BigMikesSaggyBaggins 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm looking forward to it, and I hold honesty dear to my heart, so I will be a straight shooter with them. Even though my current job has given me an "office body" i'm still in pretty good shape all considering. I do plan on getting back into better shape very soon. I'm leaving this job next week, and it will finally give me time to do this. I'm still lean, but I've lost over 20lbs of muscle over the last few years doing this job. I miss my old body lol.

One more very important thing to remember. As you raise your hand and take that all important first oath is an oath that you will not be relieved of until you release your last breath. Club DD214: protector of the Constitution.

ABSOLUTELY! Trump has put up his life to defend this Country, it's my time to do the same, and I can only hope to fill a portion of his shoes that he's walked in the last 8 years alone. He needs more Patriots he can depend on, even long after he's out of office. My heart will be in the right place for this.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this, and for your service! You too u/eagledriver

I think it's been in my life path for some time now. I have never really felt like I've belonged in all the jobs I have had, including my current. I actually get a little "giddy" just thinking about it!

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 11 points ago +11 / -0

To me, this is the most plausible answer I'd take from this. I would easily consider this trial to be a marker being met.

This makes me believe we may see a major boomerang coming right after this trial ends. The question is, WHO is going to be the first domino?

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 15 points ago +15 / -0

I was foolish whenever I was younger. I was a solid pitcher in baseball and had many offers across the country. One of them was for the Navy, and I would have gone straight to the Academy to play for them and come out as an officer. If only I could go back in time!

I won't go fight for the DS, or Biden, but this is something that's been on my mind for many years now. Once Trump started Space Force, my light bulb went off.

I'm going to do it, I plan on going in Friday!

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can call it that, but that's not what I'm seeing. Not to mention, the skin tone difference in where the red circle is at, from the earlobe down to the jaw line in an awkward line. It wreaks of latex to me. Masked actors aren't high up on my priority list right now, but I've seen enough credible evidence to know we have been seeing Central Casting actors throughout this movie. Him also wearing a mask makes more sense, as they could have seen these errors and tried to cover it up.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Max just said the debris field could now be close to 30 miles in radius... I pray that everyone is ok 🙏

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you need live up to date coverage of this storm, please check out Max Velocity on YouTube. He's very good, and has been following this specific storm for almost an hour now.


BigMikesSaggyBaggins 9 points ago +9 / -0

The midwest plains are getting absolutely hammered right now too. I'm watching Chris Hall's chaser stream in Kentucky, and he's on a tornado right now throwing up debris 40,000ft into the air with a 3 mile wide field... and it's only getting stronger and has been on the ground for almost 30 straight minutes.


If you are in Charleston, KY... PLEASE TAKE COVER!!!

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was an account I cannot recall their name, that was doing something very similar to what you may be describing. If I come across it again, I'll send it over to you. The TLDR of this account, they were close in recreating an old Telsa document they found, and was somewhat tied into the Wardenclyffe Tower Tower type energy tech, but much more compact, and more centrifuge style. The only time it took more energy to operate than it created was at the initial startup phase.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0


I still firmly believe there are, and Q told us.

Edit: When I say this, I'm talking more interdimensional beings, not so much ET that you see on the boobtube.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

What projects are you working on? You can DM it to me if that's better for you.

I've also been thinking a lot about this stuff again the last few days as it seems the MJ12 topic has resurfaced. I kind of disregarded it whenever it first came about, but now I'm not so sure and have been looking into it more. Strangely, I do see dots being connected, and it does make more sense in some of the things Q said, especially one line many have pondered over for years now...

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

I don't think this would happen if the world knew we had elites rapping and killing children, including world gov't. This would effect many, but not to the point of hospitalization.

Now, those same evil elites and gov't working with an Alien race to enslave humanity, and rule over our planet...THAT would indeed put almost everyone into some type of extreme mental breakdown episode.

Thing one portion of MJ12 that i've really been pondering on, is what is was saying about religion. I feel that I need to start a separate post with the current thoughts in my mind, so I will leave this one alone in this post.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think observation of the mail in ballot counting should be mandatory.

I personally hope this is this one thing they can stop from happening this time around, mail in ballots. But, if we're having to deal with them again, that means they've released COVID 2.0, or started WWIII, and bigger things are going down outside of the election.

I personally still have faith in the plan, so no matter what happens, we continue to do our part and keep our eyes peeled. SHTF is happening this year regardless, or else we're doing it on our own.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

WOAH, did Jeb FINALLY get dethroned?!

I can hear it now, playing from speakers on the drones... "please turn back" ... that'll make a difference...


BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll just be the eye in the sky and probably kill 2 birds with one stone...

  1. They get "their footage" for MSM
  2. The illegals now have air support

This is just another nothingburger "show of force" because it's election season.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Blue Helmet boots on US soil...always remember this

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 5 points ago +5 / -0

I actually agree with you on this and I too remember Trump saying to vote early, even back in the midterms.

I believe he wants us to vote early, knowing we will be flooding the ballots HARD. To me, this is more crumbs showing that the DS will pull all strings to shut down Nov. 5th all together, so Trump wants to get all the data they can get beforehand.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 4 points ago +4 / -0

Game, blouses...

I hope someone picks up on the reference here lol.

Yes, we need to hit them on all avenues, I even remember Tump telling people to go vote early back in the midterms too. The more proofs/evidence collected on all ends brings more fuel to the fire to revert back to single day voting, in person, no machines.

If we only voted in person on election day, we are only hitting one avenue of fraud.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 12 points ago +12 / -0

2018, 2020 and 2022, and MANY other elections enters the chat

My point, Rs have always been notorious to vote in person on election day, and yet here we are...

Do you not think the DS also knows this?

We need to be flooding them on all avenues to keep them busy, and not give them a single day of focus, until the entire system is overhauled and put back to normal.

And I say all this knowing we need to revert back to a single day of voting only. As Knight mentioned, this is the exact definition of insanity, repeating the same thing over and over again, thinking it'll be different this time.

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