Show this to your normie friends who say the Gubment would never throw people into detention camps.
This is why I stocked up on numerous cases months ago. However, it's no assurance the bottled water is or will be safe either.
Jones was red pilling decades before SKB or Q ever showed up. As for Trump,I didn't trust him early on either. But I lived through another scenario where a rich billionaire ran took many votes from the conservative types, and then bailed on us. Ross Perot ring a bell?
Seriously consider the first paragraph on their page. Read it twice if need be. Now does any of that sound a bit odd?
"it's your shitty DNA that caused your cancer!" - Big Pharma
Near Galveston, other side of the causeway.
Then why have millions of vaccinated contracted it? Xiden is dbl vaxxed and dbl boosted,ergo the irony.
July 21st 2021 Bruh. He said it more than once!!!
Prove me wrong if you know he's not.
Biden is a real Pedophile, have you not paid attention?
Research it! I assure you it was 1 year to the date.
NO, I won't lol, but I've been here for quite a long time. I'm even one of the first to get a Pepe avatar for my posts, so this hits home pretty hard.
My Arm-O-Light is not for "common use" it is for when the feces hits the fan. So Nope, Sorry, you cannnnnnnnnnnnnn'tttttt have it!
Exactly! Makes me so happy, I'd go swimming in the nasty arse canals of Bayou Vista!
I have deleted the post!
That's the problem with rumors,they are just that. We can still pray though.
Many here have not been around long enough to know the FACT that Maxey was the first to air the laptops and turn them over to the FBeye. Do some actual research,ask Bannon, it happened on his show.
John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey. He was far from a Satanist!
It was between the two towns and the residents in that direct area consider it Quincy, not Mendon! Fact!
We've had to listen to some folks piss and moan for 1 1/2 years because Q went dark. Then when he finally does post a drop, all we hear from these same folks is that it's a fake Q. Shill much?
I'm glad to see many newbs becoming enlightened to what most of us veterans have known and seen for several years now. But please direct the credit where due.
I guess you've not heard of Galveston or Indianola(retired after 2 hurricanes and the civil war). Both were major ports at the time There is also Corpus Christi and Beaumont, and Houston Ship channel. Texas will be just fine, and we'll whip the piss out of anyone who tries to screw with us. "Don't Mess With Texas" is more than just an anti-litter slogan!
And what has your governor,or better yet,what have YOU done to help? Flapping your jaws does nothing.