BalsacEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could be..don’t let anyone here assert a singular meaning to Q’s messages.

BalsacEyes 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is that they didn’t exist. Crisis actors or fabricated. Darker theories suggest that planes really were hijacked, just not used in any of the actual terrorist attacks that day, and the people were taken somewhere and killed.

BalsacEyes 5 points ago +5 / -0

I contend that they were ready for Trump to come out aggressively and offensively. Instead he came out cool. He listened to the lady. He answered every concern, and even got fired up when she lied. He showed deference, care, and humanity. They had zero ammo to smear him afterward. We know how well this played for him, since we are hearing the WW3 drumbeat now (permission for Ukraine to strike Russia with our weapons). After Trump beat Biden in a debate, we had the assassination attempt. Telltale signs. Stable genius.

BalsacEyes 21 points ago +23 / -2

I’ve cut back on stockpiling and just decided to commandeer my lib neighbor supplies if shit hits the fan, since they voted for this.

BalsacEyes 4 points ago +6 / -2
  • one live feed shows a plane penetrating through the building (the “nose out” shot), which is impossible
  • the only other live feed that day shows no plane
  • news footage shows a wing disappear before impact
  • pedestrian videos (numerous) show no plane upon “impact”
  • numerous eye witness accounts demanding it was explosions and there were no planes
  • only eyewitnesses who saw planes were crisis actors, like a fox producer who lived by it and watched the whole thing. He oddly states that the steel must have collapsed from the heat, which ended up being the official investigation finding
  • bbc press release launches too early, and she reports that WTC 7 has fallen from collateral damage while WTC 7 is still clearly visible behind her
BalsacEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I finally found the video I was looking for yesterday that explains “no planes.” Just posted it here, only 20 minutes.


BalsacEyes 13 points ago +13 / -0

Nice. In finance, a ‘dead cat bounce’ means - A temporary recovery in the price of an instrument whose price has fallen rapidly and is expected to fall further in the long run.

BalsacEyes 1 point ago +1 / -0

TikTok, Snapchat…so they’re getting heavily algorithmed just like mainstream does.

BalsacEyes 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s where I saw the “nose out shot” you reference in this thread.

BalsacEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure which documentary it is, but there is one that shows digitally on all available footage how the planes in NY were CGI’d over what was probably drones. It’s been a long time and I’d have to go digging. Covers every plane and how they were totally faked to fool us. With all this coming out I may track it down because it was definitive, scientific, and well produced.

BalsacEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes he didn’t beat her up with it throughout the debate. He just said at the end what everyone was thinking, even libs. He showed real stable genius here.

BalsacEyes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. If he wants to be left alone people should respect that. He put himself on blast knowing he was on camera and being political.

BalsacEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

He let her lead the discussion, attentive to all her claims. A true gentleman and scholar. One may say a stable genius. I think this played well for him.

BalsacEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed her eyes. Surely they have next-level contact lenses.

BalsacEyes 6 points ago +6 / -0

When 60’s flower children are over it you can finally see a tipping point.

BalsacEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

You’re right, they wouldn’t let an actual attempt happen. Think he’s referring to the idea it was a white hat ploy with blood packets and all.

BalsacEyes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Aslan posted the below a few days ago. Q4900 is dated 10/18 and asks if you see a pattern, then Aslan lists several in his post. Maybe honorable LEO are cracking down on the baddies -


BalsacEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s these advisors (eg McNamara, Kissinger, Slavitt) who are delivering the orders to officials at all levels on behalf of the cabal, I believe. That’s why we rarely know who “they” are, because they have some generic title. His dad was a Chicago attorney and he’s a Harvard MBA. Obama appointed his company to set up healthcare.gov AFTER his company had paid $350 million in class action settlements for not paying out-of-pocket expenses. And his Wikipedia makes this statement

“Slavitt has been a subject of an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that he and other Jewish people are part of a cabal responsible for COVID and a "COVID agenda".”

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