BasedNoticer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah it was all part of the “see they’re just like us” psyop that boomers lived though. It was all on purpose. Processed corn syrup instead of maple sugar. Made by globalist food corporations located in blue cities, public stock traded in New York City, instead of you know paying a buck or two more for natural real syrup made by a farmer who owns that beautiful woods just outside your town and who donated to the new park in your town. But naah. Nah why buy that when you can just buy the stuff with the smiling black lady on the bottle. Yeah you can trust her! She’s happy just look at her smile! She must be smart about syrup! This has got to be the better syrup.

This is one small story about why our country is fucked up. But there are many others that follow the same plot.

Discover them and reject them and you may be able to help turn this thing around. Reject the slop. Find the real things. Spend your money on them.

BasedNoticer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah forget putting them up taxper expense for all that time just tell them “see ya later don’t come back”

BasedNoticer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes it’s a luxury to the elites - and by that I mean an expensive, useless item which is only there for reasons of vanity. They import these people to make themselves feel virtuous and they don’t regard the cost both to society and the economy. It’s a luxury in the worst sense

BasedNoticer 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the way. I’ve saved your post because it’s hands down the way it needs to be done. Illegal immigrants do not add to the economy or the culture here, they cost more than they generate and frankly it’s a luxury we can’t afford anymore. The gravy train is done. Time for the Go Home train.

BasedNoticer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same crisis actors… or maybe they grew them both in the same lab…

BasedNoticer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thought that too. I like rfk way better than manchelle

BasedNoticer 0 points ago +5 / -5

This. It’s all fake a gay just like Alex ‘Bill Hicks’ Jones who is another deepstate disinformation agent

BasedNoticer 2 points ago +3 / -1

I say good - these places feed our population poison and support illegal immigration. Down with all fast “food” places you shouldn’t be eating that slop anyway. Pack a lunch fattie your grandkids will thank you when you live past 65

BasedNoticer 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s possible. Maybe he wants to go back to us treasury notes. I didn’t read the article tho

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BasedNoticer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think so too. It’s the final card they can play is taking it on trumps watch and making him take the blame

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