BenDrankin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thx fren cheers ☕️🍵❤️

BenDrankin 6 points ago +7 / -1

The BLM commies I work with don’t care. Even going as far as “if they kill me it was just my time to go”

Can’t stand people who are so weak minded and buy into the brainwash

BenDrankin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hear you on your points. They are valid. But, if you really think that Trump was going to go nuclear and uproot the deep state during his first term you are mistaken. I do agree the zionism and big pharma salesman stuff is concerning but I think he did it in part to expose to the masses just how corrupt our society is. Normies need to see the damage in front of them. No normie would have responded well to Trump going nuclear during his first term. I trust a number have waken up since but plenty are still asleep. Trump may not do everything you or I want but he can’t simply go in and brute force attack the deep state. He has to play by their rules, play their game, and beat them at it. Doesn’t mean he’s perfect. What do you ultimately suggest anyway? You sound like anomaly being all upset Trump didn’t rip apart the deep state and tell big pharma to fuck off from the get go.

BenDrankin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stonerfag here (like, move over Snoop Dogg). Cannabis is my thing. Alcohol never really was. This is absolutely ridiculous. I am not exactly prideful of my habit and can see how it has affected my health to some degree over long-term use. As a stonerfag for 10+ years of frequent regular/daily use (believe me I enjoy days where I don’t touch the stuff til later in the evening) I have never had a heart attack, stroke, or any major cardiovascular issues (even minor). Also, I’m a stonerfag that does some regular weekly training and used to run long distance. This is utter, utter clown world bullshit and fake news. If you’re a stonerfag too please add some cbd flower to your routine. It made a difference for me.

BenDrankin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think this is important. The historical/chronological context matters. The deep state doesn't fall over night. It takes infiltration and playing their game by their rules sometimes. It's not pretty no but it is what it is. Patience. There will be wins and losses along the way. Stay vigilant. Stay focused. Enjoy the show too

BenDrankin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can also confirm. Philly burbs.

BenDrankin 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is quite possibly my favorite red pill. Every thing is a rich man’s trick!!

BenDrankin 19 points ago +19 / -0

“You sound boosted” is probably a good response to “It’s Don Jr.’s coke in the White House”. Well written comment and I strongly agree.

BenDrankin 9 points ago +10 / -1

Absolutely correct. Best option is to make your burgers at home!

BenDrankin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Seconded. Five Guys is the true burger king.

BenDrankin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Purkiss, you’re the man bro. I appreciate what you do for this community. I simply felt like you were being unnecessarily aggressive. That’s all. No big deal no hard feels. Stay well fren

BenDrankin 1 point ago +3 / -2

You’re kind of being condescending yourself.

BenDrankin 14 points ago +14 / -0

It would be awesome if humanity filmed more stuff in landscape instead of portrait.

BenDrankin 1 point ago +2 / -1

I feel you fellow patriot. Last summer I was worried AF I was gonna have to take a jab or lose my job. Thankfully it never became something I needed to stress about. I was real down last summer. Over the past couple of years since this covid nonsense took over nearly all the people around me I'd like to share some of my experience in dealing with NPCs.

  1. Be secure in yourself. A lot of people will tell you to "be confident" as general advice. I don't exactly agree with that notion. It's too simple. You need to be secure in yourself -- your opinions, your beliefs. You are allowed to have an opinion and if voicing your opinion loses you friends then they weren't frens and it was meant to be because God.

  2. This is spiritual warfare. Oh what times we live in, right? You, my fren, are clearly closer to God than these NPCs are. They are not aware of the magnitude of what is going on. You are. This does not mean you are better. It does not mean they are worse. God is taking you through troubled waters because your enemies can't swim. You know something THEY do not.

  3. God causes suffering to build character. You were MEANT for this fight in this war. Think of all your trials and tribulations in your life. Think of the worst feelings you've ever felt -- your failures, your fuck ups, what stressed you, and take that and realize it was MEANT to be. It was MEANT to teach you something. To build your character. To shape and mold you into being a leader for your people.

  4. This and number 1 were personally my greatest struggles throughout this. Please act with compassion. It ties into number 1 because I would advise compassionately voicing your opinions. You're not trying to fight or argue. It's more or less you standing your ground and I encourage you to do so. Act with compassion. Avoid emotional flairs. Keep it neutral. You know... NBD as the kids say. Ultimately you will garner more respect and value, and maybe even attract those with different opinions than you. I will end this point with two sections of the Bible I found relevant:

Luke 23:34

"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots."

Revelation 22:11

“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”

You were meant for this. Godspeed.

BenDrankin 1 point ago +1 / -0

These things are easier said than done. Can we offer a bit more compassion towards those who took the clot shot to save their job? You know, their livelihood? Thank God I didn't have to take one for my job, and thank God I have my immediate family to support me in the event I quit my job because a jab was suddenly required. Finding a job is a full time job, and it's not fun. I get certain benefits and a wage I really like from my job, and I probably wouldn't have the benefits and wage I want if I worked at McDonalds. I'm not trying to defend people who took the jab out of coercion -- it was indeed their choice. I feel bad for them and am disappointed more people didn't stand up for what they truly thought was right or tried to fight this madness. I'm simply asking for a bit more compassion. Some of us are luckier than others.

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