And now would be a good time and place to link to “this thread”.
The only reason I know of him is because of his ads way back in the day for Ruffles. I haven’t seen that ad in, what, 30 years, and I’ve never seen him in anything else. But I’m dying if I’m lying when I say that as soon as I read your comment, I was like “Oh, yes, Justin Wilson!”. How weird are our brains, or, at least, mine? 😆
Very suspicious, but in the short time I followed him on TruthSocial, it became quickly obviously that John Solomon was a slimy cnt… and I don’t mean that in a good way.
How insanely wild is it that the people most scared of the boogity-COVID virus were the people most brainwashed against its effective and safe treatments?
It’s almost like there was the plain and obvious truth, and then there’s the polar opposite of the truth, in every possible way… and hundreds of millions were convinced to fervently believe in the second, and despise the first.
Oh, wait, no, that’s exactly what happened. 🤷♂️
Justin Wilson, I gar-on-tee!👍
Yeah. I dream of that. But it’s not my situation, not today, at least.
And yet, I fly my “Let’s Go Brandon” flag all day, every day, in front of my house in blue-hell King County, WA. 😊
But I think I might just now have to order a Brazil flag. 👍👍👍
I’m willing to entertain that… but ultimately, I can’t conclude how an honest conscience could, knowing the wicked truth about these demonic and destructive injections, allow one to lead the very people who looked up to you to follow your words to their, and their families’, suffering and death.
I have to have the same presumption about Trump. They must’ve been fooled, too. Hell, maybe nobody truly knew (beforehand) how dangerous these injections would be; these shots were just for profit and power, not depopulation, not yet. 🤷♂️
Anything else is unforgivable, unconscionable, from anyone else we can continue to trust. It wasn’t just everybody that their reassurances harmed; it was mainly those souls who trusted them most. Anything else is downright Max Zorin-like in murderous contempt for anyone who once believed in them:
And, just to mess with ‘em, tell your liberal neighbors that’s just a flag for Ukraine’s proud space program. Heil Zelensky!✋
Also, yours.👍 It’s all just so illegal on so many levels. It’s almost like they’ll need to build a whole building full of courtrooms somewhere just to handle the forthcoming tribunals. 🤷♂️🤔😉
Thank you.
With just about anybody else, my reaction to seeing a quote from 2+ years ago would be “not news; not new.”
But with Trump, I think the overwhelming presumption has to be “not surprising; he knew.”
I think he’s truly someone motivated by the search for truth (his prior desperately-gullible comments on the “vaccine” show he’s not always on top of it, though🤷♂️), but yes, I have to believe this incident with his daughter likely opened his eyes to the unholy malignancy of the forces lined-up in rabid opposition to the truth, and in demonic opposition to humanity.
And I certainly hope, and believe, what he’s learned in this eye-opening process will, going forward, strongly inform and direct his perilous dalliances with “trans-humanism.”
What are you moaning about now? Sheesh.
I updooted, but dates & context on quotes are always helpful.
Isn’t coordinated sabotage of elections, for the purpose of subverting the legitimate American government, like, treason??
Hey Katie. WEF??
Elon Musk is sorting out sht at that beyond-dysfunctional ( company, that he just bought, faster than humanly possible, even while promptly revealing to the world the most widespread criminal conspiracy this country has ever witnessed.
I’m sure there simply are a number of blue-haired , ban-happy trannies that just haven’t gotten the boot yet. It’ll be fixed in due time. Bryson Gray is the absolute best; can’t wait til he drops a sweet collabo with Eazy-Elon. Those two guys are truly the hardest working, most productive men in their respective fields.
Any friend of tyranny can feel free to go ahead and die anytime, tho. 👍
👍👍👍 I’m a sucker for good news from Brazil that does not emanate from the rectums at “Newspunch”.
So don’t add it here, the black-hole of picayune complaints. Make an actual New Post on it if the overarching complaint is that other matters just aren’t getting sufficient attention on this board today! Sheesh!
Jason Whitlock is the Honey Badger of editorialists - he truly don’t give a fck. And it makes him devastatingly awesome.
Correct as ever, Crowder-meme. 👍
I nominate this post for Concern-Troll Bitchpost of the Month.
No. This matter should have been pushed in front of the Supreme Court as often as possible, as conservatives’ #1 priority. The number of innocent children whose lives have been ruined and whose minds have been brainwashed demands not “patience”, but truckloads if dynamite to the whole damned system. Government schools have been one of main mechanisms for denying our rights and implementing terror and tyranny. “Patience”, and “grasshopper” sht, here, can just SMFD.