BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

The issue I have with Ivermectin is why was it created in the first place.

One of the 2 people who developed it worked for Merck at the time. Merck is at the top of the list for evil practices done by Big Pharma.

I think people forget that Ivermectin is a product made by Big Pharma just because it's relatively cheap.

Why would Big Pharma put out a cheap cure for everything from ringworm to pancreatic cancer (according to claims I see made here) when it's proven that they are in the business of making and keeping people sick in order to drain them financially by selling them the "cure" for what Big Pharma did to them to start with?

Are we supposed to believe that Big Pharma is going against their own agenda of keeping people sick/killing off a segment of the population by making and distributing a cheap cure-all for whatever ails you?

It simply doesn't make any sense to me that people are trusting Big Pharma in regards to this one medication when they know Big Pharma's agenda.

BakasEverywhere 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok. Do you think your remote workers are not doing their jobs well? If that's the case, why do you continue to employ them?

Look around, the job market is very competitive. If you can't employ people who will do their jobs no matter where they are, then that is you failing at your job.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

And the majority of people working in offices aren't like me, either. But you're not complaining about them jumping on the computer during their workday to get online to argue with strangers, or play solitare, or just constantly click "refresh" on their email so they look busy.

You're penalizing people who are able to work without a nanny and who are intelligent enough to figure out how to do their work more efficiently so it takes them less time so they can get some fresh air and boost their vitamin D during the day.

I really don't get the hostility towards them. The more responses I get, the more it seems that the people arguing with me are all either retired or close to retirement and are angry that they didn't have the opportunities people have today.

It's silly.

You all would rather people be miserable, holed up in some florescent hell hole, pretending to work instead of just doing their job and having time left over to enjoy a nice sunny day for an hour or so.

Again, it's silly

Edited to add: It's also rather telling about your work ethic when you assume people working remotely aren't doing their job.

When people don't have a point of reference for something they automatically apply their own principles to what they imagine others doing.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's shitposting. That's all it is.

I don't understand why so many people take Twitter/X posts to be gospel straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself.

The guy that posted that is a frequent shitposter and has made an art of it.

Here's an article where he explains how and why he shitposts.


But look at how many people are getting upset because some stranger is sitting outside at 2pm on a Tuesday getting some sun. It's ridiculous.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

Does it hurt your feelings that I'm a responsible adult and am able to get my work done without some middle manager drone staring over my shoulder all day?

Or are you angry that people are screwing with your precious 9 to 5 ideology?

Again, if the job is getting done, what business is it of yours that someone is taking an hour or so in the middle of the day to get some fresh air and get their vitamin D levels up?

And if the job isn't getting done, it's because the middle management drone isn't doing his job.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

And many people don't do an honest day's work sitting in an office. If they're not getting the job done, they should be fired. No matter where they work.

But that doesn't seem to be the case here, when people are still being employed. Their bosses are either satisfied with their work, or are horrible bosses who aren't doing their job.

As to this story about this guy paying an analyst to walk around asking people where they work and all that, it should be filed under "Things That Never Happened".

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +4 / -2

What does it matter as long as the job gets done? People aren't more efficient at their jobs when they sit in an office surrounded by other employees. They just become creative at pretending to be busy.

The only people I really see pushing to get people back in offices are middle managers. Those people who don't have much of a job other than babysitting grown ass people.

I've found that my productivity goes down when I work in an office because of all the Chatty Cathies who want to gossip, or want me to sing Happy Birthday to Bob, or ask me for help fixing their printer (ffs, just turn it off and back on. Problem fixed.) And of course there are all the meetings called by middle managers to go over what we did last week, what we're doing this week, and what we will do next week. All of which are either pointless or could be covered in a brief email that takes 2 minutes to read rather than the hour scheduled to suffer through it.

It's weird how I see people arguing against wage slave mentality here and then something like this pops up, which is the epitome of being a wage slave.

BakasEverywhere 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not sure why Trump having a large rally in New Jersey means that the world is now awake.

Not everyone at that rally is from New Jersey. There is a large group of MAGAs that go to almost every rally Trump has, no matter where it is in the US. But let's just say they're all from NJ. There are almost 10 million people living in New Jersey. So 100,000 people would be 1% of the population.

It's not being willfully ignorant. It's just not placing value on to the same things others are.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does this have to do with Paul Ryan?

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it's real, what exactly do you think that proves?

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't Trump himself recently say we needed to take advantage of mail in voting?



BakasEverywhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's very difficult for me to have much sympathy for people who choose to drink and drive and then get upset about the consequences of those actions.

I was hit by a drunk driver the summer after graduating high school and it has impacted my life horribly. I almost lost a leg, have had metal pins and rods placed in it and have had around 9 surgeries on it over the years, and I still need more. I've had to have my hip replaced because of complications from limping for so long on that leg.

I'm 46 now. I've been dealing with chronic pain from that car wreck for almost THIRTY YEARS. Add to that both short term and long term memory problems from head trauma and neck and back problems caused by the wreck.

I had to delay going to college because of being in the hospital and then going through re-hab. I was a scholarship student before the accident and after it I have trouble remembering simple things. The career I was hoping for before the accident never panned out because I couldn't handle the academic courses because of my memory problems.

The money I got from the accident barely covered the hospital bills from the first hospital stay. It certainly hasn't paid for all of the additional surgeries, hospital stays, doctor visits, physical therapy, or medication costs I've had after that. I would estimate that all of those have cost me around $100,000 over the last 30 years just in co-pays.

That doesn't even touch on the quality of life issues I've dealt with like having to cope with living with chronic pain for decades. And unless you've dealt with chronic pain and the issues surrounding it, you really can't understand how debilitating it is. I've missed out on so much of my children's childhoods because I was hurting too much to play with them, or go for walks, or kick balls, etc...

So it's never as cut and dried as "Oh, they got money from the accident so they'll be fine."

At least I never had to deal with having to listen to the drunk driver who hit me complaining about having to spend a few months in jail because he died at the scene. So thank God for small mercies, I suppose, because if I had to deal with listening to him complain about having to serve a few months for essentially ruining my life, I'm sure I would have been homicidal.

So, yeah, that's why I think it's in bad taste to complain about having to serve a few months for hurting others and endangering lives of innocents for choosing to drive drunk. I don't care how much anyone tries to rationalize it, it's just the epitome of self-centeredness and disregard for the lives of others.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 🤷‍♀️

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's pretty concerning that you think that someone wanting people to know the facts concerning the issue is equivalent to excusing anyone of wrong doing.

I get the impression some people are more interested in just finding something to be outraged over and don't mind fudging the truth on a topic to be able to do that.

Hence why normies so often accuse us of spreading disinformation which leads to people dismissing us out of hand, no matter the topic.

BakasEverywhere 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why do you think pointing out things that are factually wrong made in posts here, and then providing evidence to support those claims is the same as "defending the criminals in Congress"?

BakasEverywhere 4 points ago +5 / -1

You can criticize foreign governments all you want to. This bill deals exclusively with anti-discrimination laws.

I'm curious, did you look into the accuracy of that Twitter/X post in any way, or did you automatically accept it as fact?

I'm not trying to call you out or embarrass you. I'm trying to understand why people seem to automatically believe these posts made by complete strangers. I find it particularly odd that people here do that, considering this is claimed to be an elite research forum.

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