Anders -2 points ago +1 / -3


Your mud throwing personal attacks are irrelevant.

Jesus was sent to end the Old Covenant (Judaism) and replace it with the New Covenant (Christianity).

Anders -2 points ago +1 / -3


The Old Covenant was ended by God almost 2,000 years ago and replaced with the New Covenant.

Play word games and fantasize about time travel all you like, but you can't dispute this simple truth.

Jesus Christ is the One True Path to Salvation, irrespective of how much you hate it or disagree with God.

Your feelings and down-votes are not greater than God.

But if you want to ignore God and Jesus Christ then I suggest you speak with a rabbi.

It's that simple.

Anders -4 points ago +1 / -5

Because God sent Jesus to fulfill and permanently stamp-out Judaism and replace it with the New Covenant, I tend to hold reserved judgement about Jewish scripture that is the path to damnation, especially all of it's Pagan bird blood magic and yearning for mutilating babies and obsession with foreskins.

Jesus Christ wasn't even interested in reforming Judaism, not a single dot or jot of it - He was sent to end it.

The ancient Jewish laws are interesting, but they are not the path to Salvation.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, not Moses.

Jesus Christ is the One True Path to Salvation.

God's chosen choose Jesus.

Anders -2 points ago +1 / -3

Imagine, if you will, an American president who goes down on his knees and bows before the President of Israel.

This photo is particularly amusing because it triggered the legacy mainstream media and their shills like nothing else. We saw articles about how Biden was petting an invisible cat that just happened to run into the room and sit in front of the Israel Presidents feet. There was a similar story about Biden petting an invisible dog that was running around the room for some reason. Also that Biden was looking for his contact lens that had popped out and landed near the Israel President's feet, right next to the reading glasses that Biden never wears that were also next to the Israel's President's feet.

Anders 2 points ago +4 / -2

To be fair, Trudeau is controlled and funded by the same New World Order Rothschild central banking dynasty that Hitler was fighting: literally the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) who were backed by the House of Rothschild and the World Conference of Jews, Chaired by Samuel Untermyer.

WW2 was declared hours after unified Germany and Austria kicked their Rothschild central bankers out of their countries and freed their countrymen from being usury debt slaves to Jewish slave masters.

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

"right wing, white supremacist, white nationalist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, isolationist, racist, sexist, Nazi, terrorist, debunked hate speech":

The more of these accusations that a Wikipedia page has, the more seriously you need to research it because it's very likely to be true.

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

It will be interesting to see what they do try.

I can't imagine what.

Anders -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm worried the (((Open Society Foundation))) will be used to flood Ottawa with Antifa actors dressed like truckers and they'll attack police or women in front of a sudden appearance of every mainstream legacy news network camera.

Video of violent Antifa "truckers" being dragged away by police while yelling "Heil Hitler!" could cause a lot of damage, depending on how many NCP / normie Canadians still trust their "Electric Bolshevik".

Anders 5 points ago +6 / -1

Thanks for letting us know, although it reminds me that the Olympic Games are on. I was reminded a few days ago and then I forgot because I don't care... but now I remember that they're still going.

I'll be shocked if they have more views that a Joe Biden White House YouTube channel post.

Anders 6 points ago +7 / -1

The problem is that Trudeau hasn't really attempted anything major to end the blockade.

I wonder what the New World Order are planning next. I fear it might be a comms blackout while the police violently storm Ottawa, however that would likely result in recruiting millions more world-wide against globohomo.

I bet there are some long faces at MOSSAD HQ.

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

I discuss the clot-shot with almost EVERYONE I speak with in public, such as people waiting in line at the grocery store and the staff at the checkout and about two thirds of the people I speak to are largely red-pilled and ready to fight. Sadly, the others live in total ignorance and want daddy-government to make decisions for them and govern them harder... or they live in fear.

We have far, far, far more support than is required. Australians are just slow to anger, but we'll get there.

Canada's truckers were a gift from God that have converted millions of people from all over the world, into unified anti-New World Order activists.

Anders 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, especially when our legacy mainstream media, social media and internet, government leadership and medical institutions are all working together to kill us.

It's no coincidence that they're all performing the same, perfectly choreographed and synchronized dance together to push their New World Order Covid-vaccine cull of the human race, gun control, open border for America, American taxpayer funded border security for Israel, lies about Russian collusion, lies about Ivermectin, their attempted color revolution and Critical Race Theory division.

For fuck sake, they even control our Antifa and BLM domestic terrorists through their Open Society Foundations.

Anders 3 points ago +5 / -2

I am Australian and yes, I gave more than I could spare to the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2020 GiveSendGo, It was a rage donation made within the first 24 hours, but I also wanted to keep the momentum going. I'm so proud of everyone who's shown support.

I pray for the Canadian truckers. I have no idea how this will end but I know if Trudeau and his ZOG puppet masters attempt anything extreme, it will likely result in a Canadian-wide revolution.

The whole world is watching so whatever shit the New World Order attempt, they'll only get one chance.

Anders 7 points ago +8 / -1

The original GoFuckMe raised $7.8 million (USD) / $10 million (CA) of which only a million was paid out.

It must be such a relief to the truckers and organizers to know that we love and support them.

I hope some of the cash is used to help truckers who've been harassed by dirty police. I saw one video of a police car deliberately colliding with a parked convoy car and then claiming the driver caused the accident.

It sounds like the Ottawa police are preparing new laws to attack the freedom fighters with. I hope some of our raised funds are used to take every charge to court and call every police officer as an witness to totally derail the courts and waste the police's time. This is something the Australians are doing and it's extremely effective. One small fine can be used to take five cops off the street for an entire day. :-)

Anders 4 points ago +6 / -2

The New World Order may be forced to wait a few generations before they try again.

Sadly, they will keep trying to enslave the human race until they succeed.

We've been kicking that can down the road for 3,000 years and they've shown time after time after time after time how Satanic they are.

We need a final solution to this problem before they eventually enslave everyone and steal everything in accordance with their Satanic master race religion.

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've seen no evidence that any court has ordered the police to return the Jerry cans or that the police have returned a single Jerry can or that police have sabotaged that returned fuel.

All of these rumors seem to be based on a single Tweet by some random person named Larry.

Anders -3 points ago +1 / -4

Why not both: Truth about WW2?

An entire episode could be devoted to how a dozen teams of scientists each independently performed chemical analysis on the walls, structure and soil from the "gas chamber showers" at both Auschwitz and Dachau concentration camps... and they all found no traces of any deadly chemicals, including Zyclon B.

The scientific tests were performed many times by different groups because nobody could believe the results that forensically prove that no Jews were gassed in those showers.


Anders 50 points ago +53 / -3

Govern me harder, daddy government!

Harder daddy, harder!

Anders -1 points ago +2 / -3

What is worthless, is a quote that needs to be reworded.

Courage and faith sometimes fails in the strongest of people and that doesn't make them pieces of shit.

rise above others

What a crock of shit. Nobody's worth is based on the success or failure of other people.

Self improvement is never a competition against your neighbors.

The entire quote is horseshit.

Anders 3 points ago +5 / -2

It's a shame because having fake news stickied to the front page makes our entire truther / research community look bad.

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