AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

If true, Truth Social is going to change the world in a big, big way.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have seen this being said in some apparent comms in 4chan. It's pretty wild. I saved the screenshots.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

He had always maintained that did not shoot RFK, and that he was drugged when taken into custody.

AQ922 4 points ago +5 / -1

I have young siblings who got it. Ages 28, 26, 19 and 18. Granted they were forced by my libtarded stepdad but, they don't deserve this. Also there goes my dreams of having dozens of nieces and nephews 💔

AQ922 2 points ago +3 / -1

I always come back to 1/6. They both sure were chummy that day. That weird moment with that pendant...?

Also I was in the crowd outside when the mob was advancing in the Capitol after we had heard through the the noise that Pence certified the electors for AZ. A man looked at me and said "This is Red3". I'll never, ever forget that feeling. So intense.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

I forget the name of it but if you look on Bitchute for Ryan Dawson or ANC report, his doc is filled with info, that isn't well known even in the 911 truth community.

The particular video I am referencing is like 3-4 hours long.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

I get the same sense about his opinion on Pence. No way is he a White Hat and no way Lin Wood and Johnheretohelp are lying.

I think "devolution" is a distraction and that the Law of War theory has more credibility. Or perhaps it's a bit of both (plus others)? But I could be wrong too. Nobody knows...

Isn't that the point? "No outside comms"? If we know, then the Deep State's legion of demons knows, too.

How do you beat your enemy at their own game? You use their own tricks against them. Disinformation is necessary.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

So the author of this series gathered inspiration for this work from Brian Cates. Last night on Telegram, Lin Wood said that Cates is a deepstate hack. 🤔

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Anybody dig up the old Jade Helm maps?

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah but there it is. The covid vaxx gives you the aids!

AQ922 2 points ago +3 / -1

If you are getting pics of a bull when googling Moloch, it's not far off. Baal is the Cannanite god. That's where we get the word "cannibal".

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Didn't Trump say there would be "lots of death"? Idk why but your comment reminded me of him saying that once, as I recall, the comment was oddly placed. Not usual for him though.

AQ922 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'd give my every possession to have a home there. This "Great Reset" has taken everything from me and I am now homeless in a major blue city with my children.

I am scared and out of hope. I was in DC 1/6. I took my oath last year. Why are my children being punished for me refusing the jab that Trump himself is pushing?

I cry every day because my soul desires to be in a place that you describe. You're incredibly blessed.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have a photo taken from the south steps of the Capitol that day. I was among the first to arrive, not aware there was even a breach at that point.

As more and more Patriots gathered there, I took a pic of the sea of freedom behind me. It was the most awe-inspiring feeling I've ever had (next to giving birth). Knowing MILLIONS of AMERICANS have each other's backs.

THAT is power and why we are so dangerous to the Powers That WERE

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes but furthermore because it represents Osiris' dick. That whole ancient story and ritual. When the dollar has the eye of Horus, and you have a basic understanding of the Occult...then one has an inkling of why the power structure of the NWO erects these monuments.

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