If you go back in time, Entheos knew what was going on before any of us. On election night 2016 he already knew some sort of military operation was underway to save the republic. He knew election rigging was happening and that there was a trump/military counter operation happening. Like he knew about Q before it came public.
Supposedly it’s not one person, it’s a group of 5, like fingers on a hand. And whoever it is has been aware of the plan for decades and may somehow be involved as advisors.
The account has nailed a bunch of stuff before public knowledge, which is interesting. Take it with a grain of salt, but there does seem to be something going on with that account. Eerily prophetic.
Remember these times. How fucking obvious he makes it over and over and over. And how many call us conspiracy theorists.
When this is over NO ONE is going to admit they didn’t see it coming. Everyone will overnight become a believer who knew all along.
No one is going to want to admit they ignored the most complex military operation in U.S. history because Bryan Stelter told them to.
There is no forgiveness. For any of them.
You don’t get a chance to take back being cowardly and evil. It’s easy to stand up now against the machine. Now that’s it’s clearly obvious EVERYTHING was a lie. Now that it’s somewhat socially acceptable.
It only counts when you have the integrity and guts to stand up when it’s not acceptable. If you are unable to say fuck you to the machine when it’s the most costly, you may as well never say it.
It was a test of who would stand up to evil in the face of overwhelming political and social pressure. Now these pussies are desperate to show up on the right side of history. Too late.
Sigh. He couldn’t even get that right.
The real problem is not that Gitmo is full. The problem is that it’s EMPTY. The war on terror is over. There are 35 jihadis left, and we aren’t grabbing new ones. We haven’t for years.
So why was 500 million dollars approved to add a hospital, more cell blocks, another courthouse, and a SCIF to the site?
It’s not rocket science. Someone had to plan this. Get quotes. Do the layout. Write the budget request. They ran the numbers and said we are going to have X number of people, some needing medical care, and an increased amount of trials and press coverage needs. MORE than what they had during the war on terror.
So the question is, who are they anticipating needing all of this shit for? Who was it built for in the first place? Why Gitmo and not the federal prison system?
Because it’s for enemy combatants. Not federal court cases. Military courts.
Logically, you reach the conclusion that at some point in the future, there will be a surge of captured enemy combatants needing to be tried and incarcerated.
How do you end up there? 11.3 is how you end up there. Anyone who participated or assisted the occupying power is classified as an enemy combatant and only due rights under the Geneva convention.
Won’t happen until 11.3.
There is no law enforcement or court system in the country that will go after him or convict him. Yet. But there will be. And there won’t be a damn thing he can do about it. The same corrupt judges he thinks are there to save him, are going to be in handcuffs next to him.
The shocking idiocy of the establishment never ceases to amaze me. “The good guy”? Are we children playing cops and robbers? As if in every scenario there is a good and bad guy?
The “war” has been lost. A war we never declared. Ukraine is never getting that land back. No amount of money will get it back. So it doesn’t even matter if there is a good or bad guy. Reality matters. Ukraine lost. It has run out of men to grind to death in minefields.
And yet “the adults in the room” don’t skip a beat. Send more money! How come no one ever asks why? Why send more money? For what? Please explain how more money is going to somehow magically let Ukraine take back land it couldn’t take with the last 100 billion we sent. When they actually had troops left.
The truth is, it’s more about the control than it is about the money. The global elite demand that we send money. We are supposed to bend to their will and send it. Their entire trillion dollar propaganda machine is supposed to convince us. Our politicians are supposed to obey. It shouldn’t matter what the average voter wants.
And now it does. Now we have politicians willing to tell them to fuck off. No one gives a shit what the media says. So what happens next money laundering operation? If we refuse this demand, we will refuse future ones.
It’s not supposed to be this way. They shouldn’t be panicking. They have paid off so many people. They should be in control. And they aren’t. The money should have been sent already. It’s a sign of a much bigger problem.
The new world order that so many of them spent their entire lives building is coming to an end. The signs are obvious, and they refuse to accept it.
