54 infant deaths that occurred following administration of an all-in-one pentavalent vaccine (similar to the hexavalent vaccine but without the polio component) sidestepped the possible role of the vaccine by rating 52 out of the 54 deaths as either coincidental or unclassifiable. In Vietnam, the World Health Organization (WHO) willingly reported a link between the pentavalent vaccine and non-fatal serious adverse events but termed all of the fatal cases in 12 previously healthy babies as not vaccine-related—despite reports that “hours after receiving the vaccine, they began wailing loudly, …had convulsions and serious trouble breathing and died shortly afterwards.”

The absence of a hard-and-fast definition of SIDS also contributes to the denialism about vaccines’ likely role. In the UK, researchers have described a growing reluctance among pathologists and coroners to even use the term SIDS, making assessment of SIDS data “potentially inaccurate and confusing.” In the U.S., non-standardized case definitions mean that “cases once reported as SIDS are now being reported as [accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed] and cause unknown/unspecified.” U.S. researchers also have shown that medical examiners and coroners are inconsistent in the cause of death that they apply to sudden unexpected infant deaths and often classify them as “suffocation/asphyxia.”

…“the increase in inflammatory markers found in SIDS infants indicates that infection and inflammation might contribute to some of these deaths, either as a direct cause or the trigger of a lethal event”…

Inflammation and infection

Whether an infant death following vaccination eventually comes to be categorized as SIDS or something else, a common denominator in postmortem analyses is the ascertainment of “signs of inflammation and responses to infection” that are “out of proportion to preexisting symptoms.” The types of “mild problems” often listed as potential vaccine reactions are frequently observed in SIDS infants prior to death. Researchers have hypothesized that “the increase in inflammatory markers found in SIDS infants indicates that infection and inflammation might contribute to some of these deaths, either as a direct cause or the trigger of a lethal event” and “might also be indicative of vulnerability in the immune response to an infectious trigger in infants.” Vaccines—with their potent adjuvants designed expressly to stimulate an intense immune response—could well represent just such a trigger, with unfortunate consequences.

(2 minute video at bottom of page)

Eyewitness Video: SIDS & Vaccine Injury


in the comments below, please give examples of things you didn't know then. thanks

Dr Harris Coulter On SIDs (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 MEMORY HOLE 🕳️
posted ago by lovecymru ago by lovecymru


I had a call with over a dozen doctors and holistic practitioners today, all friends of Jason Dean. He chose doctors he knew who would be willing to go on a zoom call; there was no other selection criteria.

While they asked not to reveal who said what for fear of retribution, I will summarize some of the most astonishing statements that were made in the call today.

The key points: (Longer list and more detail are in the article)

Unvaccinated kids are uniformly much healthier than vaccinated kids. Nobody on the call disagreed with this.

Vaccines cause autism, SIDS, and other chronic diseases. Several doctors noted that all or nearly all of their autism cases were linked to the MMR vaccine. In another case, one doctor told the story of a police investigator that he knew personally who was assigned SIDS cases over 7 years; she noted that 75% of SIDS deaths happened within 48 hours of a vaccine (approximately 300 cases total). That’s impossible if the vaccines aren’t causing the deaths.

It is possible, in some cases, to partially reverse autism. The most successful reversals occur when the child is treated soon after the injury and the parents are committed to the treatment protocol.

. . . Although the call was not recorded to protect the reputations of the people on the call, any mainstream fact checker can reach out to me and contact ANYONE on the call (choose from the picture above) to verify that EVERY statement below was said in the call.

Was this a biased sample?

All samples have bias.

If you are a doctor reading this and disagree with anything that was said and would like to do a Zoom call with your colleagues to set the record straight just like this call, I’d be happy to host it and write up what was said.


There was no reason for any of these doctors in this call to lie about what they saw.

Unless these doctors are ALL lying, we have a serious problem that nobody wants to talk about.

Basically, the vaccines are harming our kids and should be stopped. The risk/benefit tradeoff isn’t even close. Kids are much healthier without any vaccines. This call was yet more confirmation.

I’ve invited any doctor(s) who disagree, who can show there is no link between vaccines and autism, SIDS, and higher disease to contact me to do a similar Zoom call where we can talk about it.

It’s tragic that some states (CA, NY, ME, MS, CT, and WV) require vaccines for public schools and there is pretty much no way out other than to homeschool your kids or move out of state. We aren’t allowed to have any debates with the authorities on whether this is a good idea. They know more about your child’s health than you do, and they will not be questioned about it.



The bottom line is that the experts know how to solve the chronic disease crisis in America, but they are not allowed to talk about it. And even if they did, no one would listen or believe them. They would be labeled as liars and misinformation spreaders. Trust me, I know something about that.

