For Japan, the lifespan of a Prime Minister on average is about 1-2 years. Theres a lot of revolving door politicking, so I wont read too much into this.
Sounds like its just a qualitative PCR test. Why not simply do an antigen if all youre looking for is whether the virus exists or not?
Still got a little under a month? The CCP will bail out local Chinese only. Mostly via splitting Evergrand into State Owned Enterprises
We are with regards to the attempts at deception and ruling via a bureaucratic professional administrative class. That and the double speak, and thought crimes.
We havent gone off the cliff yet, but i couldnt tell you a good solid tipping point threshold, so best to just fight tooth and nail over everything.
"diversity" means trying to import kebab or Africans for some reason. Even Mahatma Ghandi was an Indian Hindu Nationalist whose greatest achievement was kicking Kaffirs out of the Royal Mail Office.
Screw these diversity officers. "India" is extremely diverse. There's no need to import people who insist that the Mughals did nothing wrong.
India is a weird confederation. Individual States have massive autonomy.
Yes, media is attributing it to the clot shot. That being said, the average Japanese is in close proximity to others when in the city, and they also have lots of elderly.
Given the current risk/reward analysis, it does make some sense to get the elderly vax'd.
Afghanistan looked like a slush fund for the DS and contractors.
That being said, our objection has always been the manner we pulled out, not the objective of pulling out. The moment Resident Biden breached the peace deal terms, the pull out belonged to him.
Build Back Better means building a bigger basement for Beijing Biden.
Good point, though they are subject to the whims of the Institution of the DoD from the Pentagon. Seems like the Beltway types are the ones stuck.
Also note, the Deep State is largely the revolt of the Professional Class with all their prejudices. The military very much is a professional force, and the upper echelons seem pretty broken.
Urgh what State is this?
Yeah but MIlley proves "the military" is cucked and Deep State material....
I think they are testing Taiwanese response, so they can enact an invasion of the offshore islands. This way, they can take aggressive action to prove themselves, without going to a full-scale war
Science! A practice of regurgitating dogma spoonfed to us by a media that has no expertise in the area, to build a consensus, in the face of objective reality. This isn't a religion at all!
Deport the Doomer Fags.
I feel you fellow pede. I feel the same way after having bern cheated and gaslit and given false hope. Heck, this audit didnt even go far enough, as signature verification was not a part of it.
Yet, contrary to all this feelings, I cant help but cling on to faith. Perhaps that is what faith is, clinging on in spite of everything. Stay strong fellow pede, God loves you and He sees your faith. You arent alone, and perhaps only tonorrow can vindicate us.
I would also point out, the panic on the enemy's side is palpable. Theyve ran every story, from "election count validated" to "this is fraud and fake". This gives me some hope at least.
Selling needs buyers. Prices are pretty much close to face value. Plus they still wont have enough cash after sales...
Will this delay the audit report?
Thousands.....out of millions. Not enough
Yup, which is why I think theyll just dortify the election. Mainstrean Lefties have rallied behind Newsom it seems.
Then he wakes up and remembers the ballot printer and goes back to sleep.
If the Left were smart, theyd recall Newsom and simply prop another Lefty to office.
The military is getting the EUA vax pushed as if it is the FDA approved vax. It doesnt help that the FDA's "clarification" is in the bloody EUA and not the press release or the BLA, meaning most folks missed it.
Ah, my bad. I know a couple folks qith a few qualms about linking to mainstream news sites.
Abe and Koizumi are recent outliers. Since OCT 1945, theyve had at 31 Prime Ministers, even though most come from the same party.