AtomicBlonde 10 points ago +10 / -0

Off Interstate 44, near Cuba, MO on Route 66 is a place called Missouri Hicks and they have the best barbecue I’ve ever had in my life—without question. (And I’ve made it a point to eat a lot of barbecue.). I don’t have to pass that way anymore but one day I’m heading back to that restaurant just to go. Even the coleslaw is perfect. And the beans. And the place is right out of a movie. Totally authentic.

AtomicBlonde 8 points ago +9 / -1

I’m seeing people come around. Interesting that only 2% of Americans got the latest booster. That’s pretty telling!

AtomicBlonde 4 points ago +4 / -0

Brothers have a soft spot in everyone’s hearts. Saying prayers.

AtomicBlonde 9 points ago +9 / -0

Great article. Insightful. Thanks for sharing. I don’t think BiBi was surprised at all. It was all planned.

AtomicBlonde 3 points ago +3 / -0

I lived in Houston during Covid under the jurisdiction of this insane judge. Certain judges in Houston actually have control over counties—a first for me. She was Deep State, ordering mask mandates and controlling our county with an iron fist with her woke BS. So glad she is leaving office. Houston is totally woke and corrupt. I hope we see a lot more DS Texas office holders on their way out. Why is Ted Cruz still in office?

AtomicBlonde 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think we lead by example. I refused the vax, while 90% of my family willingly gave their arm, and more than once. I post daily on social media different memes and ideas that they’ll see about the reality we live in. I sneak truth into innocent conversations. Through the years, as their reality continues to show them what’s true, they begin to listen to me more. Two days ago, my daughter, a nurse, finally said she wasn’t getting any more vaccines. That’s victory right there. It was slow and hard won, but it’s victory. Lead by example. Be strong in your convictions. Offer a few morsels here and there when you can. Basically, ride a tall horse through your family without saying a word. Live by your convictions. Some will come around.

AtomicBlonde 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Truth isn’t always good news. Truth takes bravery. It takes discernment and willingness. But the only way to ensure a better world for future generations is to ride to the truth like Paul Revere and don’t stop until the coast is clear.”

AtomicBlonde 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ding dong the witch is dead!

AtomicBlonde 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just got home from Peru and what’s happening there doesn’t feel like much of an act. Globalist prices. Peruvian kids with green hair. I had to show my passport eight times at the airport. They are working hard to transform third world countries into communist states. It might be a show but the repercussions are real and have long-lasting consequences. I travel for a living and I see it. Are they going to to take down the Starbucks in the little village in El Salvador? The Great Reset is alive and well around the world. Sorry, but it’s the truth. Can we really turn back the clock? There’s cameras hanging along streets everywhere I go.

AtomicBlonde 4 points ago +5 / -1

I’m bummed because for a long time, many Patriots thought BRICS was an organization that was countering the cabal and moving away from central banks and the Fed. It would be disheartening to learn they’re in on the whole Great Reset scheme too.

AtomicBlonde 3 points ago +4 / -1

A quick summary:

The UN is the cornerstone of the “international system”, and BRICS members are committed to the full “implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” “Public-private partnerships” will help ensure “sustainable development”, and BRICS is excited about the work of its Task Force on Public-Private Partnership. The IMF and WTO are valued organizations, but they must be more “inclusive” and “non-discriminatory”. “We commit to intensify our efforts towards improving our collective capacity for global pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, and strengthening our ability to fight back any such pandemics in the future collectively.” BRICS will double-down on clot-shot “research”. “Climate change” is referred to 18 times. BRICS is excited about “digital transformation in education” and “sustainable education”. A lot of other feel-good word salad about making the world a better, more inclusive and sustainable place by partnering with corporations and strengthening global governance. In total, “sustainable development” is mentioned 21 times. (The acronym “SDG” appears 6 times.)

AtomicBlonde 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was living in Houston during the pandemic in her county. What an absolute bought and paid for globalist. Tyrannical to boot.

AtomicBlonde 1 point ago +1 / -0

Between your comments here and your Substack, you are a busy man!

by wrmevlp
AtomicBlonde 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks so very much for this! This is really great and important information.

AtomicBlonde 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a really important accounting of an event in which you could gauge the true effects of the vax coming first hand from real victims. I am blown away by the numbers. They are stunning. I’d like to send this to Steve Kirsch at Substack.

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