She wasn’t supposed to lose. Now they all lose. NCSWIC.
Ding ding ding!
Because they are on the inside.
They know Q is real. And it appears that all of the power they thought they had isn’t working. Nothing can stop what is coming is making them lose their damn minds.
They never thought she would lose. Now they all lose.
He’s gonna die in jail. When shit goes down, he is going to be classified as a belligerent that provide assistance to the occupying force which legally makes him no different than an agent of the occupying force himself.
He is assisting an enemy that attacked us with a WMD and rigged an election. These people thinks it’s a game. They have gotten away with it so long, they have forgotten that they are getting away with something. No DC judge is gonna be able to help him when he’s standing in front of a tribunal at Gitmo with 30 years of his finances, emails, phone calls and text messages in a folder next to him.
It had to be this way. How long did Trump try to tell the people? Build the wall was the first tenant of his campaign. The uniparty sabotaged him every step of the way. And most people had no idea how bad it was. The numbers were abstract. The US is a huge country. Most people didn’t ever see the problem. They didn’t feel danger.
Can you imagine trying to run the largest deportation operation in U.S. history before this? Impossible. The optics just didn’t work. The voter has to feel a sense of danger, in order to counter the inevitable accusations of racism and everything else from the establishment.
The stage is set now. What happens when voters get the news that the border has been militarized and see images of thousands of troops being deployed there? What happens when they see illegal immigrants being rounded up by the MILLIONS, and flown out of the country? It’s going to be in our face. Videos of buses, cops gathering them up in herds, crying children. The media is going to absolutely everything it can to make it appear that being deported for illegal immigration is tantamount to being gassed in a concentration camp.
The voters are going to feel relief. Not anger. Finally. Someone is doing something about these people ruining my neighborhood. Soaking up all our tax dollars. Shitting on my sidewalk. It had to be done this way. We now have black democrats in major urban cities openly screaming for deportation. That was the goal of this.
We were already fucked before the 8 million that have come in under Biden. It was likely already 30 million plus. We already needed a massive deportation operation. What’s another 8 million when you already have 30 to deal with. It’s the price paid to sway the voters into action.
It had to be this way. The people had to be shown.
The Bush family is a huge player in Carlisle Group. It’s the ultimate in corruption. The tip top. The first Bush was invited back in the day. It is a who’s who of ultra powerful pieces of shit. All of the guys who got invited to Bohemian Grove back in the day.
They solved the question of politics. How do you convert political positions into wealth? You form a private equity group to pool money. Then you buy chunks of military hardware companies. Then you invade Iraq. And so on. Daddy Bush bought all sorts of stuff related to military. A few years go by, his son becomes president, and bam, not one but 2 major wars.
It’s essentially like inside trading, but even more corrupt. You don’t just buy on inside information. You create the events that shift the market.
Yes. How exactly do you plan on bringing justice currently? The entire court system has been doing nothing but ignoring and hiding a sham election for 3 years now. All the way to the Supreme Court. They did nothing while allowing an election stretch on for days, in what is supposed to done in a night.
The most obviously corrupt election in our lifetime, and the every single court case got dismissed.
The entire system is fucked. So how do you get around that? How do you get justice? How do you prosecute those in the Justice system that contributed and assisted in the rigged election?
The machine was NEVER going to prosecute itself, or allow trials related to election rigging. Clearly. We have been watching it happen for years. You need new courts with jurisdiction over everything. Courts that are not corrupted. Courts that will prosecute corrupt judges and lawyers and politicians. The current system will not do that. It will only target Trump.
11.3 creates those courts. It’s an elegant solution. It can be tribunals, it can be a mix of civilian and military, it can be whatever the military says it needs in order to restore the territory. It’s the only way.
If “justice” was possible using the current system, we would have got it already. All they did was laugh at us.
Holy shit. The manning situation must be catastrophic.
