Massive cheating in Az. Massive cheating in any and every state a democrat had a victory. This whole election stinks of corruption. Trump had more votes than 2020! There’s no way he had less. This sucks. Something has to be done about the deep state cheating system. They’ll tweak it next time and we’ll be fucked all over again!!!
I don’t like how Flynn is hanging around Alex jones.
Yeah…they took Joe’s 50 million extra votes and and added another 10 million for Kamala. She had 1% of the primary in 2020….one fucking percent.
That would be amazing.
*A loan for $750
Who’s gonna replace him? Moron
2026 is supposed to be filled with celebration of America rallies from what Trump has said at past rallies. To celebrate the 250th year of the USA. 🙏 Can’t wait!!! 🎉🥳👏🏻🙌🏻🍾
Fuck Floyd and anyone who fell for and I guess from the looks of it STILL believes that hoax…you’re VERY low IQ individuals. Do some research! The proof Floyd killed himself is out there..READ! Also the burning and looting of cities was planned by democrat governors and mayors as well lol
Whos in charge of the justice department? Criminals. Criminals aren’t gonna arrest the criminals…that’s not how the mafia works.
Aren’t we still on board with a military overseeing a second election with paper ballots scenario? There’s still a lot of bullshit that has to happen with this shitshow until the final credits. So many ways this could go??? Who knows? Just let it all play out. God wins in the end and we’re on the right team. It’s just a matter of time.
It’s definately gonna suck.
Hmmm…🤔 Could CBS pay up on a $10 billion debt? Maybe a takeover and the DJT stock may be about to blow up? This has to be why he started his Trump media and technology group???👀
Well neither of them look like Carey grant.
Those men…the fags that they are…are made that way by their mommies…white college educated liberal women.
This is on par with the horribly pathetic Lori lightfoot cringe commercials😂
I can’t wait to see this mega fail.
They took everything from the man.
It’s for their own health and safety I’m sure…wait that sounds so familiar doesn’t it?💉💉💉☠️⚰️🪦
What shows me that they’re finished is how they’ve had to drag out every possible asset to try to trick the people and it obviously isn’t working and or having the opposite negative effect for them. It’s all so hilarious to watch them fail so hard.😂🍿
I personally think the chuck schumer joke was the best. The blonde behind him was shaking her head at that one. Her and her lover aren’t voting Trump I guess?
It’s like that meme where someone is drowning looking for a hand with a twist…She was reaching out of the water and expecting bair to agree and support her and pull her out but instead he booted her down into the depths.
I was hoping that someday Trump would just let it rip and confess that the Q posts were the real deal and he is Q+ and everything we believe was correct this whole time. Never gonna happen I guess and he’s gonna keep up the ruse and the playing dumb. The fuckers on talk so much shit, they’re as bad as democrat division shills dividing “Qtards” from the rest of the maga movement. “My fellow Americans” would do the trick. That’s all we need, that would do it. Throw us a fuckin bone please for the love of Christ!!!