In my case, I’m not afraid of having my medical license revoked because I don’t have a medical license. And I’m not afraid of any reputational damage because I’m already disrespected by the mainstream community and banned for life on Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Medium, and so on. Google rates me as the world’s #1 misinformation superspreader. Most of my former friends won’t talk to me. So I have nothing to lose!

I will fund a study to identify the common unique practices of clinics with superior health outcomes (including zero autism). And I’m also going to fund a robust statistical analysis on my survey data to prove that it shows a causal link between vaccines and a variety of chronic diseases in a way that is impervious to attack.

The bottom line is that the mainstream medical community and CDC will never do these studies. And if they did, they’d never publicly release the underlying data.

But I will do these studies and release the data. And America will finally learn the truth about the incalculable damage that the CDC, FDA, and NIH have done.

Why didn’t my doctor tell me about this?

You never hear about these practices because the doctors know that if they talk about it publicly, they will have their license to practice medicine revoked for life.

The most stunning thing James told me in our call today is that after he wrote the book, he was contacted by one of the most senior scientists in the autism field who told him straight up:

“We all know vaccines cause autism. We just aren’t allowed to talk about it.”

James told me if you got the top 100 autism scientists in a room and they took a poll that could not be traced back to them as to whether vaccines were the major driver of autism, the vote would either be 100% YES, or very close to that.

How can hundreds of papers in the medical journals that claim vaccines don’t cause autism or SIDS be wrong? Is science that corrupt?!?!

In a word, yes. I never would have believed this myself two years ago.


i will keep repeating this until the whole world knows...

vaccines do not merely "cause" SIDS...

the entire concept of "SIDS" itself, was invented to cover-up the fact that vaccines kill so many infants.

the entire medical establishment is well-aware of this fact.

"SIDS" is a wink-wink way of communicating that the baby died of vaccines, without actually mentioning vaccines.

the kicker is, that "SIDS" is blamed on the baby sleeping wrong.

doesn't matter which side the baby was laying on when they died, it's obviously the "wrong" side, by definition, because the baby died while sleeping on "that" side.

they gas-light tf out of parents.

tell the parents that "SIDS" is actually a cover-story for "parents killed their baby by bad sleeping habits"

so that way the parents aren't charged with a crime,

because apparently in some jurisdictions, its not good to co-sleep with baby, because if the parent rolls over on baby and kills it, its investigated as a homicide,

because sometimes parents "roll over" on their babies on purpose.

like a too-late term abortion.

but anyway, the parents did kinda kill their own kids on purpose, with vaccines,

and so "SIDS" gives a good cover story to the parents too,

who don't have to admit to friends/family that they vaccinated their child to death.

recently vaccinated

died suddenly

doctor's baffled

my ass

you can't tell people

you have to show them

what have you seen, over the last 3 years?



bio-labs in Ukraine

bio-labs in Wuhan

Bio-labs in Sudan

"gain of function" for viruses

"guided evolution" for viruses

COVID biological warfare

mRNA gene therapy shots, more biological warfare

military boots enforcing lock-downs

vaccine passports

forced vaccinations

coerced vaccinations

mandated vaccinations

clot-shot memes

embalmers reports of blood vessels filled with spaghetti

big media vaccine narrative

big pharma vaccine narrative

big hollywood vaccine narrative

big journalism vaccine narrative

Psalm 135:15-18

They Have Eyes, But Cannot See.


Luke 24:45

And Then Jesus Opened Their Minds,

So They Could Understand The Scriptures


Now, after "seeing" what you have personally seen, over the last few years,

And taking it all in today, in its totality,

And thinking back to everything that was done to us,

And ask yourself, whose side you are on now?

are you "pro-vaccine" ?

or are you "anti-vaccine" ?

and if you "identify as" an anti-vaccine person today,

then you have rejected the current state of "Trust The Science",

in favor of "The Scientific Method".

or maybe it was even deeper than that.

what you witnessed was evil.

pure evil.

and when you witness


then you have "knowledge of"


Genesis 3:22

And the LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and He clothed them. 22 Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...” 23 Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.…


have one more look.

stare at this image for a good long time.

go back and forth in your mind,

thinking about each image,

right and left, tick-tock,

this is the most powerful image in the entire world right now.

it so easily illustrates "the knowledge of good and evil".

did you see the WHO as "evil" before?

did you see the UN as "evil" before?

did you see the WEF as "evil" before?

did you see Bill Gates as "evil" before?

did you see Dr Anthony Fauci as "evil" before?

did you see Klaus Schwab as "evil" before?


because you didn't even know who Klaus Schwab was,

and you had never paid attention to the WEF before.

The WEF orchestrated Event 201,

Which was basically a blueprint for the COVID-19 pre-planned man-made "pandemic".

