AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

POTUS can only (officially) pardon for Federal crimes. It is Governors that have the power to pardon for State crimes. And I believe Rikers is a state prison/jail. Then again, anything is possible in a movie like this.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am definitely in the camp of thinking either there won't be an election or it will definitely get stolen, w/ s***show stuff happening before and definitely after. How long it drags out will be the key variable.

AKtoSKN 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is an important point. Invalid agency regulations (i.e. they have no basis under the federal statute allegedly authorizing them) can only be overturned after being raised in a lawsuit. My speculation is that we will see a "self cleaning" of sorts. If the Aviation community is 100% happy with the current regs, no one is going to file lawsuits claiming FAA exceeded its statutory authority. Conversely, if parents and citizens think Dept of Education regulations exceed what Congress intended, expect (I hope) lots of lawsuits. Nothing will be overnight.

AKtoSKN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why can't it be both? The actor can leave office via "death" or be replaced and "die" a natural death, and then the real truth could come out after the funeral, after the pomp and circumstance, etc. Same with McCain. Or Bush Sr. Those events don't erase the eventual declass. Only difference here is that he was kept "alive" to fulfill a plan. Same applies if it was DS as the puppet masters. What are they going to say? He was snatched and Gitmo'd in 201X so we found a double to fool everyone for X years?

I've said it numerous times here before: Biden was done in the early Spring 2016 primaries, IA, NH, and I think NV. Then out of nowhere he won SC and the following states and eventually won nomination. That was NOT organic. That was planned. Only question is...by whom???

AKtoSKN 3 points ago +3 / -0

It just occured to me that maybe what is layed out above was the entire WH "sting" from the beginning:

DJT makes moves in 2019/2020 to get Biden to run/win. Then leave office after a steal. But behind the scenes the mil/crim justice system has "frozen" with threats of prosecution nearly everyone else who can step in. Newsome. Michelle. Whitmer. Even HRC. Basically...it is not Trump doing it since Jan 2021, but the WHs have said "if you step in, you will be arrested/prosecuted". That is your one and only "get out of jail free" option. It also gives Biden the sense that no one is actually stepping up so he gets emboldened and (routinely) trips over himself. Meanwhile, the laptop media is in panic and wants to see a change at QB and is wondering why no one is stepping up. And voters are left to witness the self-destruction and wondering where the adults are...

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

$64K question. Or I guess now the $37T question!? In a perfect world it would be noble public servants. But when we have unemployed and mistreated vets, and a VA that is hugely funded and well staffed....but yet can't take care of them properly...what does that say? I wish we all had the answers.

AKtoSKN 6 points ago +6 / -0

Precisely! I have been neck deep in (mostly) FCC and FAA matters my entire professional career (post-Chevron, obviously) and I don't have the perfect solution. But folks talking about complete dismantling of all agencies is honestly crazy. Education? Absolutely. DHHS and EPA? Sure, 70-90% of it. But when you start talking about DOT regs dictating minimum lane width on federally funded interstates and crash-performance ratings on guardrails....these are not "crazy" ideas..

AKtoSKN 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm a regulatory attorney and not mourning this decision, trust me. But folks also have to be tempered in their understanding of what federal agencies can and should do. For example...I don't want courts or Congress deciding the specifics when it comes to landing light and taxiway procedures on airfields, or interference thresholds when using wireless frequencies. Leave those up to the FAA and FCC. Otherwise expect runway incursions and all of your communication devices not working when you wake up one morning. It's a tricky subject matter....

AKtoSKN 6 points ago +6 / -0

Can confirm that Project 2025 is the new/main fear mongering talking point being shared by liberals on social media. Which tells me it is a plant. Good point to whoever raised the Trump 47 agenda as a true "policy" guide stone. Until now, I have just retorted with "well, even if true, I'd rather have Project 2025 than the UN's Project 2030 which is the literal loss of sovereignty and representative democracy."

AKtoSKN 3 points ago +5 / -2

Listen, I have daily struggles like everyone here. Trust me. But I love being Awake, and I'll be damned, but is this not one kick ass movie...and an absolutely epic time to be ALIVE as a human!?

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that there is even a debate before the two party conventions tells me it will go horribly for FJB, and that he will be replaced in the Dem Convention. This argument clearly cuts against the "Biden is an imposter and WH controlled" theory, but it seems much more plausible for the likley end game.

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there was an actual crypto called OrangeCoin I would probably be hoarding it. 🤣

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Skinwalker Ranch and Oak Island are both doing the same thing...opening our minds to theories that just a decade ago were 100% tinfoil hat. I like to think that they will both climax at the same time with huge reveals.

AKtoSKN 4 points ago +4 / -0

And then we all be scurrying around in the year 2074 at the 50th Annual with our anti-gravity wheelchairs wearing our Pepe bomber jackets and MOASS ball caps..

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way Biden's 2020 primary campaign was dead in the water before South Carolina only to be resurrected has never sat well with me. That was either a WH or DS operation to get him to the Dem Party finish line.

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here. Sample pool is roughly half Libs, half centrists/GOPers. Sadly even the latter-day Reaganites in their late 40s/early 50s are utterly stuck in the suburban rat race mentality. HS Prom. Getting Billy or Mary to the good college (with crushing debt). Redoing the kitchen. Posting pics of the recent Cancun trip on FB. Etc, etc...

Part of me thinks that if they focus too long on the pandemic lockdowns and the Vaxx plan and the insane foreign policy and mass immigration and rising crime and social unrest, they will buckle mentally....so instead they are consciously doubling down on keeping up with the Joneses and life pre-2020 to the best they can.

If there is one silver-lining, if you can even call it that, it is the slow creep of "something unsettling" happening to the economy with every trip to the grocery store and gas station. That they talk about. Not in a scared way. But more in a "I see it" way. Many don't want to show or admit they are actually struggling (b/c it flies in the face of that they are not, in fact, keeping up with the Joneses) and this would be a tacit admission they may be f*****.

AKtoSKN 9 points ago +9 / -0

If the "two more weeks" mentality of Nov 2020 to Jan 2021 did anything, it was to massively damper my expectations for all future "predictions."

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Over time, I have come to think that it is subtle "nudging" that the WHs did to create this situation. So Biden is not necessarily "controlled", but perhaps between 2017-2020 the WHs made it so that they got to "pick" the most inept person to emerge as the final Dem candidate (i.e. blackmail Obamas, Clintons, etc.). I keep coming back to how Biden came out of nowhere to win South Carolina primary and then beat Sanders and others in a war of attrition. Anyhow, I agree that the longer this drags out, the more some of would have preferred the "quick and violent" option over the "slooooow wakeup" option...but then again we are not privy to what the WHs knew for those few critical years.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am reminded of the IGB scene where the allied infiltrators get caught for flashing the number 3 the "Anglo" way instead of Germanic way.

Nothing to do with today. Or really anything for that matter....just thought I would share.


AKtoSKN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Similar situation here. US citizen. Pregnant (non-citizen) wife. Lockdowns. 9 month clock ticking. Had to leave US and my job to join her for birth. Then long wait for green card (and baby's CRBA). Then followed by vaxx restrictions to come back in. There have got to be thousands of us. Maybe tens of thousands. Who knows. The one smart thing we did is parlay the birth abroad into a secondary citizenship in a new country for all three of us (plus baby get her mom's country too). When the world gives you lemons...make lemonade.

AKtoSKN 15 points ago +15 / -0

Always with the masks....

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