Of course they start trends. But this trend is mewing and it isn’t a throat slashing gesture. It is a dumb trend but it isn’t that deep. Come on. Wake up! This is a distraction. You spread this around to normal prople and you rightfully look like a total idiot. Which is the point of this being pushed. Don’t fall for it an take the bait they want you to take
It simply isn’t the 13,000 year old sign you are referring to. You are conflating two unrelated things because you want to be right. One has zero to do with the other. You saw something. You were wrong because you are out of touch with popular culture. Now, you are mad about it. I think tiktok and mewing and all of it is stupid and immature snd pointless. I’m not advocating it. But at least i live in the real world and understand the gesture. Ask any teacher about it. It has been a thing for over a year.
They are pointing to the jawline, not the throat. It is a way of saying “I am mewing, I can’t talk to you at the moment.” I don’t know why you want to believe in this so badly when it has been a trend for over a year and explained in great detail, but to each their own.
My issue with this is because I believe there IS a plot against Trump that needs to be taken seriously. This particular thing was put out there for us to jump on, spread, and look like idiots. I could get behind the idea that those two kids were planted in the crowd by someone to make the mewing gesture, knowing it could be interpreted as a threat.
Then, Trump supporters are spreading the video of kids mewing all over X and saying “See! There is a plot!” To normies, it makes the whole thing look like a joke
You are totally right. This isn’t a tiktok fad that has been around for over a year and can be easily seen in thousands of videos and articles. The gestures were invented yesterday as a super secret plot against Trump. You are being like a liberal and avoiding the facts because you can’t admit you are wrong.
Brains are fully developed by 25, by the way. You sound really out of touch
Lol! Anyone in high school or college knows what this is. Sorry, but you are out of touch. It is an extremely common tiktok fad. You clearly want it to be something it isn’t
Just watch this video. This is the kid who really made it popular. You can clearly see the jaw gesture (not a slashing motion) and the index finger over his lips. Anyone under thirty is laughing at you on this.
Edit: This is pretty much the same response when I tried to explain the Full Send Podcast guys were allies with trump. There is a disconnect on this board and a willfulness to not want to understand anything that skews younger. People should be happy to know the gesture is just a stupid trend and not an actual threat.
It’s called mewing. It’s a gen z thing and has been around for a while. Anyone can eaily look this up. Your son is right
I agree with everything you said.Thanks
These answers are well meaning but incorrect. You don't have to be God in order to read thoughts. Demons do it during exorcisms all the time. Demons can do it. Angels can do it. Higher enlightened beings can do it. An angel perceiving your prayers can be accomplished for the same reason a demon knows a person is calling out to him. These beings perceive thoughts on a vibrational level. Angels can absolutely perceive prayers without a person speaking them out loud.
Demons can read minds. This has been documented multiple times. So why wouldn't angels also be able to do so? I think many here seem to think you need to be omnipotent to read a mind. There is no logical reason to believe this. Many higher beings other than God can read a person's thoughts.
Well, if everyone is going to be weak and not check for id just because some democrat is asking you not to, you are an idiot. What other laws would this lady break just because a democrat says so?
His word can never be deleted or eliminated from our hearts. That doesn’t mean scriptures can’t be edited or hidden. You are misinterpreting what that means
It’s a touchy subject. I don’t believe we get to the true awakening until we start to confront the reality that most knowledge has been systematically hidden from us by organized religion. It’s like having to face the idea that your parents you love are actually abusive, which is why the idea is scoffed at snd draws downvotes
The Bible has been highly edited and books hidden that would give humanity a complete picture. The Bible can both be true and have had large portions hidden. It’s pretty obvios from the book of Genesis alone that huge portions of the story have been edited out.
Hart and the Rock were in Central Intelligence together (the movie). The least funny comic duo to ever star in a big budget Hollywood comedy. Both talentless assholes have been forced on us for years.
I felt like LeBron James dunking on everyone in a jr. high league at those freak offs
oh yeah!
In the 2020 Biden Trump debates, Biden kept referring to "ballots" when asked questions about "voters". That subtle word choice revealed their plan. The focus was on generating ballots, pieces of paper. The focus was not on generating voters, actual physical people.
The last time I tried to order online, they said they are no longer shipping to California, Any suggestions for the site you use?
Stuck in here in California where I can't get flavored chew because of this law.
Q said: "First indictment will trigger mass pop awakening"- That was Trump. He was the one indicted several times over. It did trigger a mass pop awakening.
Q then said: "First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction"- That was Epstein. They happened in inverse order, almost like a mirror,
Never did Q say first arrest would trigger mass pop awakening. Q said first indictment would do that, which it did,.
You are conflating two separate statements
Looking back, Biden putting on the Trump hat seems like odd timing. Almost like it was a signal to proceed
I take it as a sign they are feeling more comfortable and getting bolder. The longer you live in a new area, the more you begin to see what you can get away with.
I don't actually think the laws Obama enacted protect election rigging. They were specifically designed to allow government funded media to be disseminated for propaganda purposes. This protection does not extend to ABC.
If this were a movie, the people who tried to assassinate the president and the people who then tried to rig the debate, would all be part of the same group.
No. It really isn’t