11PlayingTheGame 5 points ago +5 / -0

So it's stolen luggage from multiple baggage claims according to this report. Incredible.

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the 1920's and even through the 30's wasn't the stock market considered a literal gambling syndicate ("A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities.")?

So they rigged it to let a tiny fraction of people "win" - basically turned it into a casino game - and made it legitimate. Anyone really think that the ones who run it also "play" it? Or do they play you?

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +3 / -1

So support Hollywood to watch a movie about a movie I'm watching? Kek nah

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should be red, blue, and refs in the huddle. The People on the other team.

11PlayingTheGame 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does the god you give your energy to demand genital mutilation (call it whatever you want, it remains genital mutilation) of your infants in order to show allegiance? Did your god call for blood sacrifices and burnt sacrifices of animals to appease him? Did your god call for the blood sacrifice of a human?

You will have all the excuses in the world to answer these to fit your mainstream religious narrative. So I'll answer with Truth. Yes, yes, and yes.

Do "Satanists" call for mutilation of children? Yes. Do they perform blood and burnt sacrifices of animals? Yes. Do they call for human sacrifice? Yes.

You can change words around all you want. You can call a devil god and god a devil. Your words and titles mean nothing. Your actions prove where your heart is. For all to see.

I don't care if I'm the only one here willing to stand for what is right. I'll do it till all is complete. While you keep supporting Darkness.

"Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth"

11PlayingTheGame 17 points ago +17 / -0

They don't need permission. You've been spied on since birth and nobody ever got your permission.

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same thing happened in Sao Paulo recently. Just before they started taking out the Communists. This could be a very good sign. Or nothing. We can hope.

11PlayingTheGame 1 point ago +1 / -0

Title is off but thanks for the video. It's encouraging.

11PlayingTheGame 9 points ago +9 / -0

Q 559. "Nothing is ever truly erased/deleted. These people are STUPID."

Q 4845. "Nothing is ever truly deleted."

11PlayingTheGame 0 points ago +1 / -1

You made none. Go back and try again. Or don't, I don't care. All you've shown here is a spine of jello. Trump's America First means nothing to you so your words are empty. Goodbye.

11PlayingTheGame 0 points ago +1 / -1

Out of one side of your mouth comes "hunans are the only sentient physical beings in the universe," then out of the other side you admonish me to be humble.

The absolute lack of self-awareness is unreal. But sadly expected here. Good day.

11PlayingTheGame 0 points ago +1 / -1

The gatekeepers don't call it a "beautiful lie" for nothing. You feel holier-than-thou because you're surrounded by other fakers attacking me for saying people should tend to their own happiness first, then do for others. You're allowing this country to be taken over - every single one of you - because you're so extremely egotistical.

Angry? Hell yeah. I wish more would get angry about the kids hurting and the country being invaded. Instead you all sit around patting yourselves on the back for perceived spiritual superiority. Why do you think I was asked to come to this echo chamber? You all deserve what's coming.

11PlayingTheGame -2 points ago +1 / -3

Haha do you think that parroting other people because "feels" was adding anything? Ok, I'll humor you.

Topic: We need to change the immigration laws and allow anyone from anywhere to come in. After all, the whole world deserves the American dream! His argument: put others' happiness before ypur own so yes, open our borders.

Topic: We need to send monetary aid to any other country that needs it. After all, we have plenty here and so many others have so little! His argument: Yes, we need to make others happy first. Send them our wages.

Topic: Dreamers have a right to work in this country, moreso than Americans. After all, they didn't come here on their own. His argument: Their happiness is of utmost importance. Let them have our jobs.

This could go on forever. Your logic, like his, is not only lacking but is destroying Americans and their families in order to make everyone else happy.

You must tend to your own happiness first, then do what you can for others. Do you understand little drone? Or there will be nothing left of this country because of your ideals.

11PlayingTheGame 1 point ago +2 / -1

Of course. But the meme says put others' happiness before your own. That is the debate. Not generally being kind and loving, which is good for all.

11PlayingTheGame -3 points ago +1 / -4

Sure guy, you're very special. Some might say as unique as a little snowflake. Haha

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