I’m still on the fence and skeptical about this angle but I do remember that Ramstein air base is also having these sightings so maybe there is something to this. Is there any legislation in Europe that needs passed?
Reminds me of the “XD-1 Accipiter” on Battlefield 4
It really does feel like we’re passed the previews and the plot thickens
Exactly, to be precise since Feb 2004 when DARPA left that in Zuckerbergs hands
Type the word “Asset” into a Gematria calculator.
That handle “Kid-n-Pay” odd right?
“The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum has welcomed a Boeing CV2 Cargo Air Vehicle (CAV) to the collection. This CAV was the first remotely piloted large eVTOL (electrical vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft to be flown in support of a commercial operation in the United States. For this flight, Boeing partnered with Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development to mount X-wing “body shells” on two CAVs for the opening events of the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge attraction at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The themed CAV is a gift from Boeing and Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development and will go on display at the museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia.”
““While lightweight delivery drones are being tested at a number of locations around the nation, the development of heavier vertical takeoff and landing cargo drones for military and commercial use is one of the most promising areas of autonomous aircraft development,” said Roger Connor, vertical flight curator at the museum. “The Boeing Cargo Air Vehicle was the first of these allowed to perform a commercial flight in the United States—in this instance, carrying a Star Wars X-wing shell that was used at Walt Disney World.”
“In 2017, Boeing began development of all-electric uncrewed CAVs designed to carry 225 kilograms (500 pounds) of cargo. The company used them as testbeds to understand the opportunities and challenges of applying advances in batteries, electric propulsion and autonomous flight. In December 2019, when Boeing partnered with The Walt Disney Co., a crowd of spectators watched as two X-wing-outfitted CAVs flew over the Walt Disney World event. Ultraviolet spotlights illuminated the drones so that only the X-wing frame was visible.”
It would be worth trying! A lot safer than lobbing bullets in the air
“We don’t need no stinking badges!”
I reeeeeally like this theory! Good thinking checkmate
I came across an old thread last night on hollyweird that helped to refresh my perspective, from 2009 “Its Happening” it’s been a long time coming, it may be a bit longer but I feel we are in the home stretch! Check it out
Now do that to the demons who erected it
“There is Jacob’s ladder and the prophetic promise of an Open Door for the Church of Philadelphia for all those that will be kept from the time of the world’s testing. There is also the notion of how the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation was ushered in to the Throne Room of YHVH. It was a portal or Gate to a time and place when he was called up or ‘raptured’. It is as a typology to be shown the breaking of the Seals of judgment that would constitute such a time of testing for the world, Israel and Lucifer. Based on the activities of what is transpiring at CERN it would appear that ‘Gates’ or portals are perhaps being opened in anticipation for the Bottomless Pit to be opened. Until such a time, the door that will perhaps open first is that of the Rapture door. The door to the Ark was opened for all those decades and none but Noah and his family entered in.
Similarly it is now only through Jesus, the only Door to Heaven that is now open. More than the importance of such an opening to YHVH’s door is the closure of such a door. The Church Age of grace and mercy is about to close. Once the Ark door closed, it meant doom and gloom for the inhabitance of the world. In a typology, likewise, once the Rapture door is shut, it will mean that the Wrath of the Lamb commences. The Church Age has been a time of testing for the Bride through much suffering and tribulation. The end of such a dispensational Gate will be an agent of judgment upon the world thereafter. In essence the Rapture, yet to be determined, will be a door closing of the Ark. When the Rapture does happen, it will be a sign to the Jews, the AntiChrist and Lucifer that their time is sort and as it will be the beginning of their judgment and their testing. “ Interesting nonetheless
I gotcha, yeah I agree! The experimental aircraft I posted about has max speed of Mach 0.7 so nothing really spectacular there, those other sightings may very well be “visitors”. The fighter pilot testimonies of the UAP sightings are actually unexplainable to me
Fingerprints match, but eyebrows don’t? Do they expect us to believe this guy was mainlining rogaine to grow that unibrow?
Do we have to keep guessing until they show their hand?
Hopefully nothing to do with the missing Australian biolab vials, 300+ recently reported missing
It has the silhouette of an experimental VTOL X-plane
Very possible, but what would be their motives for that? Saturate news cycles maybe
6pm EST Dec. 18th, a friend randomly found it yesterday after work