BasedInFact 2 points ago +2 / -0

PJ O'Rourke was a treasure.

And that great quote is just an unpacked description of "Critical Theory", which is fundamentally nothing more than non-stop criticizing, ceaseless complaining about how awful things are in the most free, welcoming, equitable, prosperous, opportunity-filled nation(s) on earth.

BasedInFact 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most "normies" will ultimately need to see demons perp-walked, prosecuted, and put down before they "swallow the red pill", because all those sheep really want is to be safe on the winning "side".

The truth doesn't matter at all to them, even to the point that they'll inject poison repeatedly into their bodies, and those of their children, if it means they get to be on the winning "team". NPCs simply go in the direction the prevailing algorithm instructs them. Seems insane, but only to those capable of independent thought.

BasedInFact 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not bad.

“The key takeaway is this: When it comes to Leftists, we are not dealing with honest people who want what is best for society but are tragically mistaken about how this can be achieved. Such individuals certainly exist on the Left, but the average Leftist is spiteful, malicious, and vindictive. They cannot be reasoned with or rationally convinced of their “mistakes” because they are driven by deep-rooted biological and psychological issues that, in many cases, cannot be resolved. Use extreme caution when dealing with them.”

BasedInFact 9 points ago +10 / -1

I have no thoughts on him, because I have never heard of that person (although his precious name and freakish Twitter picture positively shriek “hysterical fag”🤷‍♂️)

I was just commenting on that one statement, which appears downright sociopathic in its infatuation of self and blithe indifference to the continuing suffering of others.

BasedInFact 14 points ago +15 / -1

Who the hell are all these faggots that people are endlessly posting about but I have never heard of? “Jeffree Star”?!? The fuq is that?!?

And “Oh, I was going uncover all these horrible things, but yeah, I decided to keep their secrets, but still fcking flounce around on Twitter.” This isn’t serious, and if it were, it’d be beyond shameful.

BasedInFact 4 points ago +4 / -0

Who the fuq is this grotesque bish?

Eh, don’t waste your time answering; I just realized I don’t care.

BasedInFact 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly, that’s not true.

A significant purpose of Leftist propaganda and practice is nothing but pure sadistic humiliation. It’s patently demonic.

BasedInFact 1 point ago +1 / -0

One more courtroom where truth has no chance and justice goes to die. Sickening.

BasedInFact 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don’t want to sound too Bill Gates here, but this world would have legitimately been far better off if the monkeypox vaccine were a perfected depopulation weapon.

BasedInFact 3 points ago +3 / -0

And that time when what, for all the world, sounded like Hunter Biden talking about a plea deal was dubbed over a White House press conference, an utterly amazing moment that positively begged for journalistic follow-up… but which, of course, the MSM, to my knowledge, refused to even address.

I couldn’t find a post on that here in 10 seconds of searching, but surely could later on.

BasedInFact 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, the “United States Qf America” on Marine One is another stone-cold WTF classic.


BasedInFact 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine how being locked up for years for doing far less would feel. Because that’s what happened to nearly everyone else, you traitorous demon.

BasedInFact 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you! That was one of the many little early, post-“inauguration” bizarre occurrences that seemed contrived to just make everything about the Biden “administration” feel surreally fake.

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