Some popular fan-made 2016 youtube videos about Trumps powerful debate skills (Titled "Can't Stump The Trump") had a reference to a centipede at the start.
The centipede :)
Yep. Also first link in a while.
Link has date Oct 1, 2020
"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
I have personally witnessed being in complete non-control and unable to change events that I foresaw happening.
It was awful. I was powerless to change the things that were fixed. Yes we have a degree of free will. But some things are fixed.
God is in control. Not Q, not us, not POTUS. Whatever the outcome, it is what God allowed for his purposes.
Tweets so far focused on corruption in the UN and fixing it. Again tweeting using a scheduler probably- getting 30 minute intervals.
Most of the locations are disinfo. ( We don't want/need to know the truth as private citizens - keep the ops secret, protect the plan. Point is - military is doing stuff, very unusual stuff.)
Best thing to verify though is the date. Was it truly from yesterday? I don't know.
Well, they panicked and burned a Fluton County GA building which was storing ballots/equipment.
Read 2 Kings 6 - Elisha was able to see the hosts of God. He was a very righteous man, one of only 2 to be taken directly to heaven.
His story about the last 15 years is incredulous, almost too fantastic to be true.
It could be true. But if true, its better than the plot of most spy novels.
There is much I/we do not understand about how God operates, especially in regards to angels and princes of this world.
Thedonald and here are so Christian compared to places like reddit and real life here in Canada. Most places its taboo to even bring up God. It vexes, like Lot was vexed living in Sodom and Gamorreh.
Opening eyes. Condemning the sin. Sharing the Gospel. Those are only good. Perhaps the Lord will grant another 4 more years. Perhaps not. Either way, eyes have been opened, good or evil has been chosen by all with all evidence freely available.
God has allowed Trump the first 4 years for a reason or multiple reasons. Will God allow Trump another 4? I don't know. In the old testament, repentance and turning to God as a whole nation was often what prevented punishment.
I was watching the flight radar when my husband saw this thread, we had a good laugh.