You never paid attention to the UN

or the WHO,

or NATO.

or Ukraine,

but here we are today,

Almost May Day


May 1st, 1776

Illuminati Birthday Holiday,

Workers Of The World Unite

They Say,

But Unite behind WHO?


New World Order

Like GHWB Said,

In his speech,

From The Oval Office,

White House

Washington DC


Where he said they will be successful,

In their endeavor,

To create a

New World Order

The United Nations

Agenda 21

Agenda 2030


Great Reset,

That Doesn't include You,

Or Me,

Or Most of Humanity,

You See,

They Are Trying To Kill,

Me, And You,

5th Generation Warfare

On your screens,

in your eyes,

In your ears,

the message is clear,

you are non-essential,

and expendable,

and replaced by a robot next year,

it's the 4th industrial revolution,

according to Klaus Schwab,

and most of you slobs,

just won't have any jobs,

because robots

will mop the floors,

and mow the grass,

and even wipe your ass

you'll need a UBI

thats a Universal Basic Income,

that's their way,

to stop riots,

when the plebs go

without jobs,

and they can't even pay

all the rent,

and they're falling behind,

the rat race of life,

catching up

every month,

it gets worse,

this inflation is bleeding us


and we can't even afford

to put gas in the car,

to get to work, and back,

where pay checks,

are already spend,

on pay day,

and everyone else,

is hustling too,

and its starting to look

like Klaus Schwab's

wet dream

might come true,

for me,

and you,

Mark Of The Beast


Revelation 13


is the bait,

once you take,

their fake money,

its the beginning of the end,

of when you will own nothing,

and be happy,

and you will eat

ze bugs

and ze

bill gates burgers

and ze

cricket flour

and ze

mystery meat

its 100%

of your daily intake



for "protein"

its ze bug treat!


big smile

for the camera

like Sandy Hook dad,

look into the lens,

into the viewers soul,

so they think

they've met

their soul mate,

with an emotional


but its a one-way


they're broadcasting

at you.

never listening


10-4 ?

you got your ears on now?


Is this telephone on?


Loud and Clear

like Psalm 135

and Revelation 1:3

The message is clear,

its Good News,

Our Savior Jesus Christ

Is Here,


But Not Dying

For Our Sins

This Time,

But To Rhyme,

For The Kids,

A Message Of Love,

Like Jimi Hendrix

At Woodstock 19:69

Luke 24:45

Look Again


And Ye Shall Find

That The Kingdom of God Is Inside Of YOU,

Yes YOU,

Time Magazine

Person Of The Year


Not Hither and Yon,

Dead and gone,

Like a Pawn

Off Chess Board

Freemason's Floor

Black And White,

Blurs The Lines,


Wrong And Right,

Yin and Yang,

Equal Parts

Like A Man

And Woman


Equal Parts

Come Together

As One

At The Same Time,

If The're Doing It,


But Before I Go

TO Sleep,

I Must Say

To You,

That Chess




Because Whites

Always Go

First Haha



strokes beard...

i wonder if someone could feed the OP into an AI program and have it make a music video,

and then post a link in the comments below


As long-time proponents of vaccination — professionally involved in vaccine development, promotion of the dangerous HPV vaccine and accepting of COVID-19 vaccines as a solution to lockdowns — the three declaration authors positioned the decline in childhood vaccination rates at the head of their list of “disastrous” lockdown consequences.

Far from witnessing a disaster, however, observers by June 2020 had begun noticing a wonderful silver lining — a “surprising” pandemic effect on the death rate among infants, in particular, with 200-plus fewer infants dying per week, amounting to a 30% reduction in expected child deaths within a few months.

To explain the “something mysterious” saving the lives of infants, these analysts, along with Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, pointed out how the missed infant vaccines coincided with a “precipitous drop” in reports of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

SIDS deaths — which by definition affect children who are normal and healthy — and sudden unexplained deaths in children over age 1 typically occur in close temporal proximity to vaccination, with nine out of 10 SIDS deaths following two- and four-month “well-baby” visits.

An analysis of three decades of VAERS data found 75% of reported post-vaccination SIDS cases occurred within seven days of childhood shots.

Japanese pathologists who identified SIDS cases taking place within a week of vaccination agree that “suspicious cases do exist,” leading them to encourage forensic pathologists to “devote more attention to vaccination” in SIDS events.




this is a very important distinction to make!

we are lead to believe that some babies just die, and then "doctors are baffled".

we are lead to believe that SIDS is maybe caused by a baby sleeping on their "wrong" side, which is, whichever side the baby happens to be sleeping on when they die.

