Good luck, the whole world is full of pussies.
Their only power comes from you feeling helpless.
No. This is just a diversion from things that people SHOULD be talking about Bill Gates for. He is not going anywhere if people eat this garbage up.
Yeah, it's no crime (or very minor ones at that) so it really means nothing for him considering the public hates him already. But it relieves pressure on investigating and prosecuting him for things that actually matter.
Everybody goes 'down' with a sex scandal anymore. It is the only story they have left to run. The people who eat this shit up at this point need a bullet in their head stat.
They successfully removed Cuomo's nursing home scandal with a nothing sex assault accusation story, and have done this countless other times at this point.
Social security is and always was a ponzi scheme.
I have noticed. Congressional theater and EOs from the potato is all that is coming out of DC so far.
Lie anyway.
Why do you care, you got vaccinated winkwink*
Not even news. If you didnt know this already, you are a lost vessel.
Why is there not more spiritual content like this on this site. Very important to understand this.
Did Trump prop him up knowing he would be able to tear him down in even more spectacular fashion?
You are unfortunately right. Sad to see everybody running down this fear porn rabbit hole.
To be honest, this may be the responsible thing to do when conducting such a large scale experiment.
I agree, which is why I am not going to take the bait on this yet. They always play both sides.
Yep, just like the virus, I will not be changing my life to play around this. If this is legitimate, then I will deal with the consequences as I need too. So far, have not had any issues around vaccinated people yet though.
First doughnuts, now poison. LOL
Dont miss it. Wont come back anyway.
Me neither. Keep that shit on so I dont waste my time.
Not really a fan of this. They need to be prosecuted and serve appropriate sentences. Then they should be free as anyone else who has done their time.
The suburbs already suck anyway. I have my eyes on more rural territories at this point.
I think he means balkanization will be a failure for the globalists. He is right for the reasons you stated.
Boomers are salty, but they laid down like bitches and left the mess for us to clean up while simultaneously pointing the finger at us. They will get what they deserve when the markets crash and they have to labor their way to survival until they die.
Precisely. Particularly the function of the adrenochrome to maintain their mindset.
I dont want to make fun of the meek. I want to start some shit.