I’m not in a place to watch, but is this really BLM as a whole or a local or individual thing?
Several months ago, the BLM leader of Rhode Island came out in support for J6’rs. But it wasn’t BLM as a whole.
Just curious the case here if anyone could articulate.
Edit: Just watched it. Mark Fisher is the guy. He’s been on board for a while. Which is good. Always take the win. Just note that he is only the head of a single chapter.
General chat please: https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvvwvOX/general-chat-for-wed-mar-06/
Some 'light' reading by TechnoFog on the decision, while you wait.
I mean 9 to 0. So easy, even a gender confused DEI justice can do it.
A deep dig on how to do a deep dig. We appreciate your work. 👌🐸
DEW is a generic category. Nothing more. Your lot is implying space lasers by saying they are firing lasers (DEW's) from space to set entire towns on fire. You are right though, it sounds dumb.
The point was to start thinking critically, so you don't keep getting the wool pulled over your eyes. They didn't say, "all your craziest theories are correct. all of it."
We know they commit mass arson. They use it to steal land, to "prove" climate change, target food supplies, etc. And we have proof they are using antifa idiots to do it. We've caught them walking out the woods with 5 gallon gas cans and they dismiss it saying, "oh, they were filled with water because these patriots were FIGHTING the fires."
Then they get us to stop serving up proof of their efforts by injecting space lasers into the conversation. Now we have a bunch of useless infighting because anons have gas lit themselves on clever info-war crap thinking its more important to paint their house UN blue, hide under umbrellas, and argue with fellow patriots than to keep digging and showing the ACTUAL arson going on that we can ACTUALLY prove.
Its not the target, its the distance.
Maybe they can, maybe they can't. But the possibility exists.
This is exactly why it belongs on conspiracy.win. Not because it is guaranteed to be false, but because it is a long way from being feasible. The place to further vet it is there.
Please site the capability from that site that would be applicable to setting TX on fire from space. Thank you.
Yes. It mentions nothing about ground targets. Assuming this isn't propaganda from the west, and it probably isn't, they are talking about weapons that target other satellites and possible catching intercontinental missiles at their apex (near space).
This is a topic restricted board. Not a general chat platform like X or .win in the larger sense. It is written very clearly in the rules.
There are places for those discussions, but it is not here. This is not difficult.
The Q operation is following a plan and just as much of it has been proven out already, so will much more in the future. That is the difference.
Do DEW's exist in their most reductive definition, sure. In stationary, ship, and aeronautical based platforms for very specific uses.
Do in orbit DEW's exist that are made for terrestrial targets? Is there actually any proof? Does the math add up? Energy weapons like this lose their power at the SQUARE of the distance they travel. In addition, the atmosphere, clouds, dust, etc, dissipates them even more. People would be able to easily detect them. Russia and China would know about them and would love nothing more than to show how the US Govt. is abusing its own people.
We've also seen mass arson in California and Canada, which is the easiest way to pull this off.
Back hats are not stupid. They are evil. They are actively engaged in this information war. They tell you things you want to here to keep you distracted. Stick to provable known facts. Stay away from things that have provable huge gaps in their theories, like no hoards of blind people (or cattle) near these mass arson fields.
As someone else alluded, there are reasons to believe she was tapped and receiving information. I do not believe even a little that she is “on the team”, but merely a conduit of information. Therefore her sources could be valuable to black hats.
I also have no doubt that this scenario was thought of and planned for.
If I had to guess. They are still trying to figure out who is running and involved in the Q op.
He was already detained and not a credible threat to Putin.
Who benefits from his death at THIS time? cough🤡cough
Exactly that. The timing is beyond suspect.
Whatever you think of Putin, he is not an idiot.
On a related note, the entire EV market is collapsing. What was once a market full of year+ waiting lists, is now crushing excess inventory.
Rivman loses $30,000 per truck sold on labor and material alone. You have to add on factory, administrative, and corporate overhead on top of that yet.
Car rental companies are selling off their EV fleets and canceling contracts for future purchases.
Volvo has backed out of Polestar.
Ford, GM, Toyota, and others have all pulled back significantly on EV production and forecasts.
Tesla keeps lowering their prices to keep sales up. As the ONLY profitable EV manufacture, they will soon have to choose between losing money in each sale or accept slowing sales.
EV charging stations lose money massively even as their prices creep up to more than gas equivalent prices.
Insurance costs are through the roof, as any minor damage to the battery, such as running over minor road debris, totals the car. Or worse, if they happen to catch fire, they not only are guaranteed to be a complete loss, but they will take out anything near by.
Li-ion battery powered cars was always going to be a failure.
The only way you can discern things in the middle of a 5G info war, is to assess outcomes. Its also important to not lock yourself into certain assumptions and be willing to change them as the facts change.
As of this moment, Tucker is killing it in revealing the fuckery of the DS.
Given the implosion of the left with Tucker's Putin interview, I find the timing of this substack very sus. If I was the DS and was worried about the popularity of Tucker and the rocks he's turning over, this sort of hit piece is exactly how'd I sow the seeds of doubt to contain him.
Keep in mind, they haven't shown were Tucker has recently got anything wrong or even misled you. Its just fear porn based on dots you can connect back mainly only through his father. Then there is falsities such as he implying he focuses on the culture war such as racist trees (wut?). One, politics is down stream of culture and culture HAS been weaponized. However, he rarely focuses on it. He's been going after all the big things since he was set free from FOX.
Again, I don't find Tucker focuses hardly at all on these things, but read this quote from the article and tell me it doesn't wreak of a lefty author who can't help themselves from defending liberals. Not only do they accuse Tucker of attacking these things, its in a tone of "attacking liberals is not good", and it attempts to absolve lefties of things they have actually done by saying "supposedly". As if there should be doubt.
Carlson has attempted to get his viewers angry about how liberals are supposedly claiming that math and trees are racist, or they are trying to get you to eat bugs."
Outcomes and motives.
Is it too late to get into the "guess their pronouns" pool? 🤑
Its live. He is just not on yet, due to shit for brains running slow.
EDIT [10:39]: He is on.