Or, it was an inside job.
This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone.
President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.
This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone.
President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.
Because they most likely would have been killed by the Police or SS.
I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.
Anyone with combat experience or with experience in a shooting can tell you this was no staged event. This was a legit assassination that ended with the death of an innocent man, and the survival of the intended target.
I am relatively certain the SS was a part of the plot. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to understand. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to understand. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
The answer is to fire all federal government "protection" and depend 100% on his own private security detail.
The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
- This was not a staged assassination attempt. It was the real deal. It was a real shooting and a real attempt to kill our legitimate President.
- The area was not secured properly, nor was protocol followed in securing the venue. The SS was slow to react to the threat. They took an extremely long time in moving him to safety. Both are in opposition to the extensive and precise training the SS receive to be on a security detail of this nature.
- The SS is as compromised as the FBI, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency.
- The hoped for outcome was not achieved forcing the SS to jump into protection mode and move Trump out of the area. There is no way 3+ shots could have been taken by the assassin before a SS sniper could get off a shot.
- I predict Trump will keep his personal security team close around him going forward. Between him and the SS.
To me, this has a lot of red flags indicating it was a possible set up. There is no way they could have predicted only 1 of the shots fired would hit Trump, and it only be a grazing wound.
If you do not believe the SS is as compromised as the other federal agencies, then you are truly gullible. President Trump needs to keep his personal security team around him at all times.
There is no way this was an "oversight". This is all the SS protection detail do for a living.
This was not a staged event.
This was not staged.
It was a typo on my part.
What is happening today, under Biden, is an invasion. So-called Sanctuary States, Counties, and Cities are aiding and abetting this invasion, which is a threat to national security. So, yes, in this case, Federal law is proper jurisdiction.
The same could be said for illegal immigration at any time, not just under an illegitimate "President" intentionally destroying our Republic. illegal immigration has always ben a threat to national sovereignty and security.
The Constitution Party comes to mind.
Another crime by government against individuals. The Constitution FORBIDS government from taking individual private property.
They do the same thing to people arrested for gun possession, even when released and charges being dropped. It takes years, if ever, you get your guns back.
Well, if a few hundred of us were to send in individual FOIA's for each of the issues posted by TaQo that would keep them busy in Greenwich for quite some time.
Not going to trust here. Just listen to President Trumps "Snake" story.
Ben Carson is the best pick for VP, IMHO. He has a long track record of goodness.
This cannot, and, God-willing, will not stand.
This is what happens when our people are not instructed in the principles of liberty as our founding fathers warned us about. This was common knowledge back in their day, yet seems foreign to most people in America today:
No Branch of our Federal Government has any legitimate power to grant any person or entity full immunity for any act that violates the individual natural rights of Americans. To deny this would be to affirm that the deputy (agent) is greater than his principal; that the servant is above the master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people; that men, acting by virtue of powers may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid. It is not to be supposed that the Constitution could intend to enable the representatives of the people to substitute their will to that of their constituents. A Constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by judges as fundamental law. If there should happen to be a irreconcilable variance between the two, the Constitution is to be preferred to the statute.
This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone.
President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.
Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.