CHIEFW00DY 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason Melania didn't put her hands to her face or exhibit any nose sniffling but Michelle did, is because women don't do that; but men do.

CHIEFW00DY 7 points ago +8 / -1

God always wins. This is what God can do. I'm on FB if you want to PM me and send me your email address and I will send you a Word file that documents this event with screen shots off my cell phone with Rosalyn and I discussing the fact that the Power of God blasted through me, my massage therapists Rosalyn, and her unborn son the last time I got a massage from her.

The Light is coming, and nobody can stop It. Nobody.

This is what happened to us:


The information I am giving you that proves God recently acted overtly in my life, my massage therapist Rosalyn’s life and her unborn son still in her womb; all at the same time. I provide the tangible evidence that happened to us with screenshot pictures off my cell phone that I believe proves to people that God is real. The text messages below are between me and my massage therapist in the fall of 2018, proving that God acted overtly in my life and to another person with me at the time. Some would believe I'm crazy for saying that. I have shown this information to dozens of people over the years since it happened to us. Everyone I’ve shown the text messages between me and Rosalyn to over the years have all walked away in astonishment thus far. No one to date could have or has ever been able to claim it was anything other than a divine encounter with God. A few years ago while getting a massage from my massage therapist Rosalyn who was also 7 months pregnant at the time with her baby boy Noah, I was telling her about the Saint Germain Series of books called the “I AM” Discourses that I was studying at the time. I still am, and the books explain how the Laws of Life in the Universe actually work. They claim that if a person practices the spiritual principles given in the books over time at some point they will prove themselves to be true and spiritual manifestations will occur. That is exactly what they did for me. This is what happened; During the massage Rosalyn was working on my right hip while I was lying face up on the massage table allowing us to talk face to face at that moment and I was excited while telling Rosalyn I had found a line in one of my books describing the “Light” exactly how it looked when I had my experience in the Light back in 1982 while in the Navy stationed in Hawaii. I was asked to write that story and it was included along with 17 other people's stories in this 2020 Johns Hopkins University article called "Healthcare After a Near Death Experience" https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/ and can be downloaded at that link for free. Anyway, the books called the Light a “liquid molten golden white living Light," and the instant I said the word “Light” to Rosalyn the infinite Power of divine Peace and Love suddenly blasted through me, Rosalyn, and her unborn son Noah. I suddenly felt the Light of God expanding outward from inside my entire body while also enfolding my entire being from within with infinite divine Love and Peace. This went on for many seconds, which is a really long time for something like that to happen. Before it happened I had my head lifted up off the table while talking to Rosalyn with excitement about what I was going to tell her and that's when the Power of God’s Love hit me with full force and all I could do was drop my head to the table while crying tears of joy that were pouring out from my eyes uncontrollably. I literally had no control anymore. I couldn’t talk, physically move, or even think. I felt the Light powerfully and dynamically enfold every cell in my body, envelope my conscious mind, and fill my Soul with immense divine Peace and Love; and it felt absolutely WONDERFUL! When it was over I wiped my eyes so I could see better and looked up at Rosalyn. She was already looking down at me with wide open eyes and she appeared just as shocked as I was about what just happened to us. Her face like mine was soaking wet with a flood of tears too. So when I saw that she’d been crying I immediately asked her, “Did you feel that!?” And she said, “Uh-huh! And Noah did too!”

Weeks later I found a page in one of the books I study that explained exactly what happened to us, so I took a picture of it and texted it to her. A long while later on I told her I had lost that picture and texted her to ask if she could send it back to me. But before she could answer back I found it and texted that picture back to her again. The screenshot pictures below are of the text message conversation we had that clearly show both of our responses back and forth to one another regarding our Divine encounter together. I think it is very obvious what I just described actually happened to us due to the wording and responses back and forth in the text messages because Rosalyn isn’t texting back saying things like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” or “You’re crazy don’t ever contact me again,” or “You need to go see a psych doctor;” or anything like that at all. She is validating that event actually happened to us. So there's you're tangible proof God is real.

In the Light we are all “One” and there is no such thing as separation, thus what we do to “One” we do to everyone. Love always and always Love!

God bless America,

Tony Woody US Navy Chief Petty Officer (Ret.) P3 Orion Instructor Flight Engineer with over 10K flight hours logged and I held a TS/SCI clearance.

