Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +4 / -0

He should have caught the weasel words. "That they have direct oversight of".

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone would be okay with distilling, reverse osmosis, and maybe a bit of chlorine to prevent contamination or growth.

I don't know anyone who is looking to get nutritional value out of their water - not even the fancy bottled waters.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +3 / -1

That article is so biased, it's hard to understand why anyone would nod along with it.

'This study says we are fine! This other study, which has been criticized, says its not fine!'

And also 'The limit of fluoride in water was reduced by 42% - but it's still A-OK!"

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our leaders can gang rape children and the DOJ can't figure out how to open a flight manifest to see who did it. But yeah, gotta stop those menthol smokers. For their own good!

Why does anyone care about policing people's vices so much? You know what happens when you smoke or drink - and we've known far longer than "evil tobbaco companies in the 60s" - so make people responsible for what they do to others and GTFO of legislating about people own dumb selves.

by G-Anon
Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't want the sun to go out. We need that.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you get a total that's less than it's constituents?

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some random scientist was talking to a reporter and used a phrase like "finding this would be like finding evidence of God" as a reference to how hard a task it is to tease out evidence that they had found it. They did math on a single set of results for like a decade to tease out anything they could, and then had to repeat it several times.

Reporter, being stupid and/or masonic, decided that sensationalizing it as the foundation of life (e.g. actual God) was a good move.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone knows journalists are idiots, and yet they still let themselves get led around by the nose by their efforts to sensationalise everything.

Same thing happened with the "god" particle. Some random scientist said something like "to find this would be like finding god" as a simile in difficulty, and suddenly journalists were trumpeting the death of the true God by finding this particle and wanna be mega church pastors were saying that what they were doing was demonic.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mentally add "Until June" after "Against the background of the surging nationalist and populist right-wing parties ahead of the European Union elections in June, political leaders in the old continent have started to ditch many of its failing, crippling environmental policies"

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Buy physical silver because otherwise you own a promise of silver. That promise is specifically worded so that they can bounce on their obligation to give you silver at any hint of insolvency.

If SHTF hard enough to make all paper money become toilet paper, promisory silver documents will join the paper money in your nearest latrine.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only place you went was battery fire. Which doesnt harm the battery it just destroys it, according to you.

I can cross one wire in your tesla and make it stop working. And it doesnt have to burn down.

And I've seen it happen from a blown tire on both EV and ICE vehicles.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course. Your frail self never started hurling insults. You would never! Except you did.

And battery tech has been worked on for as long as ICE engines with a 10% gain. But no, after a hundred years of just being around the corner, its totally around the corner this time.

I'm not biased, i have actual data to back up what i say, not just casting insults because i want to believe.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, the wire shorting out, in your view, was directly on the battery. It wont brick the battery, to your statement, but it will destroy it.


Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except thats not what i responded. You are making up stuff to argue about. I'll wait for you to get what my point was. All you have to do is put in the effort.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, which battery chemistry is BMW using? Oh, thats right: NMC with new annode material. Its going to be roughly equivalent in power delivery to current lion packs used in EVs.

Did you know that in 2010, the USDOE spent 120 million to bring non LiOn technologies to market is less than 5 years that exceeded then-current LiOn capacity? Glad that worked out.

It's almost like....in the last 100 years, energy density in batteries has increased about 8-10x and its been funded aggressively for most of that time period. It's just so....weird how free money is hoovered up from government alphabet agencies. Almost like there's a parasite class selling hopes and dreams, forever promising that everything anyone wants is just around the corner.

But no, go ahead and keep up with the insults because you don't know shit.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't say anything about number of moving parts. You just keep making up new stuff to argue with yourself about, never stopping to think. And all you can come up with are insults when you can't think yourself out of a corner.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does currently say 2030. 15 years ago, it was 2020. Ten years before that, 2010.

But you'd know this if you paused to do more than read hit Google news fluff for your world view.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh huh. All you have are insults. You cant even read a response and keeping yourself on track to what you've actually said. And you're mad you can't edit your responses later to seem lucid to your lefty friends whej you inevitably go back to them to claim a win against a random internet stranger.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because thats a niche. Are you drag racing your Model Y? Do you need to drag race your EV? How many people care about that? Some, yes. But its cost prohibitive to bother with that.

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