bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Darkness into light has been in the Bible and warped by the secret societies like freemasons, who use the Sun symbol to represent Satan in a perverted way.

Satanists like to pervert all of God's words and make a mockery. Thats the core part of Lucifer wanting to become God, but is just a faker.

For them "light" or illumination represents the knowledge of how to enslave humanity while following their own little set of rules and convincing themselves they are not breaking any rules.

Q has been reclaiming a lot of symbols from the Cabal. Its part of defeating the secret societies by taking over their symbolism.

Symbolism will be their downfall

Dark to Light is literally that - we have all been living in darkness for all these millenia and every one of us here who studied the Q drops have started to find ourselves emerge from this darkness into light of the true knowledge.

Even the number 17 is the same. It stands for victory in the Bible, but the Cabal also used it to rub it into our faces as a way of showing their victory over us (For example JFK Assassination). Q team reclaimed it back for the victory of Good over Evil.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

trying this by skipping lunch

That wont work. You need a solid 16 hour break and you wont get it from skipping lunch. Here is what I did and lost 22 pounds in just a few weeks.

  • Dont eat anything between 5pm and 9am (obviously dont drink anything with sugar/milk/etc during this time as well)

  • Completely cut off alcohol and sugar drinks

  • Reduce processed food, sweets as much as you can

  • Eat meat, eggs, veggies and less than one third carbs in each meal

  • Dont use seed oils

If 5 - 9 is hard, make it 7 - 9 to begin with.

Even after first couple weeks, you will notice your cravings will reduce and eventually you will stop caring for sweets. (I used to be a crazy sweet tooth, and now I hardly feel like eating sweeets).

Slowly increase to 5pm - 9am. Increase even further if you can - that will help cut you weight quicker.

Once you reach the weight you are happy with, you can simply stick to 5pm - 9am.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because the judge convinced the Jury (so to speak) that eveb though the accountant did it, Trump must have known it.

Here is the metaphor he used:

The jury had asked to hear again what they described in a note as the judge's "rain metaphor" instruction.

It advises jurors that they can infer that it's raining β€” by seeing someone's wet umbrella, for example β€” even if they don't see the rain themselves.

I kid you not, this judge peed on our umbrella and told us its raining.

Man, I thought RussiaGate was blatant, 2020 was blatant, Plandemic was blatant, Vaccines were blatant, but, nothing is more blatant than this "conviction"

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Intermittent Fasting. Basically you stop eating, lets say at 5 pm, and dont eat anything until 9am (you can vary the times based on how long you want to fast each day)

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

money stashed

More like held hostage.

Anyone know why Japan joined the Axis in WW2 considering they had been allies with British/Americans for more than 7 decades by then?

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once you hold a metal bullion in your hand, you will fall in love. Gold, silver, does not matter. There is a reason why Humanity has been obsessed with these metals from the beginning.

Personally, paying premium for the polished bullions is a waste I think.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, I never knew you actually experienced NDE. I was just calling you due to the username, thought it would be funny! Would love to hear more though.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember this one kid in childhood who always picked to be the bank when we played monopoly. His reason "I hate losing money". We laughed at him then, but looking back he had the right idea.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

but you don't get to stay out of prison merely because you are appealing your conviction

There are conditions as this post points out.

And I'm not a dude 😁

Oh, I just use that for both men and women!

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

The biggest realisation any person can have in their lifetime that their entire reality is simple a belief system. Only when you realise it can you ask yourself "How can I verify that my belief system actually reflects the truth to the best extent it can?" and thats where the journey begins.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technically correct, but I think quite a stretch even for the Cabal to pull off. They might have planned it, if they saw his popularity was dented even a little, but it only grew after the verdict.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't say Hitler's. I said "what we know the real goals of WW2" - the real goals of the Satanists who orchestrated WW1 was to get rid of monarchy, and WW2 was a unified Europe under either Nazis or Commies - whoever won out in the end.

Hitler played this game, definitely knowing he was a pawn, but also trying to outmanoeuvre his controllers, and in the end succeeded in setting back their plans, even though he failed getting rid of them (That would have been an impossible task regardless, at that time with his limited vantage)

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Never understood how such a boring guy like Sedaris was managed to push so hard.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

but even so nearly pulled off a brute force removal of London bankers

Not really. There was also the entire US to contend with. The bankers are well distributed for this very reason. He was never even close to success, not even with just London bankers, unless he bombed he hell out of London and reduced the whole England into rubble, and he definitely did not want to do that. And even if he did that, the US was still at large.

Hitler likely fell into a trap or was betrayed

More like he simply did not expect the full extent of the problem to be so enormous.

Secondly, his solution was just exterminating the vermin which we have seen is futile if people are not awake.

We cannot hold either against him, because the enemy is sophisticated and he was still a pioneer in this problem.

The point though, is that Hitler would never have been successful no matter how hard he tried, because he simply did not have the full map. What he achieved - ensuring Nazis did not win. AND communism did not spread - was the best possible outcome given the circumstances.

Q plan built on the lessons learnt from all these attempts and it took decades of prep work (BRICS started early 2000 for eg) AND 8 long years of actual Operation to get to this point.

We truely have no idea how iconic this moment in humanity is, and we all exit right here, right now.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is always arguments about the edge areas! Luckily I am well within the middle of Gen X, so I dont care where it starts or ends really :)

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it was Greatest generation, Baby boomers, X, Y, Z.

I think the next generation is just being born. They call them "post millenial" or AA, but not sure the terms have caught on.

You are really getting me to think this was all by design!

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude, I am in Australia and we didn't know what a Sheriff was until we watched American movies, and I am seeing Sheriffs here as well!!

First time wife noticed and were were thinking perhaps it was some private security car, but no, it looks very official and it says Sheriff.

I think its not just US, but everywhere else, we are going to go back to Constitutional government with Sheriffs being the local authority. Riccardo Bosi (who is like the Flynn of Australia) has been hinting about this as well.

So I can easily see why you might be seeing more Sheriffs there as well. And yes, I feel more safe when I see them on the roads, and even seeing a patrol car on the street pulling stupid drivers rather than council cars hiding in the bushes sending tickets.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sadly, Trump was not convicted of hush money. He was convicted of his accountant making wrong entry.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Misleading post since this is from 3 years ago when he got Tik tok under control.

bubble_bursts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dude, death row and felony are two different things!

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