615GuitarSlinger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't there a reality based app for that already πŸ€” I think it's called "PUT THE MFRFN DEVICE DOWN AND LEAVE IT THERE"

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone being from America going to another country on behalf of an organization helping orphaned children living in poor war torn other countries offering to bring them all into more prosperous America and is ready for negotiations upon arrival is a sure sign of them being a front for a child sex trafficking ring

615GuitarSlinger 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used DDG which is now compromised but still provides all the necessary information to be able to discern it to be legitimate or illegitimate. First I skeptically searched Gesara Rainbow Currency and was very satisfied with all of the information provided. I then skeptically searched Stellar Treasury Department through DDG and again was satisfied that it was legitimate but not trusting these search engines I could have been led wrong in the fact that I only scoured through the information that was presented to me on the first page not having any time to dig deeper. We actually don't have any reason not to believe it because we all know and are expecting the new QFS backed by precious metals which this is.

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's my home state of 43yrs but I left for Nashville before he arrived so I'm only getting to know him by what I see him doing and right off the rip he's trying to legalize weed and he doing shit about abortion and so far he's done more than any governor before.

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

These comments are along the same lines I was thinking I just didn't wanna say, I didn't want to influence ones thought I wanted pure original thoughts, shit got to be some BS if I picked up on it right off the bat for I'm known to let some BS fly right over my head and not catching it until after I've shared it but I put an end to that shit too

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just look at it as a little slice of hopium that tastes real good when you're eating it, it won't fill you up but it'll tide you over. A little snack of hoping that it may be true

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

The rug of the Wisconsin fraud just got pulled right from underneath my feet, my fight to convince the sheep that the election was stolen using Wisconsin as a prime example just got blown out of the water πŸ˜‚ damnit I had those brainwashed sheep in the palm of my hands in the MSNBC and CNN comments section of their YouTube channel, took me almost two years to get the first one cupped in my hands that one grew into a flock and in one fell fake news story I've lost all my damn πŸ‘ who are no longer in the palm of my convincing hands nope they've all escaped back to the grazing herd. Shit.

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

She is not our friend By no means is she a true friend. She is in fact a cabal member playing the role of controlled opposition, she is on Romney to take attention off something more important than what she is calling him out for. Please do not praise this woman. There are plenty of photos that expose her. Symbolism will be their downfall

615GuitarSlinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

πŸ€” Just allow a woman you just met on the internet to blindfold you on your first date thinking it's for sex πŸ€” Was that man stupid or something πŸ€” Why yes he was he was indeed and that is exactly why his ass got stuck in the neck I'm not feeling sorry for him hell no I wouldn't let a woman I've known all my llife put a blindfold on me ain't nobody putting a blind fold on me, ever, only way you putting a blind fold on me is if I'm strapped down tight sitting in an electric chair πŸ’Ί

615GuitarSlinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need a Hold the Line banner flair. Can somebody make that happen? How you get the mods attention around here. We need a Hold the Line banner and while you're at it you could upgrade and enhance a few that we have now making them stand out make them all flash and moving. That one I'm using now could use a little work to make it sell a little quicker. Make those two yellow lights look like they shooting out lasers, I want those little pills flying out all over the screen and make that red so bright and flashy that these folks in here think they getting pulled over by the police for speeding down the road like they crazy looking down at they phones scrolling trying to catch up on what kinda shit done happened in here not more than 15 minutes later than the last time they was checking to see what's up because this site is like crack or heroin I know I can't go no more than 5 minutes without checking on what's coming down that feed next, who's got what and what kind of information is it if you've got it come on with it we need some more dirt on somebody who the hell is lying now and what the hell they saying bout us now and what kind of stupid shit they done now keep looking for and hoping to discover some more Q proofs and the biggest most important one we always looking for is "When's this shit gonna happen and "When we gonna see these mthrfkrs being rounded up and put in hand cuffs loaded up and took to jail and when they do i wanna see it all, I want footage of them being drug from they homes tossed in the back of the paddy wagon, I want the video of them riding in the back video looking at their face I wanna see that fear and shock in their eyes I wanna see their trembling scared bodies and i damn sure wanna see the sweat pouring off their faces, I want them boarding their final flight to their final destination, I want them coming out that plane when they coming out looking around all paranoid looking like they crazy looking for movie cameras thinking they've arrived at a movie set hoping they did some bad drugs and were hullucinating and we're just arriving for an interview or something at some new movie production set but they gonna lose that notion as quick as it came they ass ain't going nowhere but behind those locked cell doors at Guantanamo Bay πŸ˜‚ I want video of that rope snapping their neck. If the Q - Team had it all then I want it all because we earned it all Until all of that happens I will be scrolling down I will be tapping on captions I'll be going down my Rumble trying to find something juicy, I'm trying to see what folks been sharing, trying to figure out which flair best describes it before I share it, checking the comments to see how many people believe it, texting long ass comments that's too damn long for people driving who could swerve off the road into a ditch trying to read all this shit πŸ€” I might need to trim these comments down I don't need folks driving off no road or in no ditch on my account hell naw all some crooked lawyer would have to do is jot down my username and send it to his best hacker and that'll be a wrap for me they'll have my name, number and address within 24hrs and a letter in my mailbox within 72hrs πŸ€” Hell I'm talking crazy now I better stop before I start tripping everyday checking my mailbox πŸ˜‚ I've done driven clean off the road in here anyway getting off the subject thinking to myself like I'm crazy but I'm going to blame it on that fat blunt that I just put out πŸ€” it's time to go before I get myself busted if I start talking bout something I got enough of that in my home for the FBI to wanna come running up my driveway one of them getting ready to swing that heavy 6" round 3ft long steel pipe that comes knocking your front door clean off it's hinges tossing in a flash bang or two afterwards can't hear shit all you can see are those twenty Glocks pointed at your ass then you start back hearing a little clearer hearing a bunch of cops screaming πŸ“’ GET FACED DOWN ON THE FKN FLOOR, HANDS I WANNA SEE THOSE HANDS feeling knees all pressing on your back and neck sometimes head still hollering πŸ“’ GIMME YOUR HANDS PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER BEHIND YOUR BACK GIMME YOUR HANDS πŸ˜‚ I'm putting down this phone before I done said some more illegal shit but im too damn stoned to go find the save button so I can end this shit πŸ€” shit i can't even figure out how to drop this damn keyboard on my screen right now even though it's lit up πŸ₯΄ Shit now I got two buttons to go look for even though they lit up somewhere on this screen everything blurry πŸ˜‚ πŸ€” That shit I put in that blunt was some πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ πŸ₯΄

615GuitarSlinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

And we as white men end up on the short end of the stick πŸ€” We allowed ourselves and our race to be weakened and bullied for the past few decades and if we continue to do nothing then our fight will have been all for nothing and nothing is all we will receive. If we want it We gotta fight for it and if we fight for it we are going to live it, believe that......

615GuitarSlinger 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's a great idea if not what he said then at least turn that beautiful sky background into a live background where the clouds are steady moving πŸ€”

615GuitarSlinger 0 points ago +1 / -1

I wasn't trying to debate you and I'm not trying to debate you now I was just asking you a question and made a few statements but since you are now insinuating that I'm a shill if I further the conversation which I will respect your beliefs although I must say that I went through the proper process in which ones self must go through in order for one to change his own beliefs. It was a 3yr step by step process in which I gathered all of the information that I could find from each side of the equation with only one source of information rejected I didn't include any type of information provided by NASA on the grounds that due to the fakeness was no longer credible. Three years I studied without leaning towards one side of the other unit I was completely satisfied that one side weighed more than the other. One side being flat earth completely decimated the globe model it had won the Earth is flat. And you came to your conclusions based on a debate of a few people on each side making their argument and in your mind you determined a winner which proved to you the earth was a globe. πŸ€” Really okay it is you that is remeniscent to being a shill because no intelligent critical thinking person would ever come to their conclusions based upon the winner of a debate. The earth is flat.

615GuitarSlinger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Talking about Russia make Americans healthy by stopping flow of gas so Americans have to walk to get food πŸ˜‚

615GuitarSlinger 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do as I have been doing which is not hold back on anything and put that mirror in their face and force them into looking at themselves as they truly are, I've learned that if you use the right words spoken in a certain way that you force their true selves upon them, I call it projecting back in which when they project themselves upon you then you must quickly flip their false projection back to it's rightful owner to make them own that shit which I do in a daily basis in the comments section of the MSNBC and CNN YouTube channels. It has taken me over two years of studying their minds to figure out how to subvert their MK Ultra brainwashing and I believe I have finally been successful with the evidence that most every sheep I send into a depression after I've forced themselves back onto them forcing a realization upon them that they never show themselves back in the comments section, unless they just change their username or something, I write down the name of each one and I scan for their names which were a daily visitor that doesn't visit no more πŸ˜‚ I used to perform psychological experiments on them because their inverted minds and the MK Ultra fascinated me. That stuff is extremely highly advanced

615GuitarSlinger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well he's either realized or is going to realize that upon the second of his death that he has made a serious miscalculation and literally one hell of a mistake when all of the sudden he finds himself wondering why he is wandering around in a huge lake of burning fire while being on fire that's burning his soul up in which he will be driven by an insatiable thirst which will never be quinced that will cause him to be begging everybody and their brother to please provide him with a sip of water for the rest of eternity and he will also spend eternity again begging folks to please somebody dial 911 tell them to hurry the hell up and send the fire department down here come put this shit out drop down a fire extinguisher something damn somebody put this shit out I tried to drop and roll but that shit didn't work rolling around in more flames πŸ”₯ πŸ˜‚ His last realization will be that there is nothing to drink in hell but more fire, hey bartender get me another shot of πŸ”₯ πŸ˜‚ He's going to get his you can believe that 🀣

615GuitarSlinger 6 points ago +6 / -0

They project themselves and in turn their supporters project themselves in the same way. That MK Ultra shit ain't no joke 🀣

615GuitarSlinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a good thing I must admit but it doesn't make a difference of what our plane of existence is and the makeup of our local sun which isn't 93 million miles away. It's good technology if it's used for the good and betterment of society which I'm with it if it is used in that way

615GuitarSlinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm seeing a few negative comments and I'm betting it's because of what the guy was saying about Trump at the beginning and he was right I already knew that but what he didn't understand was that there are two controlling factions that have the say in who gets what and whom is going to serve whom. One faction is very evil and sadistic which is / was the most dominant faction for many decades and then there's the faction that is very good and of the light and who wants the best for society for they are the faction that is coming into power and that is the faction who is controlling Donald Trump. It's a faction that is controlled by God period. I just wanted to clarify that. This guy just doesn't have the big picture of everything

615GuitarSlinger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep every time I use Google, which I only use for simple information it's quicker , it now always opens up as Duck Duck Go so now it's only a matter of time before truthful information starts disappearing πŸ€” or maybe the white hats have gained control of Google because no truthful information on DDG is disappearing. This site would be the first to go but it's still here

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