Data isn't required to be released until Nov 1, though. Not much can be done on this current election.
Flouride is added into the water at the water company site. Well water is not naturally flouridated.
That photo isn't Diddy.
Notice that he didn't say 'every' illegal alien.
I can see that but there was another video which I remember from that day that was covering the 5 minutes prior this 'side of beef' video. The two women (in this video holding Hillary's arms) were walking Hillary away from the 9/11 ceremony towards where the Scooby van would be. I wasn't watching it under the assumption that H was in custody but, instead, that she was ill. But at the time, it was discussed that all of the SS were too calm for a medical emergency and that maybe this was a chronic 'issue' she had of 'spells'. The 2 women walked her along the sidewalk and the news covered that part before she went out of view. The lone 'visitor' just happened to be in the right place/right time with a working cell phone, else we would never see this event. Wondering when/at what point in the walk the handcuffs were put on her. I keep searching but finding only the 'side of beef' clip. Will share when I locate it.
Do you have the earlier part of the 'walk' when she was being led away from the ceremony? When was she handcuffed?
Just be aware, when the black Hillary makes an appearance, there will still be the 6% (those who are lost forever) who will just roll with it.
and ... it's not only needed for the next couple of months (actually, six weeks!) until the election - it must continue throughout his term at the most heightened level of security.
Thanks. I couldn't read it without your help.
Eventually, yes. All he needs to do right now is get it to stop playing for 2 months, After that, he couldn't care less.
Do they think they will avoid repercussions by stepping down? Also, if Epstein's info hasn't been released yet, why would diddys be released?
Did China miss a payment? Heard they were having troubles....
Not wanting anything to happen, of course, but wouldn't JDVance then be an even bigger tsunami at the polls with the groundswell of support after such an event?
Didn't Biden already turn this down about 6 months ago?
Sounded like she was talking about the general population patients she was seeing. Would like to see if she knows of coworkers who are affected and if any of them are connecting the dots on cause/effect? Until minds change, we are in a 'groundhog day' limbo on these jabs.
My well-educated brother and his family took 2 jabs (he won't admit more, I don't know) and he and wife haven't become sick. His adult daughters have had several flus since then but nobody is connecting anything or even seems curious. Anytime I bring up these data, he calls me crazy and starts giving the anti-Trump lines. "He promoted the vaccine, why do you have a problem?"
If you watch her during Trump's responses, there are a couple of places when it appears that she's not listening to Trump but to someone else - maybe prompting her with comebacks to his answers.
Walz is Harris' assas...tion insurance policy.
The more i watch this, in light of everything developing over the past few years, this is a ridiculous amount of USSS present for just a 'medical event'.
They've already set the precedent on denying Trump a hearing because of no standing. I don't see that going far.
I have to think that they see that as well - but they are just trying to get through this election without alienating a bunch of 'normies' who aren't open-minded about the DS and their complete saturation throughout our govt (and govts around the world).
Yes - develop 'jamming' cuff links and earrings for executives to combat the headphones in the room.
philippe reines
Another peeve about Trump's responses last night and, really, in many of his TV interviews is that Trump gives a 'top level' brief response on a topic which all of us on here will 'get' because we follow the back stories and already know the history that is behind his response. For those people who don't follow this stuff on the daily, it can appear that Trump is wandering all over the place. Example - The pipelines last night. We are all pretty familiar with the whole story, and followed Trump's thought. If you don't have all of that history already in the bank, you would be lost. Same with the 2020 election challenges. And the afghanistan pullout. And all of the world leader references last night. (KJU, Orban, etc.) And the monkeying with the Jobs reports.
Remember how some stores started requiring you to show a photo of your horse before you could by 1 tube of horsey paste? But no restrictions on baby oil?