I hope all the information about the burn pits becomes mainstream knowledge. People in leadership may have made horrible, unconscionable calls. It's repulsive when Biden uses his son's memory but it's tragic what they say happened to Beau Biden.
The bill only awaits the approval of the Iowa Committee on Ways and Means where it is expected to be approved given the GOP control. You can reach out to voice your opposition to this committee's members. Here is the list. https://www.legis.iowa.gov/committees...
They damaged eco systems and lives when they erected the dams and are now correcting the mistake. I'm as disgusted by Newsome and his traitorous disregard for the Constitution as anyone but this piece is biased and thoughtless
I didn't find this person or even Rubin as red-pilled. We must have a difference of opinion about what red-pilled means. Maybe I don't fully understand the concept. I notice back-pedaling and gas-lighting with regards to vaccines. Paraphrasing here but what I heard was vaccines are safe, all our kids are vaccinated, RFK's are vaccinated, my kids, your kids, yada, yada, yada, end of discussion, let's move on. Where are the real discussions about vaccine safety, efficacy? What about the manufacturing end? If you are simple minded and simple swallow the vaccine theory whole, then how do you feel about the manufacturing end? Who fills the bottles? Not just one vial, but all the various vials from different locations? What a load of gas-lighting. But congrats on being on Bill Maher(sp?). Gee whiz, the doctor can explain that the delivery system and small window of death for fentanyl but doesn't address the same issue with computer technology on the children. "The medium IS the message." Unplug! It isn't a laughing matter. Unplug the children and set them free to develop into a fully formed human being.
Chapters 00:00:00 Panel intro 00:09:00 Defining human trafficking 00:20:10 Was Joseph a polygamist? 00:22:50 Does Polygamy involve Sexual Intimacy? 00:26:50 Polyandry 00:28:30 Spiritual Wifery & Celestial Marriage 00:30:40 Trafficking through the lens of polygamy 00:32:00 The Nauvoo Expositor 00:52:15 Only Female Converts? 00:54:45 Missionaries Converting Wives 00:58:20 Picking out Convert Wives 01:01:30 Contemporary Newspapers Warn Against Mormonism 01:22:45 What did William Law mean? 01:24:45 "Wretched condition" of Polygamous Wives 01:38:20 Joseph Smith Sex Trafficker? 01:40:40 Polygamy Transactions 01:41:40 The price 01:43:10 Fanny Alger 01:48:45 Presendia Huntington 01:52:20 Louisa Beaman 01:55:35 Helen Mar Kimball 02:07:50 Almera Johnson 02:18:55 Emily Partridge 02:23:45 Sarah Ann Whitney 02:34:30 Joseph in Charge of Polygamy 02:37:45 Sarah Peak Noon 02:47:45 Modern cases of sex trafficking 02:52:00 Summation
There are many good people in every cult known to man, but that isn't who is buying the land and hoarding extraordinary amounts of money and resources, it's the church, and they are notoriously secretive and have done a lot of harm to so many people throughout time and into the present day. Including trafficking. It hurts me to say these things but we're here for the truth.
This post has me thinking that we may be at the part of the movie where the LDS church will be exposed. Not just the masonic underpinnings but the fraud. There are so many beautiful LDS people, don't get me wrong, but the church itself has a fraud at its base that cannot be denied, it's child sex abuse is legendary, it has Jesus in its title but has fake doctrine, etc., etc.
he's old and doesn't do drugs?