Everything they accuse Trump or MAGA or peds of doing is something they would try if they think there was any chance of getting away with it.
We need to make certain there is NOTHING that can be cheated, rigged, hidden, or in any way perverted to allow anything less than the truth from prevailing.
China didn't do it. They have their own lithium mines. It would be competition to open one here
Remember Emerson electronics? The reason they're no longer a thing is they broke contracts with the military. Contracts started the military had to have had access to any technology for 20 years before it was released to civilian market.
When you DGAF about rules or regulations shit gets done fast. FEMA couldn't do that as the environmental survey would take another 6 months
If they did I bet someone is pissing themselves for how they been acting last few months
Please tell me I missed something and this is a possibility
Originally from the area. Heard stories about a DUMB between Ashville and Mt Mitchell for decades.
Well in the Kingdom series they're superman villains.
I let you do the math on the 'ultimate man' created by a couple of Jewish men being driven into hiding by Magog only to come back to save the world after its nuked.
You really think he's in charge and not just another CIA puppet?
Gog and Magog stop fighting each other and attack Israel.
Russia and Ukraine are in the area of the map that Gog and Magog are placed in Revelations.
Just pointing it out
Dem's October surprise is a funeral on Oct 30th? Don't laugh they tried it before.
It's near the end of my buddy's enlistment and the retention office told him he might as well reenlist and get the bonus before they stop-gaped him. He hasn't done it but I think he's still got 3 months so we're worried.
Getting out isn't as easy as quitting walmart. And even if you are able to leave they can force you to stay.
But it will be a gorgeous thing to watch.
I lived in nc until this decade. The first time I went to vote my GREAT GRANDFATHER'S name was still on the voter role. Mine was under his due the the spelling of our sur name. He had by that time been dead over a decade and a half. 20 years later I asked someone I knew working the polls if he had been removed. She told me no and he had been marked as voting.
Blue county that had been that was since the 1930s.
And no it couldn't be someone with the same name. We have a very unique sur name and his first name is one of those no one has any more.
That would require admission that they are not gods and the democratic individuals they worship aren't either.
Not people with cancer
Awaaa, they ended it to soon. The salt shower was about to start
I'd put money on this already happening in the less urban areas. I've heard someone say to an illegal who was trying to bullie an old farmer " I've got 500 acers and a backhoe. No one would look for you." Buddy boy decides to leave real quick after that.
I don't know wich is worse, they are doing it on purpose to destroy and control America OR they truly believe in their bullshit.
Anyone else remember the bitching that bussing illegals to new York would do nothing to wake the masses?
Looks like it did something.
Sometimes you can't simply knock down the dilapidated building, but you can speed up it's natural collapse.
How much of Brazil government or military use starlink? Shut it off for non payment.
Sometimes you need a blatant "Yes I hear you"
G. K. Chesterton once remarked that, when men cease to believe in God they do not then believe in nothing, but in anything.
Yeah, this will end in fire. You try to kidnap people's children after stopping them from saving or repairing their homes is a quick way to find out why Rudolph was able to hide for so long in the area.