Nice! For reference, JFK was attributed as saying he wanted to “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
Now they’re rebranding with this new logo? Hopefully this is a message that CIA will be abolished.
There’s another option. Freedom.
Covfefe is an antediluvian term meaning “in the end, we win”, and that meaning makes perfect sense in the context of his full tweet.
Also, even if that bill passed, it’s not Twitter that would be required to preserve it. It would be the government’s job to archive/preserve them. Expecting Twitter to archive then forever is as ridiculous as Trump writing on a chalkboard in a classroom and expecting the school to never erase that board.
Sad to see 99% of the comments here all like “Bingo! Genius! Ooh Ahh!” over an incorrect post.
Everyone keeps ignoring the scenario where Q is the evil deep state pretending to be white hats and has Trump completely fooled, and that the mission was to incite civil war / population culling.
I don’t believe that’s the case, before the knee-jerkers start downvoting.
You’re in a circular argument and are favoring the worst option. Option 1: Government - inherently violates our rights; monopoly power wielded by highest bidder Option 2: Free Market - MIGHT, one day, eventually turn into government
“We need to choose Option 1!” Doesn’t make any sense.
Do you seriously think every current and former military service member in this country could be bought off enough to turn against their own people?
Laws will be enforced in a free market because the majority of people want protection from rape, murder, theft, various other property rights violations. What will be missing is the 99% of current politician laws that violate our rights and rig things in favor of their highest bidders.
There was a region of Ireland that was free and lasted for 400 years. Far longer than most governments.
Various road owners will have a common interest in connecting their roads so they will be useful. Many private businesses that rely on those roads will have an interest too so customers can reach their business. Amazing that somehow businesses are able to have parking lots even though the government didn’t build them for them. Sometimes multiple business owners, even competitors, share connected parking lots.
What makes a monopoly powerful is the protection government provides to prevent the monopoly from having competition. In a free market, a monopoly service can only sustain itself as a monopoly by maintaining the continued support of its customers. Without that, it would go the way of MySpace. If only MySpace would have hired an army and bought the whole internet and forced everyone to still only use MySpace though...
I pressed Save too soon...
- Monopolies in a free market won’t be monopolies for long if they don’t provide a good enough service. If they over-charge, there will be new startups. That’s inevitable. A government will not allow even the chance for alternatives to their monopoly power.
- A free market would transform society such that they are all more responsible and vigilant. Imagine the research/effort people put into buying a new car. Most aren’t complacent. But when there’s only one monopoly car to buy, it’s a no-brainer, and contributes to complacency.
The free market is the key to population programming. A government is perceived as the supreme authority and will always have the most influence in population programming, and government will never give the people the education they need to free themselves. It should be abundantly clear that trying to vote for the right politicians hasn’t worked at all despite everyone’s best efforts for over 100 years. And we know how fast people forget even recent history.
Think about what you’re saying. How much harder would it be to buy off 10 to 50% of the population in a Free Market than to buy off 1000 politicians in monopoly government? And even if you did buy off the 10-50%, the rest of society would be structured to legally oppose/compete with it, as opposed to in a government where they’d be seen as traitors, and have to deal with the monopoly police/courts.
In a free market, the corrupt, wasteful middlemen are eliminated, we directly subscribe to the road/security companies just like a Netflix subscription and there’s no politician taking a cut.
- Government/FCC regulations helped prop up and protect corporate media and help them dominate. All that favorability is gone in a Free Market.
- This won’t go away unless government goes away.
- Small local government is better. In a Free Market, government is so small and local that it is divided into each individual free human being.
It’s not a power vacuum because each individual is their own master, with full control of their own money either to buy their own guns, subscribe to the security firm of their choice, or start a new one.
There’s no monopoly force that is stealing/taxing money from everyone to fund the evildoers, as there is with government. Your fear is that anarchy MIGHT become what we currently have? That’s not a very good argument in favor of what we have.
A free market would not be a utopia, but at least it would be a society that doesn’t embrace a monopoly power that inherently violates our rights in order to exist. Our individual rights are paramount, and government by definition violates those rights, while it indoctrinated its subjects to believe it is protecting them.
Major arrest/DECLAS will happen anytime between now and the scheduled inauguration, but I don’t think this tweet will happen until the massive riots/chaos starts, and mass arrests, which could be after the 20th.
We’ve hoped to see it by now for years. I used to joke that Q will probably delay everything and use this whole thing as a ploy to get Trump re-elected. And here we are down to the wire. I still have no doubt they will follow through though.