BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I work for a very small private Inc. Less than a dozen full timers. I'm salary and paid well. I could not replace this job easily. But I'm being shamed over it. Was told I am selfish. Also told that if I don't get vaxxed, EVERYONE will have to continue wearing masks. Considering J&J. Also considering counterfeiting a vax certificate. Cuz fuk dem kids.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're going to have to have every i dotted and every t crossed. They're going to have to be, for lack of a better term, unimpeachable, LOL. And, I argue with my son, who's on the team but thinks DJT should shut up about it, (eh, maybe...), but he and I can agree that, the elections should be absolutely trustworthy. Why can't everyone at least agree on that? If Joe won, let's prove it and rub it in everyones faces...

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a great book series called Burning Skies. It tells of a Chinese stealth midget sub, only 10 warheads, but it launches from right off the US coast. No time to shoot down, no clue who the aggressor is. US unable to respond. Then the Chines located in Canada and Mexico swoop in for "humanitarian aid"... It's quite a chilling story.

by BQnita
BlockadeRunnerMZ 8 points ago +8 / -0

Chris's wife shut it all down. There's even an unreleased SG album that she will not release to the band.And FWIW, Chester was the godfather of Chris's children. He simply wouldn't have done that.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

JE isn't dead. Can't be. NO ONE is so incompetent as to let one of the most valuable prisoners in the world be exposed to any kind of harm. It's like throwing OBL's body into the ocean. IDK what happened, but it wasn't that.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

My lib friends think this is ridiculous. "So what? He's just an instigator. There's no conspiracy..."

BlockadeRunnerMZ 9 points ago +9 / -0

If that's true it unbelievably blatant, but I couldn't find anything on it. Even TGP said it was sent in by a reader. DGMR, I still think they're up to some shenanigans, but this looks like fake news.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd love to finally see a real, confirmed image of a TR, but that ain't it. The pyramid is PROBABLY a balloon, info gathering drone. IDK what I think yet about the FLIR images, but they haven't really given us anything of substance yet. The simple admission is a great start though. If you've got a friend who's ever served on a carrier, talk to them. Spec-Ops guys too, but most of them are pretty cagey.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is another thing I don't trust my feelings on, I mean, I want him to secretly still be President, or to have enacted a failsafe, but it seems like quite a stretch. HOWEVER... How, WHY, do you try to impeach someone, who is not holding an office??? HHHHMMMM....

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." I can't wait for this. Really, this is part of what keeps me interested.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

YES! But sometimes, you can't control it, but by simply observing it, recognizing it, you are not swept along with it.

by BQnita
BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is the EGO, that divides. It will always find an excuse to reason why "the other" is the other. It will use anything and everything. Acknowledging this in ones self will pretty much cure society, but the feelings will remain until the True Self is known directly. That's a tall order for everyone on the planet, but isn't really necessary once the phenomena is personally observed.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was on the fence. For years I watched the air traffic leave trails over a near-by military base as I took my son to school. By the time I got to work, they were very wide, and almost overhead. Then, DJT. "Contrails", if you will, GONE. Still gone. I've seen a few when in other cities, but not in my neighborhood anymore.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's just a figure head.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

OH SNAP. I was actually considering a post on this. The earth is round of course. The math can be done, like the greek dude did. But what I learned from that rabbit hole, was to discern the difference between what I know, and what I believe.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

OMG I know your pain. Like LoneWulf said, made one small point... But I'll add... if someone doesn't want to listen, they simply shut you down. "I can't do this" or, my personal favorite, "You can't understand because you aren't (insert anything)". Try this: "OK, If that's a child, who has made a genuine mistake, then shouldn't children ALSO be protected from making drastic changes to their body, or having those changes made by someone else, before... Hhhhmmm... what do you think... 18?" Doesn't matter though. You can't win. The realization has to come from inside. Like it did for all of us probably.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah this guy is very, VERY, interesting. Seems like some truth mixed with misinfo though, probably not intentionally. PLUS, wasn't he suicided by hanging, like so many others?

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. I learned from reading Thomas Sowell: Correlation is not causation.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The spirals... I hadn't noticed while watching. NMs was one of my favorite comics, and it is very dark, but the movie was lame, and was injected with a bunch of woke shit, like everything else.

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