ButAtLeastWeDontHave 12 points ago +12 / -0

It seems like the new narrative has already gormed as soon as he said this. Now they say, "nobody ever claimed that the government was almost overthrown or election overturned."

Yea I don't have a fucking goldfish memory, dudes, that was the only thing they cried about for half a year now.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

at least not according to Q

but you can believe what you want to

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Yea but if aliens exist, then why didn't people also write down the aliens version of the Bible too? Checkmate!"

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +2 / -1

"Trump is actually Deep State, guys!!! I don't care what the Q posts say even if he said literally the opposite, Q also said disinformation is necessary and that's the one Q post that I, the arbiter of what Q meant to say, decide that that's the one post that isnt disnformation."

What's the point in Q if you can just make shit up and put Q's name attached to it because "disinformation is necessary"?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

its their favorite go-to "gotcha" when they say something that Q blatantly said the opposite of

like I said, "No one wants another flat earth situation on this site."

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 0 points ago +4 / -4

This is GreatAwakening.win

not Christianity.win

We love God and Jesus here but keep it Q related, especially like the other anon said, Q has already addressed it. No one wants another flat earth situation on this site

by BQnita
ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think anytime the Captiol protest gets brought up, just throw the same shit they threw at Trump during the White House Siege.

"Bunch of Bunker Bitches. A real leader would go right up to the dangerous protesters who want to kill them and ask them what he can do to help them. No police protection either, otherwise he will look like an evil dictator to them."

Don't let the DS cover up their attempted murder of Trump just because it backfired on them after 1/6 narrative

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 4 points ago +4 / -0

Destroying crops? Now what kind of people would do that? Invaders? Nah that would be racis

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

yep, i believe that would count as saying the lords name in vain, saying his name for no reason other than to win a petty internet argument

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the answer is: "vote for it first then we will hammer out the pesky constitutional details afterwards."

DC gets a hyper partisan vote where statehood wins by 1 person who was elected illegitimately, but they have no plan to implement it.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

She was also saying that if DC was a state, then (assuming she would be Governor Mayor) she could've mobilized the military earlier to deal with Capitol protesters.

So which is it you evil bitch? Is it "not unconstitutional because we are still leaving Capitol and federal properties as a separate district" or is it "make us a state so as mayor i also become Governor of the Capitol and the White House"?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

or Old Spice throwing shade on Gillette for being anti male while both are owned by Proctor and Gamble

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 13 points ago +13 / -0

what do you mean, its just copy and pasted! jk

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 24 points ago +24 / -0

"Then why did Joe wear one alone on a zoom call?"

"To encourage others to wear one, idiot."

"So then it is security theater?"

"Holy shit you mouthbreathers are fucking insane. Dude, do you not understand that science changes as the data changes? Would you seriously not wear a seatbelt because you saw a click it or ticket ad? Read a fucking book sometime! Imagine being a tR*mp supporter and still thinking you have permission to speak. You fascists and boomers need to die off already so Republicans will stop being elected. Please seek mental help now. I hope you learn to be a good person someday, bootlicker. I'm praying for you. Do you not read the bible? Jesus said to love thy neighbors so why aren't you getting your shot or masking up? Afraid of needles snowflake? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH. Fuck off. Knuckledragger."

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

So that explains why USA Today had to "fact check" about 250,000 votes two months ago. People knew then and now that it was getting ahead of the story.


ButAtLeastWeDontHave 6 points ago +6 / -0

Isn't this the same dude that wanted camps for Trump supporters?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 11 points ago +11 / -0

yep, have to take the fight to them just as they do to us

"This is a very weird way of saying you hate minorities."

"Say 'I hate free thinking brown people' without saying I hate free thinking brown people."

"He can claim it's about this or that but the bottom line is that he wants to genocide nonwhites."

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 25 points ago +25 / -0

Also showing that conservatives would help people on the other side of the aisle. Lefties can only wish for genocide, even if they had money to fundraise with.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

"impossible to defend"

They seem pretty good at defending or ignoring things one at a time. But what if it all came at once? They would be forced to shut it down but that wont work, just like they couldnt stop the Epstein memes

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is amazing because now Biden would be forced to tell them to stop arresting people crossing the border, possibly trying to send in the feds to stop the state from enforcing its own laws and border. Of course I can see the Reddit narrative already "imagine if California arrested anyone from Colorado crossing into their state, that's totally the exact same thing here!"

of course inb4 the Dems claim inhumane conditions or something and the term "concentration camp" is back in their vocabulary

by gamepwn
ButAtLeastWeDontHave 5 points ago +5 / -0

hopefully if britain wins their civil war they dont voluntarily give power back to the crown like last time

by gamepwn
ButAtLeastWeDontHave 5 points ago +5 / -0

can you imagine if american cops still used batons or fire hoses on protesters? the outrage from high and mighty europeans would be deafening

of course they would also support live rounds against these guys. so they dont know what they want other than calling America a "third world country with a Gucci belt" (omg so original i came up with that all on my own)

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