"back to sleep" is just a way to obfuscate what SIDS really is...

vaccines kill babies. thats not a secret. even the CDC website, that lists all of the known adverse reactions for all vaccines, lists "death" as a possible risk

and yet, when vaccines actually do kill babies, they don't put "vaccine" as the cause of death.

they put "SIDS" as the cause of death,

which is really just a wink-wink covert way for medical staff to know and communicate that a baby has died of a vaccine, without saying the baby died of a vaccine.

"SIDS" is what they put as the cause of death, ONLY IF everything else EXCEPT vaccines, has been systematically ruled out.

they have no way to definitively "rule out" vaccines, as a cause of death.

and yet they always do "rule out" vaccines, implied by.... "SIDS!"

is it as clear as day to you now?

you have seen "SADS" (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)

and you knew something was very fishy about SADS.

you have seen "Died Suddenly, Doctors Baffled" become a meme.

you have seen the media, and the government, and the medical establishment, and scientific establishment, et al

not only turn a blind-eye toward vaccine problems,

but actively try to push more people to get vaccines in spite of the problems.

and now they want to ask for "amnesty"? like they didn't know what they were doing?

the day that i found out vaccines caused SIDS...

i already knew that vaccines killed babies, i just didn't connect the dots until Kathy tried too hard.

but way beyond the already astonishing fact that vaccines can and do "cause" SIDS,

is the even more astonishing fact that they invented "SIDS" deliberately to cover-up the fact that vaccines kill babies!






this is the twitter account that got my twitter account banned.

at the time my twitter account was banned, this guy was primarily interested in banning all anti-vaccine accounts, and he seemed to have the power to do it himself.

so DO NOT mess with this guy. look but don't touch, or else your twitter account will get suspended.

we need to get a message to Elon Musk, that he needs to reinstate every account that this user banned,

and then ban this user for abusing Musk's platform.


EDIT: from the comments below, is this link:

Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature




From dark to light...more and more will be revealed

From article

Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within 3 days post-vaccination and 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration.




Since we all know SIDS was invented to cover-up vaccine deaths,

I wonder if the worlds richest man is smart enough to figure out that vaccines killed his baby.




tweet reply: SIDS, by definition, occurs in children too young to received the measles vaccine, doesn't it?

Gorski: Pretty much, but the age of peak SIDS incidence (2-3 months of age) does correlate with other vaccines.

there is it folks.

a man who is a so-called expert in breast cancer,

playing the role of "jack of all trades, and master of none"

implying that its perfectly normal psychology to want to shoot up dead germs in a misguided effort to save your own life from a mild childhood infection,

and implying that anyone who doesn't participate in this quackery, is the actual quack.

heroin junkie: i shoot up, to stay well.

vaccine junkie: i shoot up, to stay well.

can you think of any other medical procedure, that has such a cult-like following?

oh yeah, abortion...

is it a coincidence that both of these procedures are promoted by the exact same people?

abortion isn't health care.

real health care doesn't necessitate a baby dying.

real health care would be saving a baby's life, not taking a baby's life.





its very important to understand the following distinction.

vaccines do not merely "cause" SIDS.

SIDS is not some mysterious "sudden death" that has "doctors baffled".

doctors know exactly what causes SIDS, because they invented SIDS to coverup the vaccine deaths!

they NEVER plan on "discovering" what actually causes SIDS, because they already know.

they NEVER plan on making vaccines any safer, or adjusting the vaccine schedule, because there is no incentive to do so.

AND, FURTHERMORE, the vaccine makers are "hesitant" to make any changes, due to consumer complaints, or due to critics, and skeptics, and "anti-vaxxers",

because to change, is to admit there was a problem, that needed changed.

and in the minds of vaccine cult victims, vaccines are 100% perfect, safe, effective, etc.




Ben Collins: This is the top post on the Q forum tonight, if you're wondering if these are people earnestly interested in participating in democracy.

https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1565526686153805824 https://archive.ph/z9bmg

https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__ https://archive.ph/wGHMJ

regarding this post:

Raise your hand if you aren't interested in hearing a lecture about threats to democracy, from the man who stole the 2020 election...


TOP KEK https://i.redd.it/a75pafrnwjl91.png





TOP https://twitter.com/search?q=Vaccines%20Cause%20SIDS&src=typed_query&f=top


LIVE https://twitter.com/search?q=Vaccines%20Cause%20SIDS&src=typed_query&f=live


Kathy Meme

Know Your Meme - Who is Kathy? Kathy is the prototypical vaccine injury denier who doesn't know much about vaccines, but she heard theres 100 studies that can't find any evidence that vaccines cause any problems at all.

Kathy tried to dismiss a vaccine induced death as "SIDS",

and accidentally red-pilled the hell out of me.

which is why my username is u/VaccinesCauseSIDS



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