Trump was chosen by God to do this job. His drive is supernatural indeed.
I won’t be surprised if Israel is forced to consider the Samson Option. They’ve had a plan in place for decades which states that if faced with overwhelming opposition they would use their nuclear weapons.
I hear you. My wife has a friend who is completely brainwashed. There is no getting through to her so they avoid political discussion. There are going to be many, many “I told you so” moments coming in the not too distant future and I am looking forward to watching her when she begins to see that her entire belief system has been a lie, and all of her infallible leftist heroes are punished for treason and human trafficking.
Rush is still the king. We will never see another on his level.
I’m at the stage where it’s public tribunals and executions or nothing. It will be glorious to watch the left wailing and gnashing their teeth as they see their heroes marched to the gallows after admitting their treason and crimes. This will probably shock some of them into reality but I have no intention of ever helping any of them cope.
Isn’t it dasting there is room for 5? It’s as though history knew he was coming…
We ALL know there are NO coincidences. It will be glorious.
Have a blessed day frens. God is with us. He is in control.
Everything comes with a price.
Anyone else think Biden looks animatronic or digitized?
- Lifeless, robotic movements
- Synthetic skin, bobbling chin
- The left side of his face looks different than the right
This debate sure seems like scripted satire…
Suicide weekend is going to be wild.
The British are so far left and so open minded their brains have fallen out. They don’t even realize that Britain is already lost to islam. Over the years they have voted for politicians who have outlawed every means of self defense, not to mention the idea of protecting oneself and family. I have to agree with those of you here who think that the Brits do not have what would be required to take back their country and identity. The sun has finally set on the British empire.
Yes. This would also be a great opportunity to reveal some exotic healing technology which maybe heals using light and frequency… or something.
We’re about to see a lot of people committing suicide with 2 shots to the back of their heads.
This is definitely one of my top 3 rabbit holes! What if each recipient was given a message specifically for them? It would explain the difference in reactions.
We all have. Everyone has a past. Leave it there.
Tribunals. Publicly televised.
Yep. This is one of the greatest rabbit holes of them all. The video of each recipient viewing their card and their reactions, and then Trump walks past them, reminds me of the baptism scene in The Godfather, when Michael had the heads of the 5 families killed on the same day.
Art Bell - John Titor & Time Travel - Coast 2 Coast AM - 4.5.2000 enter text
This is one of my top 5 rabbit holes easily. I’ve often wondered how we will know when the information about what was on the cards begins to come out.
The comments are brutal and anons are just getting warmed up.
I seriously doubt she started any business on her own. The people that manage her money started it and put her name on it.