a broken hip at her age kills abt 80% within 6 months time, usually from pneumonia as a byproduct of not getting up and walking much any more
When the whole Chyna Virus madness kicked off, there was an article that clearly stated it was developed at UNC until " it became too dangerous' and then it was moved to Chyna. Naturally, that article is not to be found online any longer. But this is a nice substitute....(https://www.carolinajournal.com/former-cdc-director-claims-that-covid-19-emanated-from-unc-chapel-hill/)
He's not a medical doctor, but he's Ethiopian. Their regional IQ is so vastly superior to the rest of the world that it more than compensates any traditional schooling.
She actually applied and got denied.
No interview for us. We had matching white shirts and red ties and hats. Several folks wanted to take our pic, so it was fun for sure.
I'm as anxious for this election as any other, albeit for entirely different reasons. Be safe and armor up. Our enemy is not flesh and blood...
I was fortunate enough to be there and sit up close today. Absolutely perfect Carolina fall day and great energy as always.
Alina was on fire as usual with the Epstein quips.
Trump referenced Tuesday as so much bigger than the Super Bowl a few times. He really dug into the missing kids talking about them being trafficked for sex.
When referring to those of us who had voted early, he said that on TUesday will will be glad we voted the way we did which I found 'dasting...
I had a 10yo with me, so I was honestly more focused on him taking it all in, and he most certainly did. DJT is his hero.
That thing is a chunker! They make some good stew if you cook them right...
He ain't dropping crumbs, he's working his way up to dropping Thor hammers!
He's really been getting after it in NC down the home stretch. I really thought NC was in the bag and he would be focusing elsewhere, but you never know. I'm gonna take my grandson to a rally tomorrow and he is so stoked to be going. It is a great time to be alive folks...especially when you know how the story ends :P
"He who has ears, let him hear."
I say, I say...color me shocked
So now Chyna can conveniently focus on Taiwan...
We get 17 days to vote early where I live in NC...I'm going today for the opening only because the Boss keeps asking us to do it. Its out of our hands now, all I can do is pray.
A table full of wisdom right there. Those gentlemen have lived and seen a thing or two. It saddens me that society (the smug ass CBS beeotch included) pays them so little respect.
I remember Scavino was all about this one at one point, but I was never really sure why
You could always take out your frustrations on your local FEMA rep, get arrested and have hot water, power, tv, clean bed, toilet, food. Its probably not sounding like a bad option for some folks right now.
She just showed up with him in tow when they arrested her dumbass daughter a couple of weeks ago...
It is hard to believe that Russia would accept those losses and still continue the slow roll...
Hide yo cats, Hide yo ducks, they eatin' erybody up in here.
He needs to ask them about the way the last 'inauguration' was run...that would be fun
Familiar theme, but HIV from a few years back...(https://www.bbc.com/news/health-28352365)
When did Cap go to the tanning bed? I'm behind the times...
I thought that congress ususally left a few folks behind so that they are tecnically 'sitll in session' to avoid things like this?
There is sum ting wong with this picture.