When I was on subs, we had manning issues. It is difficult to retain enough people qualified senior in rate to man an underway watchbill. We always had riders come with us from other commands. In exchange for helping us fill a watchbill, they would get their experience and checkouts needed for senior watchstations.
It was always a last minute scramble to have enough people to get underway with enough. And that was during the good years.
Thank god I am not in there now. Deployments must be a fucking nightmare.
The navy used to look for reasons to drop people or deny enlistment. Now it’s the opposite. They are looking for things they can ignore to get or keep people in.
I am torn if it’s gonna be election night or Inauguration Day. I lean toward Inauguration Day due to the wording in the manual, and the very important symbolism of the inauguration.
11.3 cannot begin until political authority has been stripped from the occupying power. That doesn’t happen election night. It happens on that stage. When Trump takes the pledge and assumes the role of Potus. At that moment, he is now the guy.
My belief is that without the algorithm in 2024, it’s not going to be a close election. It’s going to be a fucking landslide from the first hour. A performance not seen in our lifetimes.
That strong an election victory provides the optics required. If Antifa riots, it doesn’t matter. They look like the lunatics they are. A landslide cannot be spun. It shows the the majority of Americans want what is being offered. And it permanently destroys the narrative that the liberal world order is the norm, and that conservatives are a fringe extreme group.
A landslide resets everything. It destroys decades of propaganda and fake polls and fakes news. Maga becomes undeniably a majority position, and liberalism as the fringe. Both here in the US and globally.
No. Just like any military action, covert operations have been in use. The entire Q project is straight out of counter insurgency operations. The military routinely establishes psy-op to inform civilians of required info and counter enemy propaganda.
Clearly, some sort of action occurred in 2016 that prevented the election from being stolen. Admiral Rogers visiting Trump Tower without authorization to inform him of the surveillance being used against him was action. We may never know who did what and where for the last few years.
The 11.3 event is what authorizes massive public legal action. Inauguration Day or soon after would be the day we open deployment of military to the US border. Arrests in DC. Soldiers federalizing the territory.
As written, 11.3 begins the process of reclaiming occupied territory from an enemy. To satisfy that, the territory has to be captured and political authority stripped away. A proper inauguration of Trump would satisfy that requirement, by stripping away command authority from the occupying power.
Once that occurs, cleanup can occur. Public action. Trials. Courts. Arrests. It is factually impossible to clean up DC using the federal court system. They are a part of the problem. So how to get around that legally? So you can try high ranking politicians, Intel agency members, and members of the corrupt DC federal system itself? 11.3. provides the legal framework to create new court systems out of whole cloth to try anyone who assisted the occupying power and it’s agents.
It’s a matter of optics. Trump wins in a landslide. Trump takes office. Then shit goes public. Everything he said he is going to do, he can do using the authority granted by chapter 11.
It’s not the first actions, it’s just the beginning of the public portion of them. The apparent total destruction of the country in the last 4 years is setting the stage to create public approval for the shit storm about to happen.
Who knows? I can guess. I think they do the same thing they did in 2016. Break the algorithm. It takes the numeric vote switching AND the cheese ballots working together.
In 2020, they didn’t have to come up with 50 million ballots. Biden didn’t really get 81 million. Without the algorithm, he got 40 million. And Trump probably got 100 million. The algorithm switches red to blue, at a rate of predetermined rate. Trump got so many votes, that it wasn’t enough. That’s why they had to stop counting, and give themselves time to get more ballots.
2020 was not the way they wanted it to be. Biden was supposed to win cleanly. Trump just did too damn good.
There are far smarter people than me that figure out the algorithm and how it apportioned votes. Once they got the formula, they could apply it districts and the same numbers kept coming up.
If the algorithm is disabled in 2024, it will be impossible to cheat their way out of it with cheese ballots. Trump is going to out of the gate assume an enormous lead, and it will likely be the biggest landslide we have ever seen.
They already did it once in 2016 and none of us even knew it was happening. Which means in 2020, they chose NOT to do it. If they do it again in 2024, we won’t see anything either.
