Miserable people. SAD
Hey, Mikita, America did learn their lesson and passed the test in 2024…
Is that an Adam’s Apple?
Hope his CV is current…
Good luck with that…
Follow the money- who is influential/rich enough to actually be preventing this list from coming out? If JE was FBI and Mossad just throwing the list out to the public could have worldwide fallout- not to mention the fake MSM who will put their own spin on any names revealed…IMO we will have to trust Bondi and Kash and their timing on this.
I believe they have determined these folks have a vitamin deficiency I have read that many non verbal autistic children have been helped with vitamin (A)?? Can’t remember the vitamin…but it’s a technique in its infancy that hopefully will succeed.
IMO this was planned. The woman behind him appears to be holding back laughter- the man next to her has his hand over his mouth-JD motions “get him out” before Johnson even calls for order…the speech starts at 9:00- it wouldn’t be hard to coordinate exactly when he began to protest with the time of the post bearing his name…AL is fixin to find out…
It could be that he is leaving these C19 revelations to RFK…in order to circumvent the mass TDS pushback if he were to expose it…
All wars have been DS operations, inside jobs waged against us by our own…robbing our bank accounts, murdering our children and filling their bottomless coffers in order to further control us. Many still need to wake up
I love the sound of liberal “Rrrreeeeeeeee!” in the morning!!!!
It must take so much energy to live in perpetual hatred of all things America… the name is beautiful and inclusive…take some advice from a Disney hero…”Just let it go” Life is short, aren’t you tired?
Thank you. No matter how you spell it he’s a DS stooge.
What’s up with the second “Y” in his name? Is that new?
How about your brain cells? Did they erase those too? Lost a lot of weight between her ears…🤪
Keir, you queer- your next!
Amen! FINALLY someone calls them out for what they are 💯 death cult, that must be utterly destroyed in order to save America.
Please shut your lying ass the F up and go away forever
Still ghosts in the machine…
Is NOTHING sacred???????
Damn girl, I got to have my weave!
Don’t think she is a naturalized citizen either…