I started this therapy June 1st after reading and researching the original post. I read Linus Pauling's book "How to Live Longer and Feel Better" and began following his complete suggested vitamin regimen as well. While not a sufferer of heart disease, I do hope to prevent it's occurrence. I can say I do feel a lot better. I am getting better sleep, my joints and ligaments are firmer, more mobile and less painful, my mind is clearer, and generally just overall feel better. TY for the life-changing advice, my friend.
OK, you caught me sensationalizing a bit. This wasn't the only thing that convinced me I grant you. It was this image and many other pieces of information gathered over time that tipped the scales. I suppose one could argue that a black hat saw that JFK's grave was shaped like a Q and thus started a whole psyop based on the very same letter. Maybe you're right that hope is clouding my judgment?
I like your take on the healthy fruitage in the movement. The latent and potent spirit of goodness (but not suicidally so) came roaring back with just the right spark to set it aflame.
Your logic is good but still I think there is ample proof that Trump is coordinating closely with the Q team. He was "invited" to run, had military behind him at his inauguration, don't forget the "calm before the storm" photo op with the military top brass, and the fact that Trump and Q used to post the exact same misspelled word or catch phrase within one second of each other to prove they were coordinating.
This is all I had to see to know that the Q team was real. https://greatawakening.win/search?params=Jfk+grave&community=GreatAwakening
One thing I noticed in the footage was the red shoes