They been running this damn algorithm since Bush1 started all of this NWO bullshit. He paved the way and the machines came in under Bush2. It’s been rigged from the start. They have been hand picking successors since then.
She was supposed to win. They had been rigging elections for decades before 2016. None of this was ever supposed to happen. That’s why Bush and Clinton and Obama are so buddy buddy. Partners in crime. Shits been fucked for 30 years.
If foreign interference was detected that altered the outcome of a presidential election, and that evidence was ignored by all 3 branches, it’s no different than China rolling into DC and conquering the capital. The government has been seized by a foreign power. This scenario was outlined in the Law of War manual update 2016 chapter 11.
From that, the details of the next steps become murky to obvious need for secrecy. The President via PEADS could decide the next steps in a variety of manner. Most likely a shift in the continuity of government structure until such time that the foreign occupation has been removed.
Trump alluded to these secret powers once, “Though there were academic articles and books discussing them since the 1980s, explicit public discussion about PEADS in the media did not begin until March 2020 when President Donald Trump said: "I have the right to do a lot of things that people don't even know about," during a White House press briefing with Prime Minister Leo Varadkar of Ireland”
The takeaway is that since the nuclear age, plan upon plan upon plan has been created to account for every possible contingency. If the election outcome was swayed by an enemy, it’s no different than had that enemy invaded and took control of DC. If it was detected, and proof was handed to POTUS, there is essentially no limit to the powers he could wield to to restore control.
Reading deep into the details, the most likely scenario is that FEMA and the military coordinate together to ensure continuity of government, and the smallest possible impact to the American people. Hence why Trump said he didn’t want share his proof the election was stolen, in order to prevent civil war.
No one knows exactly how it’s working, because this has never happened. And we aren’t supposed to know. PEADS are the most classified documents in existence, and Congress has no ability to read them. Although they did try 4-5 times between 2016-2020, because they wanted to know what Trump was up too.
Logically, if you think Covid came from a lab and was released on purpose, do you really think we would do nothing about it? We were attacked with a weapon of mass destruction, essentially no different than a nuke. If you believe there was election interference that swayed an election, do you think that would be allowed with no reaction? Does that make sense?
Of course, if you don’t believe covid was on purpose, or there wasn’t election interference, then this is all conspiracy theory.
I’m comfortable on my record of conspiracy theories becoming reality. I’m pretty much batting 100 since 2020. At this point it’s almost a sure bet that if the MSM calls something a conspiracy theory, eventually it will turn out to be true.
These people are stupid always seems so fitting.
We already are in a state of national emergency that was declared in 2018 in relation to foreign election interference. That emergency has been extended every year, including 2023 and is currently active as we speak. It was not just extended during the Trump administration, it has been extended every year during the Biden Administration.
Definition of national emergency-A national emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions not normally permitted.
It’s already happened. Just because you don’t see humvees on the streets doesn’t mean that the bureaucratic changes have not been enacted. Legally, since that day in 2018, extra constitutional action was authorized if foreign election interference was detected.
We can agree to disagree. But I want to you remember this conversation in 2024 when the border is militarized and massive deportations begin. When everything Trump has said he is going to do, he does.
You don’t know the powers the president has. Just google national emergency and read what that authorizes the president to do. Google PEADs and read what they authorize the president to do.
You are wrong. The president via control of the military has almost limitless power to save the republic as needed. This is established and has been used before by Lincoln.
National emergencies flush the constitution down the toilet. They have to exist for times of duress like nuclear or biological war.
It would take you 5 minutes to read for yourself what national emergencies and PEADs do. Go ahead.
I think they will disable the vote changing algorithm on election night like they did in 2016. Clearly they have the capability to do that. Why not in 2020? Because they chose to let it happen.
This will result in a landslide. It’s going to be absolutely unquestionable what the American people choose. Looking at 2020, it’s possible the ratio became as large as 1/3 for the algorithm. Every 3rd red vote was cycled blue in some states.
