Where's ICE? Did no one bother to tell them they had a buttload of potential illegal aliens standing out in the road in one big group, just waiting for some ICE buses to stop by and pick them up to give them a lift to the border? Isn't the Mexican border like 10 miles away from where they are?
Is ICE that incompetent or are they not serious about deporting illegals?
Yay! Let's make more new laws that do exactly what the existing laws (that aren't enforced) do. That will stop all this nonsense! Law and Order for the win!
100% agree. Let SA take care of their own problems.
Sounds good to me. Just cut off funding to everyone. Let countries take care of their own people. We don't need to be the entire planet's daddy.
You'd think that he at least would just do away with that PC bullshit and just call a spade a spade. 🤷♀️
They should try to go back to the Netherlands or Germany first, where the original white people in SA originally came from.
Both of those countries have some sort of repatriation citizenship by descent. Let them go back to their ancestors' countries. They'd most likely have some extended family there, along with the fact the culture shock would probably be less if they went to those countries. I'm sure they kept some of their customs from their home countries.
Or they could, you know, fix their own country by whatever means they deem necessary. 🤷♀️
Last I checked, they were still able to own guns over there. And even if they weren't able to get a gun legally, plenty of illegal guns floating around.
Just sayin.
Good. He should cut off funding and just let them sort it out themselves. Sure as hell doesn't need to eventually be funding them again.
I don't care if SA changes anything concerning white farmers over there or not. Not our problem. We have our own farmers, white, black, or purple, that we could be helping with that money.
As long as it's cheaper for businesses to have their products manufactured overseas, they're going to continue to do so. That's the entire reason why manufacturing moved out of the country in the first place. Businesses wanted more profits.
These businesses aren't going to hurt much from these tariffs. They'll just pass the cost on to us. It would have to be a pretty damn high tariff to make it more profitable to have their products produced here rather than overseas.
You can't force businesses to manufacture here. They'll just move their manufacturing over to some other country that isn’t being subjected to high tariffs. Most likely third world countries with poor human rights track records. Places that use child labor, along with forced labor.
I see a lot of people cheering over the idea of the US beginning to manufacture more of our goods, but right now, it's just a fantasy. Corporations aren't suddenly going to just abandon their never ending grasping at higher profits. It's not like people are just eager as hell to move their businesses back here. Go check out all the hoopla surrounding the Carrier Corporation and GE during Trump's first term in office, when they were pledging to move back here. People really should keep up with what's going on with things like that.
Not to mention the fact that we would have to basically build our manufacturing business from the ground up. Unless we're just interested in importing a bunch of foreign components from overseas, and assembling them all here and slapping a "made in America" sticker on it. Which is most likely the best that we're going to get. Because it would take years and years to build up an American based supply chain for products to actually be made here. From the screws holding things together to the microchips running them. And then when the next Democrat is in office and cancels the tariffs (or more likely when President Trump cancels them for whatever reason), it's going to go right back to the way it is now. And all this will be for nothing.
Because the root of the problem is not being addressed. Which is how extremely profit-oriented businesses are now. And there's really nothing you can do about that without being called a Communist because you're arguing against Capitalism.
So all this is pretty much just going to be a waste of time and money. Which the Democrats will never shut up about, seeing as how Biden/Harris was voted out because of inflation costs (among other things, but inflation was the biggie).
But, whatever. It's getting more and more difficult for me to bring myself to care. I'll be OK, financially. I'm young and can work from anywhere and have education and experience that are always in demand.
But considering how many people I've seen here talking about how they're broke and they can't afford eggs or their medications and they're already retired and living on social security or they're fast approaching retirement and still have no savings...well, it's going to really suck for them.
Steal balls are Great Again"
I don't think stealing balls was ever great in the first place, so...
I understand completely.
In today's political/social climate, extremism is becoming the norm. There are fewer and fewer moderate minded people out there trying to keep others (on both sides) from going full retard.
It's an "all or nothing", "if you're not with us, you're against us" mindset. Which is neither healthy nor substantial.
Wow, a voice of reason. Nice to see that.
Sometimes I think there are entirely too many people who are just addicted to drama. They feel the need to make any and every single thing they possibly can into some grand scheme.
Again, I'm not arguing that they aren't criminals. They are but criminal =/= criminal record.
Yes, the media was trying to give the impression that all illegal aliens aren't dangerous criminals, which is what people tend to think of when they hear the term criminal record.
But, and here's the thing, not every illegal alien has a criminal record, which is obvious. Its a simple fact.
The problem is that the Press Secretary either a) was knowingly lying by saying all of them did or b) was displaying her ignorance over what the term criminal record means.
There it is. That's the issue. Either way, her comments aren't going to go over well with anyone other than the high-fiving nut flexers I referred to in an earlier comment.
Do you see anyone changing their opinion on the issue because of what she said? Truly? I don't.
Do you see people using what she said to paint the Trump Administration as ignorant and/or disingenuous? I do.
But hell, maybe it will distract people from noticing that grown ass patriots don't know how a bill is passed into a law and are apparently going to skip paying their income tax this year because they think introducing a bill is the same as a law being passed and immediately implemented.
I don't know why I even bother anymore. I truly don't. I'm this close 🤏 to just deciding each side is full of fucking retards and just ignoring politics all together. Just let you all stomp on the gas when you're driving straight towards a brick wall instead of trying to get you to at least ease up on the gas.
You’re overthinking this like crazy.
