BadManOrange 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could be a bunch of explanations. Maybe the guy went to U Wyoming or just happened to like Allen when he was in college. Maybe the guy is originally from upstate NY. Maybe the guy started watching football in the early 90s when the Bills lost 4 super bowls and just hated the Cowboys and became a Bills fan. Maybe he just likes the Bills for some weird reason.

BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will say, that if only 10 people know about the plan, why is rando dude in the crowd wearing a Josh Allen jersey important because it's #17. Ah well, would be funny if it actually meant something.

BadManOrange 1 point ago +1 / -0

Edit: I will say that there video could possibly be prerecorded. There are probably only a few people there with him, likely other priests or religious. This is not part of a Mass nor public. So it could easily be something that he wouldn't need to do live. That said in general his Sunday Angelus and general audiences are typically supposed to be live, but with COVID lockdowns it's anyone's guess.

BadManOrange 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can easily tell based on the topic being discussed. The Mass readings always follow a schedule throughout the year. If he's discussing the Baptism in the Jordan than it's for today. Question is whether it was prerecorded since Masses probably aren't public with Italy's lockdowns.

Of course you could theoretically just show the sermons from the same day in previous years, but you'd think someone would be able to figure that out.

I also don't know what's actually being shown since I didn't see the feed. Is it a full Mass or just a recording of a sermon he did at some point?

BadManOrange 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you go back to the beginning of the video, there's no lighting as the sun goes down. So either lights have been out since before sunset or camera is crappy.

BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah Trump's going to give a speech to the American people when most will be asleep

BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's BS unless the power has been out for 6 hours. Not much has changed in that time if you skim through the stream.

BadManOrange 6 points ago +6 / -0

The live stream is from a 544k subscriber account

? by Togabito
BadManOrange 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta be old since no one is wearing masks, but still funny.

by dovfer
BadManOrange 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everything that came out in the original drops were inferred to be her, but nothing truly definitive.

BadManOrange 12 points ago +12 / -0

Her family was likely involved with the mob. D'Alesandro family was very powerful in Baltimore at the time.

BadManOrange 1 point ago +2 / -1

I just came from TDW, but from what I'm gathering, we're at the end game. So we're either trying to figure out what's going to go down in the next few weeks or discussing the news that's trickling out. Not sure how much more research you can do at this point, but you all know way more than me.

BadManOrange 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mortal sins can only be forgiven with a perfect act of contrition (which is impossible to know if you have done short of dying) or through confession. One who dies in mortal sin is damned. Venial sins can be forgiven in other ways besides those above.

BadManOrange 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have a misunderstanding of the Catholic belief in the priesthood. Christ said to confess to one another. He also gave the apostles the ability to forgive sins. All priests descend from the line of the apostles unbroken through the centuries. Catholics believe that when a priest administers the sacraments (such as absolution in confession), he does so in the person of Christ. This means that Christ Himself literally works through the agency of the priest and is actually the one granting the absolution. The priest cannot and does not absolve sins by his own human agency.

BadManOrange 7 points ago +7 / -0

TDW is a doomfest right now. Still decent stuff posted into New, but lots of trash getting bumped up to rising and hot. Place needs a cool off for a bit. More interesting information and discussion here.

BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

They won't remove that, it's tied to the office of the presidency, not Trump himself. Instead they'll either remove his access or just delete everything that comes from it.

by Skyship
BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't disconnected Nord in weeks now. I'm sure Big Tech knows all they need about me at this point, nothing I can do about it now. Either way, stay on VPN and don't bother coming off.

BadManOrange 3 points ago +3 / -0

TDW will be fine once everything settles down

BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

He should just mess with Twitter and keep posting every few minutes

BadManOrange 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden doesn't wear glasses and hair looks different. It's someone else.

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