What do you get without that? Especially now? After these last 4 years? After so many democrats are having illegal aliens shoved in their face? You get 100 million to 30-40 million.
Only after that, will it become public. It’s not just for us. The world has to see. The history books have to reflect it. It has to be done right. Global order must be maintained. We are the US, every country on earth is watching.
We will get our vengeance. The republic will be saved. But only after the biggest election ass kicking that America has seen in a generation or more.
It’s not martial law in the usual sense of the word. As in the way you expect to see it. That would be bad for the economy, bad for global stability, and antiquated. But it is martial law in the sense that the normal flow of power and the constitution is suspended due to compromise of the chain of command.
Legally defined, presidential national emergencies have the authority to override the constitution. The president is given almost unilateral control to save the republic if needed. This precedent goes back to Lincoln.
The 2018 election interference EO declared a national emergency and set the stage for the future. Theoretically, in 2020 if foreign election interference was detected that altered the outcome of the election, the president was handed nearly universal power to use the military to save the republic.
It would be treason to willingly hand over government to an agent of a foreign power. If Trump was handed proof the election was stolen, he has no choice in the matter. Or he is just as guilty as anyone else.
My take is that on the evening of Jan 6, Trump flew to the national command base in Texas, and that’s when some sort of change of chain of command was implemented. Why else would he go there on that night? Then he went to NORAD, then he went to Offut. All in the same night.
Those are the centers of the nuclear weapons side of the military. I believe he was hand delivering to specific generals their orders, proof of election theft, and executing PEADs. I refuse to believe Biden was given control of the nukes. I refuse to believe the normal chain of command stayed in place.
As far as what people expect when they hear martial law, I do think day one of his presidency is going to the closest view we get to that. I do expect military deployment to secure the border. I do expect some sort of coordinated operation to begin deportations. I do expect a national emergency broadcast on our phones advising the public of what is going on. Why else would they have been making sure it works? Why else would they have allowed the border crisis to reach such a state? They had to prepare the optics.
The Q plan was a copy of how the deep state works. The Hegelian dialectic. You allow or create a problem, to pave the way for the soliton you want. Like 9-11. Or the latest business in Israel. How do you stop fucking around and secure the border? You declare a national emergency and deploy the military. How do you get the public on board, even Democrat citizens? You flood their cities with illegal immigrants until the point of near collapse. How do you show people the election process is absolutely broken and corrupt and needs drastic reform, while catching all of the criminals that participated in it? You allow 2020 to happen.
Just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean everything stayed the same. Eventually, the American public will see the 2024 version of martial law. Most things won’t look any different. It doesn’t need to.
It will not happen until after the election, for the sake of optics. There must be no question. Trump is going to win in a landslide. All they need to do is break the algorithm like they did in 2016. Without vote conversion from red to blue, it could be as lopsided as 100 million to 50 million. Or worse.
Trump wasn’t joking when he said on day 1 shit is gonna get real. It is.
I believe it was always meant to be a dud. Specifically designed to take out the old, infirm, and obese. Remember all the supposed smuggled videos of Chinese people dying in the streets? The first videos out of Italy supposedly showing pandemonium? They needed fake fear, cause the real thing wasn’t that bad.
They needed something just slightly worse than the seasonal flu. The elites don’t want their children and family members dying. They don’t want to actually risk their own health. They just needed the appearance of risk.
It’s like the use of nerve gas back in the day in the trenches. You don’t want that shit blowing in the wind and coming right back in your face, that defeats the whole purpose.
Without the assistance of the media, tech companies and government agencies, the entire thing would have just been treated as a slightly bad flu season.
This is nothing. Wait until Americas cell phones start alarming simultaneously and thousands of troops and vehicles are seen arriving at the border.
Part of the operation was to prepare America to not only ignore the MSM, but to actively enjoy their panic. To hate them. To not believe a single thing they say. And it’s working.
Their panic and rhetoric is going to increase daily. They don’t have a plan B. They never thought they would lose control. Future proves the past. NCSWIC.
They are on truth.