CHIEFW00DY 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer with 22 years of service and at 19 years old I started learning how to be a flight engineer on the P3 Orion four engine heavyweight aircraft. I flew for over 20 years until I was permanently grounded due to excessive hearing loss. Ultimately I logged over 10,000 flight hours. At the pinnacle of my career I was the Top Gun instructor flight engineer and model manager for the EP3 Surveillance & Reconnaissance aircraft fleet and held a TS/SCI security clearance at the time. Now the good stuff: In August of 1980 we landed at a military base on Terecia Island in the Azores for an overnight stop on our way to Sicily to start a six month deployment. The Azores is a small group of islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean about 900 miles off the coast of Spain and was a regular stopover for many military airplanes at the time. My friend Tommy Breland and I both saw a UFO at only about 1500 feet directly over our heads while walking to the base club to get some food late that night after we landed and did our postflight duties. This craft was lenticular in shape and about 150ft wide in diameter and about 35ft to 45ft thick. It was orange, yellow, reddish in color and the skin of the craft had a strange glow to it. Suddenly the craft went to high energy mode and became a super bright white color right before it shot off into the Milky Way. It was a crystal clear warm summer night with no moon and for that reason I was able to watch and see the craft until it left the Earth's atmosphere and went deep into the Milky Way. I lost sight of it in less than 5 seconds. Think about that! DEEP into the Milky Way and was out of sight in less than 5 seconds from 1500ft AGL (above ground level)! It had jaw dropping aeronautical capabilities and there is no way mankind had that kind of technology back in 1980. We didn't even have personal home computers being sold on a large scale until years later and then cell phones came years after that. At the time I had 20/10 vision which means what a 20/20 vision person could see at 1000ft I could see just as clearly at 2000ft. I do not believe mankind has technology like that back then. No way. They are here, and I believe they have been visiting this planet for a very long time in my opinion; unless our government is hiding technology they created after stealing Nikola Tesla's scientific notes after he died from the rest of the world. Which is a real possibility too in my opinion.

CHIEFW00DY 3 points ago +3 / -0

And Bush is dead now. So there's no reason Trump would not release the entire file once he's back in the White House. Just my opinion. But it makes sense to me.

CHIEFW00DY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Early voting in my state starts this coming Friday and I will vote for Trump again just like I did in 2016 and 2020.

CHIEFW00DY 2 points ago +2 / -0

That exposure may be coming from Hunter's Laptop from Hell sooner than we think. Timing is everything, and as we have all seen over the years; Q is all about perfect timing.

CHIEFW00DY 3 points ago +3 / -0

They left wing media can't edit The Rogan/Trump video because of copywrite laws. They would get their asses sued off by Joe and he would be relentless coming after them if they did that, and they know it.

CHIEFW00DY 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well, the video is averaging a MILLION VIEWS AN HOUR since it was released this morning. Good luck to them trying to stop people from watching last nights Rogan and Trump interview. MANY people will do far more than just take a glance at that podcast. Once again, Trump wins and he is a political genius as he easily avoids being censored by MSM.

CHIEFW00DY 7 points ago +7 / -0

Drip, drip, drip until the flood of damning emails are strategically timed that will guarantee Trump a victory because nobody will want Kamala once she is fully exposed with her own emails. Anyone have any popcorn I can borrow?

CHIEFW00DY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone needs to put this on TheWayBackMachine and archive it before YT deletes it. I do not know how to do that or I would have already.

CHIEFW00DY 11 points ago +11 / -0

The betting charts are starting to look like Kamala's legs. HA!

CHIEFW00DY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's a perfect example of what you're talking about regarding the abuse of municipal bonds for money laundering.

"A lack of transparency is a symptom of dishonesty – or worse." https://granitegrok.com/national/2024/10/disinformation-isnt-the-problem-government-coverups-and-censorship-are-the-problem

CHIEFW00DY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Need some sauce with that meme please.

CHIEFW00DY 5 points ago +5 / -0

Healthcare After a Near-Death Experience

"The fourth issue of VOICES features stories from people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). These NDEs occurred when the individuals had lost circulation, respiration, and meaningful electrical brain activity, and normally, would have lost consciousness. These experiences frequently involve a feeling of peace, a bright light, and a separation of consciousness from the body. Though difficult to explain scientifically, these experiences often leave individuals profoundly changed for the remainder of their life: stripping them of a fear of death and reorganizing their priorities. Most healthcare providers receive no training on how to respond to a patient’s report of an NDE. Yet, how they treat patients following these experiences can have long-term impacts. Patients’ self-reports are often ignored, disregarded as non-factual or misdiagnosed as a hallucination or mental illness, creating a “Gap of Care” that causes patients to lose confidence in talking about their experience in the future out of fear that they will be stigmatized. The authors of the symposium stories describe feelings of frustration and hesitation in conveying their experiences to medical providers and family. We hope that the collection of stories might serve as an educational resource to patients, families, and healthcare providers on how to navigate an often hidden experience that is far more common than most people imagine."


CHIEFW00DY 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why did the GAW moderations not flag this post?

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