No, I'm really not. It's simply understanding very simple concepts, such as words having meaning.
What's going on here is people wanting to just ignore facts in favor of their feelings.
But the reason why a illegal is a criminal, with now a record, is because they are ILLEGALLY here, and now we document them(record them) and send them packing. Which gives a record
You don't even realize you're making my point for me.
Maybe if you got a pencil, and a piece of paper, and wrote down all the key words and phrases, and looked up the definition of each of them and made a Venn Diagram based on those definitions, you might begin to understand. (Spoiler: sometimes the circles don't overlap).Or maybe not. I fear you're a lost cause.
Yes. Thank you. It points out that a person has to have at least some sort of official interaction with the legal system in order to be considered to have a criminal record. Yet again, that whole definition of the word "record".
Just because a person is an illegal alien and is here illegally doesn't mean they've ever been looked at sideways by anyone in law enforcement, much less arrested or charged with anything.
Glad we cleared that up.
I agree they're criminals. I don't have any issue in deporting them. I couldn't care less if they were all dropped into the Grand Canyon, never to be heard from again.
I'm saying that there is a difference between engaging in criminal activities and having a criminal record. A criminal record is a very specific thing, and when talking about that in any relation to law enforcement, like deportation, specifics matter.
It seems like people are simply more interested in flexing nuts and posturing in front of the media than they are in addressing the facts of the case.
Because while most people here are snickering and high-fiving each other on "owning da libs" or whatever, the rest of the nation and world looked at that and came to the conclusion that the Trump Administration either a) doesn't understand the difference between two very simple legal terms (scary, considering how powerful we are as a nation) or b) doesn't care what the difference is (perhaps even more concerning).
And of course, this being the public face of Q, which has gained all sorts of recent attention with Trump's second term, we have no telling how many people coming here to check us out, and we have Anons who feel like doubling down on ignorant arguments like the one above.
I don't know what the hell has happened in the last week or so, but it's like there's a very serious case of retardation going on.
I'm in the middle of some other conversations where people are asking if they should pay their income taxes in a few months because they saw where the House introduced some bill about income tax (apparently they think introducing a bill is the same as passing a law and that the new law will take effect in a few months time) and another conversation where someone seems to think other countries will pay tariffs to our government if we don't import as many goods from them as we used to.
Honestly, there's a severe case of The Stupids going around.
Where in the US do you live that food doesn't get taxed? I know there are a few states that don't impose a state tax on food, but that doesn't account for local jurisdictions.
I'm not saying you're wrong or that food should be taxed. I'm just genuinely curious where in the US has no tax on food.
Mississippi and Alabama have the highest taxes on food in the US, I think. I grew up down there and once a month we would drive an hour to cross the border into a different state to buy groceries. Most states have lower food taxes, but MS and AL tax food just as high as everything else. Seems like something that would happen in California or NY or Massachusetts, not Alabama and Mississippi.
Anyway, I was just curious. And jealous. Mostly jealous. But a little curious, too. 😁
You're confusing common laws vs federal. How many years have you spent in prison vs how much was your ticket/court cost.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean state laws vs federal? Because I think traffic laws are under state laws. Either way, it doesn't really matter, because the terms "criminal record" and "illegal act" don't change depending on if they fall under being a federal crime or a state crime.
I don't think you understood my point in regards to the speeding and jaywalking examples. My point was virtually everyone here has done something illegal at least once in their life, yet everyone does not have a criminal record. That's because not everyone is caught doing whatever illegal thing it is they're doing, and even if they're caught it does not mean they automatically charged with a crime and then found guilty in order to have a criminal record. Because, yet again, a criminal record does not mean the same as doing something illegal.
I honestly can't believe I have to explain this.
I'm not saying all crimes are equal.
I'm saying that the term "criminal record" means something more than just doing something illegal.
I don't think you understand what the word "convicted" means, either.
And you don’t have to be convicted. If your an illegal, that’s being convicted.
That doesn't make any sense.
I think you're confusing "guilty" with "convicted". Someone can be guilty of a crime without being convicted of it. Conversely, someone can be convicted of a crime without being guilty of it. For instance, President Trump may have been convicted of sexual abuse, but that doesn't mean he was guilty of it.
Doesn’t require a court.
Well, if it's talking about a criminal record, then yes, it does require a court. Because courts of law are where people are found guilty of crimes and where those crimes are recorded. As in a a record of a criminal activity. As in a criminal record. See, that's where it gets the name. Did you never make that association before?
No matter how you spin it, words have definitions for a reason. If we all just made up our own definitions for things, the world would devolve into chaos.
Unemployment rate in the US is only 4%. Now that we're finally getting rid of illegal immigrants, we're going to have a ton of job openings coming up.
Do you really think that extra 4% of potential employment will make a big enough difference where we will be having more people working in order to pay less taxes? If we no longer have an income tax, what does it matter if we have more people making an income?
Earlier you said we would eventually be paying zero taxes.
If we're not going to have an income tax, and we're no longer paying as much in tariffs, where will the government be getting money?
What if we start doing so well in bringing manufacturing back that we end up having a worker shortage and have to start giving visas to foreigners just to start the whole illegal immigrants thing over. The majority of illegal immigrants in the US came over here legally on work, tourist, or school visas, and didn't go home when they expired, thus becoming illegal.
Do you see how what you're saying here is inconsistent and confusing?
Just curious, do you often daydream about these types of scenarios?