Melania Trump celebrating the creation of Bitcoin:
If you want to learn more, the best person to get your info from is Andreas Antonopoulos. Here is a great presentation by him on Bitcoin:
What farms are you speaking of?
Also, Bitocin mining has moved out of China last year so they don't have the majority of miners anymore.
And your remarks about "the most evil people on earth just got richer" shows that you have fallen for the Bitcoin FUD that is generated by TPTB.
This is text that can be added to a Bitcoin block. This text was added by Satoshi to the genesis block of Bitcoin. This was a text from a newspaper on bailouts during the 2008/2009 financial crisis. This crisis showed the world why we need to move away from a centralized financial system run by big banks.
More info:
I don't recall seeing this come by and the search function doesn't give any hits either.
I'm posting this because of the big numer of people that still distrust Bitcoin. Remember, since its inception Bitcoin has been demonized constantly over its 13 year life span. That the powers that be have hated Bitcoin from the beginning, should tell us something.
Remember, Bitcoin is to central banking (cabal power) what torrenting is to Hollywood and the music industry.
I think Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, was maybe a team of white hats from within the NSA. When Bitcoin was created, Gavin Andresen (who had been in contact with Satoshi the most) was invited by the CIA to talk about Bitcoin. This is when Satoshi disappeared forever. Maybe this has something to do with the shadow war between the CIA and the NSA?
Also, Satoshi still owns 1 million Bitcoin. Q said that gold shall destroy the FED and Bitcoin is digital gold. Q also said that they have the gold. Are they referring to the Bitcoin wallets of Satoshi?
Tweet from Melania Trump, celebrating the creation of Bitcoin:
Here another fun one!
The Left wants to abolish the Police....does the Black community?
Start reading about psychology (Western and Eastern) and start to meditate. Also go into nature as much as you can and make sure you eat healthy.
Then remind yourself that you're just a human being and that you're supposed to make mistakes in life and be imperfect. It's our mistakes, our pain and suffering, that forces us to ask questions and start the search for answers.
I used to be in a very bad place 10 years ago, but I've turned it around in a major way by doing the things I just mentioned. Just keep at it and be completely honest with yourself in a non-judgemental way. Remember, you're just a silly human being as we all are. Don't set high expectations immediately when trying to change your life. It's going to be a road with ups and downs but if you keep at it, you will end up in a MUCH better place already within a year. Promise yourself to give yourself at least a year to do the things above.
Try to enjoy the process of learning and growing and doing stupid things in life. Enjoy being a silly imperfect human being. The more you do this, the more weight will fall of your shoulders.
They are lying to you. They are lying about the fact that there is a secret black budget space program. They lie about ETs visiting Earth. NASA is a smokescreen for this secret space program.
It's Flat Earth that is being used as a psyop to direct attention away from the truth. I witnessed Flat Earth theory suddenly become popular online. For me it really felt like an astro turfing campaign and not a community that naturally grew.
FE theory was suddenly being pushed when people started talking more and more about the Secret Space Program. I don't think that's a coincidence.
I made a thread here about the Secret Space Program with lots of interesting video's:
Flat Earth is a psyop to distract people from the real reason NASA lies: there is a secret black budget space program and we are in contact with ET.
If Flat Earthers claim that Flat Earth is true then the Flat Earth model should give better explanations than the supposed faulty model of the globe earth. Flat Earth should give better explanations about the movement of the sun, the moon, timezones, coriolis effect, etc.
But guess what, Flat Earth does not give better explanations. It hasn't even got a proper model for the movement of the sun. Flat Earth gives worse explanations regarding certain observed phenomena, not better explanations.
And there definitely is a mechanism that will make Bitcoin more value-stable and it's the number of users joining the network. Bitcoin volatility has been decreasing year after year. When there's enough people in the market, the large players will have more trouble moving the price substantially.
It just takes time for the Bitcoin price to become less volatile.
How are we going to make sure there is a currency that is mainly held by normal everyday people? How do you envision that process? Are we going to hand out the same amount of money to all 7 billion people worldwide?
Bitcoin distribution might not be perfect but we can still make a case that it was a fair distribution. The people that did their research were rewarded since they got in early.
I understood Bitcoin and its implications immediately when I first learned about it, because I learned so much from the 2008 financial crisis. I did my homework after this crisis, where the majority of people just shrugged their shoulders and went on with their lives which is an abomination since the 2008 crisis was the biggest financial fraud ever perpetrated.
Believe me, I have tried to convince the normies for many years to buy Bitcoin but you know as well that too many people have been sleepwalking through life. It's their own fault that they did not get in early.
I believe this as well. I can't imagine the white hats allowing for half of the worlds population to get an incurable disease.
And I know that in the compartmentalized black budget world, many advanced technologies are kept hidden from us. And they are also definitely keeping cures for diseases from us.