Gimme a voucher, biatch!
Zero shits for how angry any of them are. All this bullfunky they're perpetrating is un-American/anti-freedom, and needs to be nipped in the bud!
A few years ago I went on a motorcycle ride into Canada. I was afraid I might not get through, because I had some peccadillos on my driving record, as well as being 'gang affiliated' (Hells Angels). The border guard wanted my home address, the address of the motel where I'd be staying, and he actually wanted to see the money in my wallet, but they let me in.
The Republican Party was formed in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854 in a little white schoolhouse. The predominant idea existing at that time in the minds of the organizers was to prevent the further extension of slavery.
Hahaha, I love stuff that explodes libtard heads.
Nope. In 1979, an older white haired man who identified himself as 'Richard C. Christian' commissioned them on behalf of a 'group.' They wanted the stone to come from the nearby Pyramid Quarry.
If it's declassified - show it to us!
I haven't watched the SB since 2011. I don't dig the kneeling; virtue signaling; human trafficking surrounding it, and I especially do not enjoy Satanic Ritual half-time shows.
Lawsuits ARE working. People have discovered they can go after these monsters' Surety Bonds.
My conservative, but naive and unawakened nephew got a DNA kit for Christmas from his sons. He took it and it outted a secret baby my sister had when she was 15, LOL!
So does that mean I'm not going to get my free crackpipe?
You feel like super duper secret agent men, but in reality, you're traitors.
Go to Hell, Glowninjas!
We're in Florida and my sister just went to look at a house on a golf course, and the clubhouse is flying the American and Canadian flags.
Corrupting everything is the enemies' game.
I remember hearing about AIDS component(s) being used in the jabs a long time ago. Seems we really are the news now.
Interesting, and good in that leadership resignations can leave organizations vulnerable and affect morale - - but it could be that this sargeant resigned because he wanted a more strong-armed approach to the Convoyagers. We need to know why he resigned.
VAIDS. Vaccine-induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
We don't need foreign or domestic threat actors to undermine our trust in government institutions. Government institutions do that all on their own.
Let's Go Maherpedo!
What's also really outrageous is this hag's alcohol bills on her junkets.
This was an especially powerful moment. Attendance at these state-run rallies was basically mandatory. Most of those people were bussed there along with their co-workers from their jobs, chaperoned by their managers/supervisors. They were provided those pre-prepared signs and placards to carry. Of course this was incredibly intimidating and stifled dissent.
But on this day, they said BOOOOOOO!
Too late. The brand, organization, and all the people associated with it are forever tarnished.
I just searched it, and this came up, it might be wrong considering the source ...,monument%20that%20would%20send%20a%20message%20to%20mankind.
I had heard it was R.C. Christian before too, and I always thought it stood for Rosicrucian.