BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

This should wake everyone up to the reality of these marxist fanatics. Murder is simply a tool to achieve their goals.

Ask the 20+ million Russians / Ukrainians Christians that died at their hands from murder or starvation

They are soulless zealots.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

These degenerates are scared and acting on emotions.

She has openly called for the assassination of a former president of the USA. This must be considered a treasonous act and treated as such by at the least, the secret service.

Will X ban her?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 21 points ago +21 / -0

The Vatican has become a den of vipers and jesuit satanists.

I say that as a catholic.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Often the outsourced “experts” were related.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Civil servants are nothing more than mafia with a monopoly on violence and propaganda.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

That was great, informative and funny.

Thanks fren.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another thing that they should do is reform one of the most detrimental aspects of modern society, television.

On state tv, ban all soap operas, rap music, and heavily vet any Hollywood filth.

Replace with documentaries (no pseudo science climate crap), arts, theatre and classical music. Nationalistic history, civics programs and “how to” programs to influence pride and a sense of belonging while encouraging individual freedom.

The other crap can be shown on private tv and heavily taxed / licensed. Thry should also be banned from ad revenue in an effort to expose who is funding it (we nose who it is).

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to use sticks and stones on these animals.

The marxists are protecting them from the words.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Being Irish, our country basically photocopied the UK law book, thus creating the perfect civil service “state” for the leaders of the independence war to rule over us.

Part of the “civil war” that followed was actually a power struggle between two political factions.

Our country is a mess for private citizens but an unaccountable utopia for civil servants.

Their laws, tax rules, licensing and regulations are designed to rob us “legally” so they can enrich themselves. All enforced by their civil service courts, the civil service goon squad (An Gardai / police), then the civil service jails.

This is what happens when a government has a monopoly on violence. The simple threat of violence is enough to pay your taxes.

And when you pay your taxes, you are then obliged to pay further taxes on anything you purchase / consume.

They actually awarded themselves a 10% pay rise last year. They are importing thousands of welfare parasite migrants who they know will vote to keep the Ponzi scheme going.

Until that is, there is nothing left to steal. That’s when the fun will begin.

It’s beyond a clown show.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whose courts would they be?

The civil servant courts?

The civil service judges, using civil service “laws”, will “judge” other civil servants, all while being paid with your taxes.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0


“But we need to pay these salaries to attract them away from the private sector”

Believe me, anyone who “works” for the government is not interested in working.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a catholic, I denounce the current imposter claiming to be the pope. He is a jesuit marxist subversive degenerate.

The “artwork” behind his throne in the serpent hall is all you need to see to understand this.

His actions over the past years have moved me further from the church and closer to God. I now realise that the church is nothing more than a middleman attempting to place themselves between me and God in order to profit.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 9 points ago +9 / -0

Solves the argument “but without government, who would fix the roads?” Libtards often use.

I say make civil servants wear a similar uniform.

And long term welfare recipients.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aluminium is in everything, especially skin contact products like deodorant and shampoo.

Do not use this crap.

Soap is all you need, as used for thousands of years.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha, I mentioned this earlier in an Ian Carrol related post.

It was a great interview, Sam & Co are always entertaining.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is no sovereignty for the Marxist political parasite class.

Irish leader recently said “sovereignty is an outdated idea”. We are being flooded with 3rd world welfare parasites, who will soon be allowed to vote, to keep the government in power.

It’s universal thanks to Soros and WEF.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny thing is, if most indigenous patriotic person in every western country that has been flooded with 3rd world welfare parasites were honest, they would agree with him.

They offer nothing to our nations, their infiltration into public service should frighten any native.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Send all the ungrateful third world parasites back.

We have now trained some of them to at least behave a little civilised, so these politicians especially can help improve their countries.

I am sick of looking at them.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Strange. A magazine cover like this would need to be prepared and approved days before release.

This appears the day after the debate, with the word panic.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bibi went full happy merchant for a few seconds at the start.

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