Foreign aid should be used for food shelter and medicine, not weapons . We have plenty to go around if it weren't for the grifters(aka Clinton foundation) I believe the America's will be united in helping all people
Can't wait for him to take a question from hard bastard
They are familiar terms used so I don't have to get into the weeds of describing moving thru consciousness
Mostly young athletes
Now do Richard Maddow and bald fuck face
You're not wrong
They are constructs to realize consciousness
What is space made of?
Russia destroyed biolabs in Ukraine meanwhile allowing civilians to escape harm using the classic pincer move Mr flatearth
2020 was allowed to happen(part of the plan)so people could wake up. It's that fn simple. 18 million votes out of thin air and then gone just like that. Let the flatards over think this shite
I wish they'd eat some of the cats around my house
Antigrav is literally bending space and time . Do you still feel confident nothing can go wrong?
Lots of farting tonight
Where does he get those wonderful toys ?
Senior executive services
Q has been saying this all along.
I guess we have people here that are still on the fence with this dandy POS.
Q isn't done. How do I know ? Q posted once that the posts concerning child trafficking and satanic sacrifice haven't been dropped yet.
He's so handsome, no homo
It's only been a week and look what's habbening. You must be retarded if you think POTUS is working against us
Weaponized flu virus. When a virus mutates it becomes weaker. A virus by its nature wants to keep the host alive so it can grow. The vaccine is the true culprit . Every year unhealthy people die from complications of the flu. Since the vaccine they're dying from heart disease and cancer
Nothing can stop what is coming
We meet again young sir
Unconventional tactics indeed.