Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen to that. I have limited experience with making hiring decisions, but I'll be damned if I didn't learn a valuable lesson about the importance of screening for crazy.

Bye_Reddit 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, you're not the only one who has noticed. I think you know why - erasing the distinction between "unvaccinated" and "one vax shot" implies that there is a significant distinction in the first place.

Bye_Reddit 5 points ago +5 / -0

Haha, in this case there are so many red flags that one glance is all you really need. But there are more subtle cases... many people have just one or two of these ridiculous body modifications, they might not appear batshit insane to the untrained eye. A good employer will catch it though.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's this Mat fella?

"Mar-a-Lago" means "sea to lake" in Spanish. So, Mat to Lake? Mat Lake? I don't think "mat" means anything in Spanish.

Bye_Reddit 12 points ago +12 / -0

Replying to my own comment with an additional thought.

You know what goes through a good employer's mind when they encounter a prospective employee who looks like this?

It's not politics.

They're thinking, "if this person has so little respect for their own body, how are they going to treat my business?"

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they take care of themselves.

Bye_Reddit 6 points ago +6 / -0

I posted this once before but Anne's agent might be in on the crime:

Heche has been in a coma since the accident, her agent claimed.

Bye_Reddit 12 points ago +12 / -0

Sad, most of these people would be attractive if they weren't so obsessed with mutilating themselves.

If they hadn't defiled their own bodies with piercings, tattoos, tranny nonsense, egregious amounts of makeup, ridiculous hair dye, and so on, they would have no trouble getting work. They want to think society is rigged against them but in their case it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Bye_Reddit 22 points ago +22 / -0

Thank you for actually being concerned with your daughters' wellbeing. More parents should follow your example. I'm so sick of the excuses people use to justify sacrificing their children to the government - hypocrites.

Bye_Reddit 19 points ago +19 / -0

Schools are given directives at the state and federal level - it's a mistake to think that the problems with our education system were caused by "conservative laziness." What a weird claim. Conservatives are some of the most hardworking people I've ever met. You know who typically sleep in until noon and stay on their phones all day? Starts with an "L."

The truth is, there's a reason our public education system is free and required. They are public indoctrination camps, and I mean that literally. This will not change until corruption at the upper levels of government is dealt with. I don't care how many school board meetings you attend.

In the meantime, any parent who sends their child to a public school is knowingly endangering them, even though safer options are readily available.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give him a few hundred more of his own shots, I'm sure it will clear right up.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

It seems numbers are growing, yes!

Given that this is wartime, it's hard to get an exact reading of the situation--the fog of war is very thick--but the anecdotes I've seen are encouraging. People are waking up, but it's also becoming more apparent than ever that some individuals will never face reality. I think it's because they are willingly guided by Satan, not because they are ignorant.

More of us are embracing the truth, and the evil among us is being exposed for what it is - when you look at things that way, you can be optimistic about our trajectory.

Bye_Reddit 8 points ago +8 / -0

That's right - so it makes sense that the COVID farce could have been presented in such a way to exploit the psychology of these people. OP's probably not far off the mark.

Bye_Reddit 7 points ago +7 / -0

I do think a lot of them are guided by suicidal thoughts under the guise of compassion. Take vegans for example - most of them are perfectly fine with sacrificing their own health "for the sake of the planet."

Some of them may be born evil, but the ones who aren't have been brainwashed their whole lives to destroy themselves as well as the society they inhabit.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

What do you do when the people who are supposed to dole out the punishment are the ones committing the crimes?

Bye_Reddit 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's awesome! My best to her and the child.

Bye_Reddit 6 points ago +6 / -0

We need some sort of "wall of shame" to pin these despicable comments indefinitely. If you ever doubt we're at war, just go visit the wall of shame and come back with renewed vigor.

Bye_Reddit 40 points ago +40 / -0

CasuallyGreg's still rocking the rainbow flag... I think his regret has yet to peak.

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds like a good initiative. :-) You should share some of your biblical truths here if you find the time!

Bye_Reddit 3 points ago +4 / -1

I am satisfied with the explanation that Trump's more confusing actions (say, with regard to the clot shot) can be chalked up to information warfare.

However, it is important to remember that information warfare cuts both ways. There is nothing in the rulebook that says Q can't publish false or misleading statements in order to flummox our opponents.

How does the post go? "Disinformation is necessary?"

The moment we abandon discernment for one individual is the moment that our enemies realize they can exploit our map of reality. Skepticism, even as applied to President Trump, is a healthy trait - especially given the stakes here.

Bye_Reddit 17 points ago +17 / -0

No offense, but I think you might be giving liberals too much credit.

As Trump puts it, he survived the Russian collusion hoax, fake impeachment #1, fake impeachment #2, and several other BS narratives. Why would the failure of this raid wake anyone up?

I won't blame you if you're tired of hearing me say this--I say it a lot--but the fact that some people haven't yet questioned the legitimacy of anti-Trump propaganda strongly suggests that they aren't stupid, but evil. They know what they're doing is wrong, but they're totally content having you believe that they're morons, waiting for them to "come to their senses" - which will never happen.

Bye_Reddit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for the thoughtful response!

Yes, I think a lot of people (myself included) have a hard time knowing what to believe as far as J6 is concerned. So much deepstate propaganda, not to mention questions regarding the marketing leading up to the event. I was not in attendance.

I'm glad it was a positive experience for you, and especially glad you didn't run into any issues with the law. It would be great if the narrative that Trump supporters were arrested was just entirely fabricated - maybe, who knows anymore!

Trump is not perfect, and he’s made his mistakes, and I’m glad that that’s happened. He’s human! He’s not run by the deep state, and he has a navigate the constant attacks on his life. I think he is doing the best he can, and I am grateful for that.

This is my take on President Trump as well, I'm just not keen on people attacking other (potentially genuinely patriotic) people who hold different views on the president. Anything other than rabid TDS should be confronted with compassion, I think.

Bye_Reddit 4 points ago +5 / -1

That is a good point and it's why I don't criticize Trump for not pardoning J6 prisoners. I find it strange, however, how much marketing work was done for this particular rally - was the speech itself any more significant than most of Trump's speeches? I don't think so. It was about as good as they usually are.

So why the marketing? "January 6th in D.C. - be there, will be wild!"

Why were posts constantly pinned to the top of The Donald endorsing this event? Example: https://web.archive.org/web/20201230003946/https://thedonald.win/


The President told the protestors to "go home, we must have peace." That's fine, but it suggests that Trump has a legal solution to the incredible turmoil our country faces. I choose to have faith in him and in Q--the Mar-a-Lago raid could very well be the storm we've been waiting for--but it's been 2 years since the election was stolen, J6 prisoners still rotting away behind bars, no significant arrests of globalist politicians - I don't blame anyone for losing faith in Trump under these circumstances, these are hard times with a LOT of political subterfuge.

My point is, patriots who are losing patience are not necessarily deepstate agents, and I think it's wrong to throw them under the bus (or kneejerk downvote posts as is happening here - even though I still support Trump) instead of engaging with them intellectually.

Bye_Reddit -3 points ago +3 / -6

Yes, Trump has made a lot of positive statements. He also endorsed the Pfizer vaccine on multiple occasions and enticed his most fervent supporters to show up to the J6 rally. There are ways of rationalizing these actions, but to claim to know Trump's intentions beyond a shadow of a doubt shows a lack of understanding about the fog of war we find ourselves in.

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