Need an immigrant version of the Chris Rock video explaining to young black men not to get arrested...
Also why is it you never see a Dem go rogue when they get old and senile? No-name... McConnell...
Kentucky has a Dem governor who will appoint a Dem replacement. Lesser of two evils is still evil but better the devil you know...
Melania rocking the stocking hat....
Wow... The poultry show in Atlanta is huge for the industry...
Nice he's giving the pen to RFK jr
Agree... I wonder if NATO fears Russia on their border more than Russia fears NATO on their border...
Thomas and Alito are rumored... Alito has been more open about his desire to retire.
Motorcade down there and escort each one out...
Isn't that Vance's mom ..
If true it's prolly cuz he wants one for himself but doesn't like the optics of pardoning himself...
She doesn't want to have to cleanup all the empty wine bottles laying around...
I think buying Greenland serves two fronts. First is locking up resources and keeping them out of China's hands. Second is to have a submarine base in the North Atlantic the removes our dependency on the UK and Scotland as the host of our only sub base in the N.A.
A government shutdown is market research for DOGE. Nonessential functions shut down are a good place to start.
I was going to say who the f is this guy and why should I care... I understand Karma...
Exactly... Means squat if she doesn't go to jail
So you can sanction the Attorney General?
She doesn't look weird at all... Not...
Another impact from Trump's first term. He nominated enough 9th circuit judges to change it from a liberal court to a conservative leaning one.
More and more corporations are "near shoring" from Asia (mostly China) into Mexico. This could have long term impacts to Mexico since those companies are going to move because of a strategic decision to shorten supply chains and get out of increasingly costly Asia locations. If they cannot count on a stable relationship between Mexico and the U.S., they'll go elsewhere. Once they build that plant somewhere else they are not picking it up and moving it to Mexico.
Well... Not a child but throwing out my script tonight..
How can I short the Northern VA housing market?
Call up Dr Michael Burry and get me some CDOs...
To the extent any agency was established via executive order vs legislation it can be dismantled via EO. Otherwise agency personnel could be reassigned or furloughed thus making it ineffective. Not as permanent.
Little Mogadishu is a real problem in MSP...