3Beans 4 points ago +4 / -0

Of course I know this. I served during the cold war, 1985-1993. What is important now is his riddance of the Bolsheviks from his country and his defining Russia as a Christian nation. His cooperation in ridding the cabal from power. His restraint as the deep state is trying to start WW3. That's what we should notice...what is he doing NOW, not decades ago. The puppeteers are going out, His strings have been cut, and he seems to be working with Trump to take out the deep state.

3Beans 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Q operation is about researching our own truths. Putin is taking out the deep state cabal, along with Trump, and others worldwide. Our US military leadership had some very bad actors, directing our military to do things that are not in the interest of the American people, but in the interest of the cabal. Putin is dismantling the cabal in his area, including the bioweapon labs our DoD / Pentagon / Biden have established along their border. Everyone is on their own timeline of awakening. And the news/events coming are going to be shocking to many. Especially if you believe Putin/Russia are the bad actors in this movie. And I love my country, not my govt, and yes, I am a veteran.

3Beans 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is interesting is he is the only one reporting on this stuff. The lone voice, countering all the other MSM narratives. And it's interesting. I just wonder what changed his reporting, or who is encouraging/discouraging it. Why is his reporting different, why hasn't Fox cancelled him yet, etc. It is interesting to see TC and Trump interacting together. The fact that those emails came out gave him a lot of press the leftists probably saw, and maybe because of that they'll tune in. His ratings are thru the roof r/n, so I'm sure some dems/leftists are watching to see what he has to say.

3Beans 6 points ago +6 / -0

IMHO, as a journalist, what is important is bias. He doesn't have to like Trump. Does he show bias in his reporting? That is the question. Additionally, "hating" Trump -- how many normies/leftists that are sleeping will this resonate with?

3Beans 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed, I was saying this last night. All the normies that watch MSM see this. He is helping, I believe.

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like it's for vax victims from the signs....is it for the virus too?

3Beans 65 points ago +68 / -3

Beautiful. Any doubts I had about Tucker were put to rest here. Yes, let's remain skeptical, but he's the only talking head in MSM saying these words. This is the Great Awakening.

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

This post is evil. Talking about skinning and eating 50 E1s. WTF is wrong with you?

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you and your family for your service. My dad also Nam vet, agent orange, prostate cancer and other, 150% rated. I think it's cognitive dissonance with him. He knows it's agent orange, but hasn't connected to deliberate poisoning by our govt.

3Beans 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why we pray. We enlisted with pure hearts. We came out different. Pray for our military, who suffer pretty high suicide rates as it is.

3Beans 3 points ago +4 / -1

Did nothing more than a Civi job? You have a lot to learn. We all signed up with the knowledge it could mean the ultimate sacrifice. Most of us have chronic illness from the vax they tested on us. Just because some didn't see combat doesn't mean they didn't "earn it."

3Beans 17 points ago +17 / -0

Agreed. This hit home for me. Thank you, from an Army veteran.

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

I sure hope so, but the Vatican was owned by the Roths. Has this changed under Trump? Did he free the Vatican from Satanists?

3Beans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anyone linked the jab to increase in suicides/attempted suicides? I know the lockdowns heavily contributed to this, but wondering if the MRNA has also had an affect.

3Beans 9 points ago +9 / -0

Since a lot of celebrities (oprah, Harry n Megan, etc) use SVB, isn't it amazing they're getting bailed out first? when the banks for the rest of us fail, there will be no more FDIC to insure our deposits.

3Beans 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree. To see some of the comments is disturbing. So much hate. WWG1WGA, how does one forget our mantra?

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