I'm taking the Matthew 13:32 approach.. (But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.)
I have faith... I trust the plan.. but I also know that I don't know and am not privy to everything.
So I'll just sit back with my pack of Orville Reddenbacker ready to throw in the microwave! ;)
I come to this site for those reasons but also to engage with "like minded" people (although I LOATHE that phrase) ... It's comforting to know that I am not the only one putting pieces together the same way or being educated where I may have misplaced a piece.
Oh.. and the memes. LOVE the memes!
If anyone is interested, IPOT1776 put together a massive 3 part documentary on BitChute called POP. In Part 1, he goes into MLK's assassination as well as Malcolm X's ... pretty interesting stuff that I hadn't known before.
IPOT is known for his deep dives and his investigatory skills so you always come away with either something new or another reason to scratch your head.
Stew Peters interviewed Dr. Ariyana Love who talked about "hyrdras" ... this is the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture.
It's an interesting interview... hope I linked it the right way.enter text
We opened a restaurant 3 months before all this nonsense started... we stood our ground... we sat people who wanted to sit without masks, barriers, etc. We followed all the board of health rules that were necessary prior to this crap but didn't budge an inch ... and we survived. We had police called, the board of health called, etc. etc. etc. and we stood our ground.
Was it scary? Absolutely. Did we wake up everyday thinking, "What the hell is going to happen today?" Absolutely. But we became a meeting place for people that understood what was going on and offered an opportunity to enlighten those that didn't.
Even though there were days (months) were we didn't come close to even breaking even, we knew we were doing the right thing and as long as the Lord wanted us open, we stayed open.
And still are.
I totally agree with this... personally, I was oblivious to a lot of things before my grandson was born (he's 10).. and now I have a 1 year old granddaughter. It's sits on my conscience (and my shoulders) what United States they will be living in.
Personally, my strong faith in God has made not complying, resisting, and speaking up and out easy. Faith, not Fear.
I do understand people worried about their jobs or supporting their families but you can't rely on others to fight for you... we each have a part. As a previous commenter stated, we all have our lines... and each is important. Don't forget that.
What others do, I may not be able to and visa versa... but you can't have it both ways. If you commit to civil disobedience but still put a mask on because it's easier to a store that requires them then one that doesn't, then what are you really committed to?
Sorry if all that doesn't make sense, have a lot of thoughts running through my head that may or may not have been conveyed appropriated!! :)
Thank you... whatever issues (short term or long term) my granddaughter has, she is perfect the way the Lord made her. Everything (good and bad) are His plan and my faith and trust lie in Him. Blessings and Grace to you and yours!
10 years ago, when my grandson was born addicted to heroin, he spent a month in NICU hooked up to every kind of contraption imaginable. Since his parents were in jail, we took custody of him when he was released from the hospital a month later.
Fortunately, his pediatrician was an old-school doctor who must have had a million babies on his lap by then. He basically told us to not have him vaccinated until he was ready for school ... that his body needed to recover from his first month of life and introducing any of the vaccines would be detrimental.
So we didn't and he is more then fine...
Fast forward to now and my year old granddaughter. After her second round of vaccines her whole demeanor changed. She became less vocal and avoids eye contact. She doesn't speak (by this time she should at least be saying mama and baba) and it seems as though she isn't reacting to sounds the way she was.
Not to go deep into it now because I really should be asleep (!!) but the problem with healthcare in the country are the insurance companies .. who are in bed with the government.
I've been in medical revenue for a good 30 years so I've seen it at its best and through the horrors that are HMOs (thanks Killary) and Obamacare (thanks Barry!) and worked for 2 major health systems.
There are costs to hospitals that people don't think about.. electricity, computers, paper, etc. All the costs of running a business. And make no mistake, that's what a hospital is.
But with insurance companies having the largest lobbiest in DC, while making a profit from Obamacare, reducing payment to providers while increasing the out of pocket to the policy holder all the while cutting benefits AND over-riding a physician's plan of care.. how can you NOT view them as Satan's Spawn?
I know TONS of people who have been red pilled, were red pilled, didn't need a red pill and yet THE MASKS because they don't want to "stand out" or they "don't want trouble" or want to "fly under the radar".
It's frustrating. One part of my brain says, "Be free and breath for pete's sake" and the other side says "well, at least they "know".
But I feel like there's no time for baby steps anymore and that the runway is at its end. Thankfully, I do know who's in the bunker with me so that will have to be enough for now.
There was a video out recently .. and apologies for not remembering the name of it or the woman speaking (it's way early in the morning and I have no business doing anything but sleeping at this point) but I do know it began with a "C" (sorry!)
Anyway.. there was a guy speaking and he said something along the lines of having to do what is right. And if the government isn't doing the right thing, then we are obligated to not follow along.
It was pretty powerful and you're post made me think of it.
As far as the rapture goes... that's a whole other conversation!
I think there were a lot of things we couldn't imagine.. yet here we are, right?
My husband has been down the rabbit hole since the gold standard was changed and when China was given 1st trade status (I think) so the most of this wasn't "new" to me.. but just how rank, ratched and down-right evil it all is definitely was.
The only thing we can do at this point is hold the line... do what we know is right.. and be prepared for just about anything even if everyone else thinks we're crazy.
I learned a long time ago that everything is according to God's plan.. so I continue to be patient. But some days are WAY harder then others!
I believe Q said something about it having to be this way. I didn't quite understand the depths of it then but I do now.
Hold faith, frens. Sword Up / Pray Up
Exactly!! What could go wrong!!
You're absolutely correct about not being able to stay open when all their contracts with insurance carriers are based on Medicare (CMS) reimbursement and high cost share plans that people who do pay for their insurance can't afford and zero from the people who get theirs "free" (well, not "free".. our tax dollars support that)
Something I wondered for a long time is how growth hormones transfer from their "food" (use that term loosely) into the human body... considering how many kids ingest how much from young ages, is this the reason we're seeing kids developing and starting puberty earlier?
Going deeper down the rabbit hole... since they are the primary food source in impoverished areas, was there a grand design to then increase the poverty base and keep adding to the welfare rolls?
Maybe out in left field (don't come for me!! LoL) but I don't put anything past anyone anymore!
The snake poem... agreed!!
I'm sure there are tons of blackmail on OZ (on both sides).
The other thing I forgot to add is that supposedly there has been a whole lot of democrats changing their party to Republican... is that to ensure OZ gets elected?
This is getting wilder and wilder!