All of these events, from local to national to global, are all choreographed on a perfect timeline. The drips and drops and floods all keep hammering away on the alarm clock bells to awaken almost everyone. It is an amazing thing the Q team has done.
The organization of this massive worldwide show is, really, a thing of beauty.
(I still think the best investment any of us will ever see, is the GME squeeze).
If you've been following that, you know what I mean. I believe the squeeze has been designed from the ground up to do what it is doing - knock the banking cabal on it's ass.
If you are aware of the phrase "diamond hands", then look at this image closely...
Diamond hands:
I can't answer that - that would be up to you.
I think it is best to look at DWAC as a long term hold, and not worry about the fluctuations. If you are looking at trading it, instead of investing in it, then yes, get a nice gain and go... but then you are paying short-term capital gains tax.
Warren Buffet is known for saying when he is asked "When should I sell stock in a good company?" He replies, "Never".
I am just saying what the article is saying, in a lot easier wording:
If certain price targets are met in DWAC, the shareholders of TMTG, who have invested in DWAC, will receive up to 40 million additional shares of stock - effectively doubling the number of shares in existence (shares outstanding).
Think of it like a pizza: If you have 1 pizza (1 company), and you have 8 slices... but then you decide to make that same 1 pizza divided into 16 slices instead - you have doubled the number of slices, but the slices are now half as big as they were.
DWAC has about 36 million shares presently. If they dilute to a total of 76 million shares, that will effectively double the number of shares, but the company won't magically be worth twice as much immediately.
This is very common in companies trading on the market - it is done to raise capital, expand the number of shares for more growth, etc. DWAC is being public and forewarning investors of their intentions, and it is all very above board. So, if you see the stock go up and stay up very high (meeting price targets), you can expect a share dilution.
It is the TMTG shareholders that get the extra shares of DWAC. If 40 million additional shares are issued, that represents a ~50% share dilution to the DWAC holders. A 50% dilution typically means share price on day of dilution is cut in half. (double the number of shares, the price is cut in half.)
I think this is a wonderful investment, but people need to go in fully aware. I plan on buying some post-squeeze of GME. Anyone new to the market needs to educate themselves to the risks and rewards of any investment.
This post may help you:
Sue them for discrimination. Time to stand up and fight, friend!
You must have dreamt it.
Here is every instance Q said the word Christmas:
Big dates I am watching coming up, some for Q events, some for the stock market squeeze: (They all may mean nothing!)
October 29th and November 2nd: These two days are when the new tightened collateral requirements go into effect for stock market participants. Much of their garbage collateral will no longer be allowed. Further, I think this will start driving ever larger daily reverse repo amounts at the treasury. We have been exceeding $1 trillion a day for weeks now, and it keeps growing. These were unheard amounts a year ago. It is due to these banks having too much liquidity, and needing to park it somewhere overnight.
November 3rd - SEC is having a public commentary video session regarding banning payment for order flow of stocks. (crushing citadel and Robinhood business model. Also, one year delta from the election fraud...
November 7th - Big Communist holiday, called Revolution Day - when the Bolsheviks claimed power in Russia in 1917. 11/7/17 was a big day for them, and there has been speculation that is when there party ends, too.
November 11th - I put this on the calendar - what I am calling the Nancy Drew DC Screenshot Day. (Will Trump appear in the Oval? Will the Military be deployed in DC?) She briefly posted a screenshot from some anonymous military person, stating the military would be deployed in DC on this date.
November 24th - A very big day for the Citadel algorithm that controls the pricing action of GME and AMC. Every 90 days we get a big green candle spike on the price chart, they have a hard time controlling it. The next day is November 24th.
December 3rd - The current budget extension ends... (start of Nesara/Gesara, perhaps?)
These are just dates I see coming up that may be interesting - who the heck knows, lol!?
I received my hard cover yesterday, read a little before bed last night... EXCELLENT BOOK.
(I haven't bought a new book in a long time - this one was worth it.)
I have thus far resisted the urge to jump ahead and see the final chapter.
Anyone pushing anger, spite, division, superiority. is actually replicating and promoting the DS message. They want us squabbling amongst each other, so we do not pay attention to them.
A Message from Q, one repeated by him frequently:
The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?
Crimes against Humanity.
You are not meant to think for yourself.
You are not meant to challenge their power [control].
Obey and accept.
Illusion of Democracy.
Illusion of Freedom.
Why does the media push division?
Why does the media incite violence?
Why does the media pit race v race?
Why does the media pit religion v religion?
Why does the media pit sex v sex?
Why does the media pit class v class?
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.
Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth].
WWG1WGA means ALL of US. Left and Right must UNITE against the Evil.