Agreed and thank you
Well what if sealed indictment s are being prosecuted ?they can be old or new
Even fucking Biden saying “COME ON MAN” this is too much ! Q’s
So what if he cuts deal ?suicides coming?
Well my lefty friend has asked me to respect him and not talk politics.I was hitting him too hard with the truth and that’s when I remembered that they can’t be told they have to see for themselves! So I am goin to wait till he wakes up, it is coming !This GME stock market situation has started some smoke ! I am hoping the ? will be lit soon .As long as we are there to help them understand we shouldn’t end up with the 4 to 6 in our lives they will end up alone. ?
He’ll catch COVID within the month GOODNIGHT!
Please put Gaga in gitmo ASAP! She is poisoning peoples minds with her evil influence ! The panda eyes stuff is brutal !
Dudes got some talent and it’s waking these sheep up “FAKE WOKE” oh boy NCSWIC
Get em maga man they are a joke and so is there fake ass president !
Yes aren’t we all !! it fucking blows my mind that we have seen what we have been privy to and no one is arrested or executed ! for it ! I just look at it like before Q I was hopeless evil would be reigned In but now I have hope and that’s what can start a revolution so let’s go ! Stay positive and let’s just keep waking people up! Never set time line could be a while
There is disinfo everywhere if your paying attention and you know Q and u are logic BASED u can find the crumbs ? but calling out dates and times for its habbening hmmm maybe not
Another episode of cabal kids born and bred !
Holey shite ! Man that pic of Teresa may is scary! Definitely looks like she likes ?
Alex is a shill but the way Steve was reacting sand saying I believe he is telling the truth! He is noticeably frustrated with Alex and he is committed to getting his side out even when he tries to shut him down Don’t trust Alex Jones at all ! Steve on the other hand feels truthful
That’s just masta Pelosi letting her old purple headed Igor out to see the sun one last time ! Seriously wtf is that looks like it’s 100 years old
I need to be able to rule this out hoping for a solid response to help make sure because I want these CRIMINALS ARRESTED! Any way this could be like these ass hats getting like special protection to and from the capitol ? Have they justified because of January 6th the need for that type of protection? Fuck I hope not ! Need to knock this off list need help with a logical debunk to ?
Obvious connection space force is Q and this was great news love to see this !
Did they say it again?
You are on too something Calling all AUTISTS!
Oh yeah team is getting ready Baby! Not sure how it will all unfold (as none of us are) But you can feel the behind the scenes moving
? mike is a hero and a patriot And fuck that CIA SHILL!! In the middle And that fucking giggling smirk that bitch has...?
Devil worshiper for sure !
Make no doubt if what’s on these videos starts leaking out ... it will !! It will be big enough to shut down the internet!!! Rape and murder of a child on tape by many famous people BOOM BOOM OUT GO THE LIGHTS!
Dadumdadatdadum ... Inspector Gadget! Nice job.